Chapter 6 - The Creator

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Joffiel follows her mentor. She feels her every step as she walks on the new place she’s in. Even though the place is almost the same as the place where she was, she felt very different. “Joffiel, we will only go to the human world once for your training. Make sure you savor the time you get there. As you grow to an 18 year-old angel, you could wander around the human world,” her mentor said. Her mentor started to discuss many things that Joffiel needed for her training. Her mentor was aware that Joffiel always asked something out of curiosity. That is also why her mentor was appointed to guide her because she is one of the best. Even from the previous years, her old mentor and her new mentor were already having conversations about Joffiel. Joffiel silently listens to what her mentor is saying. “Now, I will explain everything that an angel needs to do in the human world,” her mentor said. Both of them were seated so they could talk solemnly. It is obvious through the face of Joffiel that she is very excited. This is the story that she really wanted to know. Her mentor was glad that she saw Joffiel to be so interested in listening to her. She’s thinking that Joffiel is kind of different to everyone that she couldn’t manage to understand. For her, Joffiel is like an angel with excessive kindness mixed with a bit stubbornness, in a good way. The last mentor would be the only one to know the main tasks that would be given when angels are at the right age. This means that the second mentor could not train an angel on specific tasks. “First of all, you would be sent down to the human world so you could do all of your tasks. Those tasks would depend on your last mentor. One example of the tasks includes guiding one specific person up to five individuals. That’s the most common task of an angel in the human world. An angel should make sure that those she guided would be on the right path of righteousness,” her mentor explained. Joffiel nodded. For her, that task would be very easy if she could talk to the humans. However, she doesn’t know what ability she could use in the human world. “Can humans see us? Or are we just like air?” Joffiel curiously asked. Her mentor smiled at her as she believed that Joffiel is not like the other angels. “It will all depend on your next mentor. If you would only be guiding a human, they won’t be able to see you. However, if you will do more complicated tasks, you would be disguised as a human being. But it would only depend on how great you are at your training,” her mentor replied. For Joffiel, being disguised as a human would be more challenging. But she thought that it would be the task that would fit her. The other angels also came and seated next to Joffiel so they could join her as her mentor explained everything. The mentor stood up so everyone could see her and proclaimed “It is strictly forbidden for an angel to love a human being. Remember that we are angels and it would not be benefitting to us. Be neutral to everything you do in the human world. If you are disguised as a human being and someone falls in love with you, just do the best course you think you could do.” “But I don’t understand, should we not love them just like the love we have for each other?” Joffiel asked in confusion. “I forgot about this one, as an angel we are really bound to love one another. But as you go down to the human world, the word ‘love’ would become different. The love we have for another angel is like loving one as a sister or as a brother. But the love that I’m talking about is about the thought of wanting a specific being to be with you, just the two of you, to be together forever,” her mentor answered. Joffiel became more confused. She never thought that one would be selfish to not love everyone equally. However, she realized that those things would not be a problem for her. As she knew that an angel like her could be a true angel on finishing all of her tasks, she’s already content. She would not dare to violate any rules that would stop her from her goal. “Is that thing really possible, Angel Zai?” one of the angels asked. When Joffiel heard the question, she was embarrassed that she didn't know what her mentor's name was. She’s too focused on listening about what angels needed to do. “Yes, though it is a very small percentage. However, our God is forgiving. He would give us chances as He sees accepting. But if an angel is really that disobedient, you could be sent down lower than the human world, called Hell,” Angel Zai answered. Every angel including Joffiel became puzzled on what Angel Zai just said. They thought that all angels are very obedient to God and would never do anything that would disappoint Him. “That’s why everyone should make sure that you do not fall to the traps of the demons roaming in the human world,” Angel Zai reminds all of the angels. Joffiel promised to herself that she would never be tempted by evil beings in the human world. The mentor also discussed the other rules that a 13 year-old angel could understand. After the discussion, all the other angels went away aside from Joffiel. Anna wanted to stay but since Angel Zai needed to have a further discussion with Joffiel, she went away with the other angels. “Angel Zai, I’m very sorry. I was so focused on learning what angels do that I didn’t even ask for your name,” Joffiel talked to her mentor. Angel Zai shook her head saying, “That’s okay, Joffiel. It’s my fault for not introducing myself. Are you baffled on why they call me Angel Zai?” “Yes, that’s what I meant to ask a moment ago,” Joffiel answered. “Angels that already finished their task would have ‘Angel’ attached to their name, when you finished yours, you could also be called Angel Joffiel,” Angel Zai continues. That’s the first time that Joffiel learned that thing. She thought that angels are called like that because of their age. “Thank you, Angel Zai. When the time comes, I would also be like you. I’m very excited to be called Angel Joffiel,” Joffiel said happily. Angel Zai touches Joffiel’s cheek. She said, “We are all on the same level. You don’t need to be like me because you would be