Chapter 32 - Angel Bow and Arrow

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Joffiel woke up early and did her daily morning routine as fast as she could so that Keidi would not need to drive her to Azazel Company. She can feel that Realyn is going to harass her this morning. Joffiel does not want someone beside her when the time comes when Realyn decides to confront her, since she's expecting that Realyn will show her true color. After preparing everything she needs, Joffiel calls Keidi. "Keidi, I left the apartment early. I have something to do again. You don’t have to come now. I can handle this. I will see you later after my work at Azazel," Joffiel notified. "Oh really? Are you alright? Did something happen last night?" Keidi asked in a panicking voice. "Yes, I am fine and you don't have to worry. Sir Jayden didn't let me go home alone, he brought me home," Joffiel assured. "Okay then. I thought something happened last night. I won’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to you because I did not wait for you after your work at the coffee shop. Anyway, please take care of yourself. Just call me whenever you need me and I will be there," Keidi said. “Thank you, Keidi. I need to go. Bye,” Joffiel ended the call. Joffiel quickly left to go to the Azazel Company. While walking, Joffiel sensed something unusual. She kept walking but after a few yards she felt that Realyn was just nearby. She did not bother to look around and kept walking. The place where she is walking in an open area. Since she is early, there is no one around, only her and Realyn’s presence. Joffiel smiled while walking. She knows that any time, Realyn will attack her without thinking and planning well. She knows that a demon’s nature is to hurt or kill innocent people. What Realyn wants to do is to hurt or kill Joffiel due to embarrassment of ruining her plans. Although Joffiel’s life is in danger, Joffiel does not seem to be bothered by this because she knows that she can stand to fight against a demon like Realyn. "Why don't you show yourself and just kill me if you want? Are you scared?" Joffiel teased Realyn. She stopped walking and looked around. After a few glances, Joffiel saw someone and it was Realyn who was standing away from her. She can see the bloody red eyes of Realyn, signalling that she is about to attack Joffiel. Joffiel prepared herself, she knew that Realyn is prepared to attack her anytime. "Well, well ,well, look who's here. Too bad, you are just by yourself. There is no ‘Shane’ to help you now. You tested my patience, you little b*tch! Too bad, you chose to fight back instead of following my orders. I will make you feel what it is like living in hell, Joffiel," Realyn yelled. Realyn transformed into a horrifying monster. This is her true form, her demon form. "Well, as you can see, I have planned it all. You are just unlucky to face a challenge, which is me. Do you think that you can scare me with that look? I don't care if you change your appearance in front of me. Demons are like that, right? You are one of them. Yes, I know!" Joffiel said, giving Realyn sarcastic smiles. "What are you saying? How did you know that I am a demon? Who exactly are you?" Realyn asked in a confused tone. Joffiel stepped forward towards Realyn. Realyn stepped back as she was nervous. She is confused why Joffiel is calm and just keeps on smiling at her. She can feel a strong power that is emanating from Joffiel. Realyn stood her ground and mustered courage to attack Joffiel. She quickly jumped at Joffiel but when was about to land an attack at her, Joffiel disappeared. Her eyes widened when she saw what happened. She was unable to move because of shock. She looked around and found out that Joffiel was standing behind her. She tried to shove Joffiel but Joffiel was able to dodge her attack. "I won't let this slide, Realyn. You ruined many people's lives and you should know that the Creator punishes evil creatures like you! A demon like you should vanish!" Joffiel said. "What? The Creator? Are you an angel sent by Heaven to kill demons like me?" Realyn asked. "Hmm. It's for you to find out, demon! Now! Begone!" Joffiel shouted. Realyn had enough of Joffiel's sarcasm. She continues to attack her even though she misses and could not see through Joffiel’s quick movements . She's already losing her patience and makes a destructive attack in which Joffiel may get wounded if it reaches her. "You deserved it, Joffiel. I will not let you kill me. You will be the one who will be killed in this battle. I will not let you touch me with those filthy angel hands of yours!" Realyn exclaimed. She continued to attack Joffiel even though she could not hit Joffiel. She is trying to tire Joffiel because she does not know that Joffiel is tireless because of her angelic powers. "You talk too much, that will not help to win against me. You keep on threatening me but it feels like you are already losing even though I have not yet started to fight? Is this all that you have got? All bad things done by anyone should be punished. A demon like you must know this consequence," Joffiel said. Realyn got tired from the missed attacks that she threw at Joffiel. Joffiel used this opportunity, she raised her hand up high and prayed to the Creator to grant her the strength to fight a demon. Realyn was shocked to see Joffiel holding a magical bow and arrow. This is her first time seeing this kind of weapon. It looks deadly to her. She doesn't know what to do so she is planning to escape from Joffiel. She knew that she could not win this battle against angel Joffiel. She regrets that she crossed paths with an angel like Joffiel. The demon Realyn decided to flee but Joffiel chased her. "Where do you think you are going? I told you that I would not let you go! If I let you escape, you are going to spread evilness again. I won't let you do all the wrongdoings you made again," Joffiel exclaimed. Realyn did not listen to Joffiel. She ran as fast as she could. Losing her life in this kind of situation is not the thing she wants. She thinks that running away would save her life against Joffiel and their ruler. Joffiel pointed the arrow towards Realyn who kept on running. She shots at Realyn without her knowing that the arrow can follow a target and go through far places. "One shot, one kill," Joffiel whispered. The arrow followed Realyn as she ran. After a few seconds, the arrow struck Realyn at the back of her neck. Joffiel saw Realyn fall to the ground. She approached her to check if she hit the right spot to bring down Realyn's life. As Joffiel approaches Realyn, she sees that Realyn is still alive and it is trying to crawl away from her. Joffiel could hear Realyn speak an unfamiliar language and she could not understand it. "I hate you!" Realyn shouted as she began to become dust. "Demons are demons anyways. They will never say good things. What should I expect?" Joffiel said to herself. Her angel bow and arrow disappeared as soon as her task of eliminating the demon was accomplished. She continued walking as if nothing happened. She is now at peace since Realyn cannot touch her workmates. Instead of being haggard going into her office, she is looking fine and full of positivity today. She is even greeting all the employees around her. "Looking so happy today, Joffiel. Is there good news?" Shane asked. "Well, not that much. I am just happy and want to share positivity to everyone. You guys should be happy too. Keep on smiling, it looks good on you," Joffiel explained. "She is right. We can finally breathe and express our own feelings without someone blocking our way," Jessica said. "So the department of that woman will hire a new director?" Joffiel asked. Realyn will never come back so Joffiel thought that they need to find someone who will replace Realyn as soon as possible. "Yes. Maybe next week? Sir Fenril is so kind but I hope he will not give that evil woman a second chance," Shane said. "I don't think he will give her a second chance. You also saw how furious Sir Fenril was last time," Joffiel said. "Oh! You have a point though. I will really resign if ever she comes back here. I'm too tired trying to please them," Shane said, directly. Joffiel smiled and tapped Shane's shoulder. She said, "She will never come back again. Rule is rule. They will not let the company be ruined by Realyn's issue."
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