your best version in the future. I hope for your happiness and I will be very glad to call you Angel Joffiel in the future as you became a true angel.” Joffiel became more confident as her own mentor trusted her abilities. Angel Zai guided Joffiel through the other gate. Joffiel was puzzled because that door is for angels that are 18 years old and older. “Why are we going this way, Angel Zai?” Joffiel asked. “Just like I told you earlier, we will go to the human world once throughout your training. This is the time, make sure you hold me tight so you would not be lost in the human world,” Angel Zai explained. Joffiel became excited. She didn’t expect that the ‘once’ Angel Zai was talking about is on the same day. She holds onto Angel Zai tightly as they enter the gate to the human world. In just a blink of an eye, they were already falling swiftly from Heaven, Joffiel was surprised at what had happened. Angel Zai fixed the position of Joffiel so she could be comfortable. Joffiel became dumbfounded on what she was feeling. She could barely see the human world from her place. As the view of the human world became clearer, she was puzzled on how the human world looks like. “Is that really the human world? Joffiel asked. “Yes, we’re really far away from it, it just looks like it's small but it is very big. We could not go all around that world in just a day. So we will only visit specific places that your next mentor would give your tasks,” Angel Zai answered. As time passed by, their speed also became faster. In just a matter of minutes, they have already landed on the surface of the human world. Joffiel looks like she does not know what to do. As she turned around, she was surprised that a very big thing was coming for her. She was knocked on her feet, but she realized that nothing had happened to her even though a thing that she doesn’t know feels like it hit her. Angel Zai just smiled at Joffiel then offered her hand to help Joffiel to stand on her feet. “What was that thing, Angel Zai?” Joffiel asked. “That thing is called a vehicle, it is a thing that human beings used for them to travel faster. That specific thing that you thought hit you was called a bus,” Angel Zai answered. “Humans, unlike us, could not fly freely. They needed something for them to travel faster in this big world. Look at those beings that are walking near the moving vehicles. They are human beings,” Angel Zai added. “I see, just like what we were taught a long time ago. Humans don't have wings and halos just like this,” Joffiel touches her wings as she talks to Angel Zai. “What are they talking about? I don’t understand a thing,” Joffiel asked. “They are talking using their own language, don’t worry about that thing since as you become older, you will be granted an ability that lets you understand all of the languages in the whole universe,” Angel Zai explained. Bit by bit, Joffiel learns more about the human world as Angel Zai explains everything to her. As their discussion ends in that location, Angel Zai lets Joffiel observe the human world for a longer time. They are still holding each other as Joffiel was not familiar with that place. Joffiel notices that there were many expressions that the human beings used. She knew about those things from her old mentor but she’s still surprised as she sees them in her own eyes. “Are they really not like us that are always happy and serious about doing all the tasks assigned to them?” Joffiel asked innocently to her mentor. “Unfortunately, we are not like them. Our God gives them different kinds of trials and tasks. Actually if you would look only at the tasks assigned to us and them, you would conclude that angels have harder tasks. However, if you would look at the situation, them having the ability to be hurt and to feel sadness and us not even feeling anything like that, you would say that their tasks are difficult for them. Also, unlike us, many of them think that they are different, that they have different levels. Many humans think that those people that are rich are on the higher part of their world. Also, many human beings are disobedient to our Creator,” a long explanation by Angel Zai. Joffiel couldn’t do a thing aside from observing every human being she could see. She does not pity any of them since she knows that their God has a reason for giving them those kinds of situations. They changed their location and Joffiel was amazed at the infrastructure in front of her. “That thing is called a building. Most of the human beings work at that place. As they are working, they have different positions and with that they have different kinds of tasks. By doing their specific tasks, they could earn a thing called money which they could use to trade for other things like food and clothing,” Angel Zai explained. Joffiel is already aware of the word ‘food’ although angels don't need them as they also do not feel hunger and thirst. However, it’s her first time hearing the word ‘money’. She does not expect that things are needed to earn so that you can get something you want. She now knows why her mentor said that for human beings, their tasks are difficult. Both of them wander around the area and Joffiel sees many things in the human world. Whenever she asks about the things she doesn’t know, Angel Zai answers and explains everything. Joffiel learns many things from Angel Zai, although she wanted to stay for a longer time, Angel Zai told her that it was already time to come back to Heaven. Joffiel obediently follows as she knows that she would spend time in the human world at the right time. Deep in her heart, she felt that she was already attached to this world. As they fly up to Heaven, Joffiel sees the entirety of the human world. She felt a little bit of sadness but she does not know that it is that feeling. When they went back to Heaven, Angel Zai talked to Joffiel, “I also didn’t know the details, but our God, the Creator, wanted to talk with you.” Joffiel becomes excited. She didn’t know what the Creator would tell her but merely knowing that she will be in the presence of God makes her full of joy. Angel Zai escorted Joffiel to the golden gate. “This is as far as I could escort you, you just need to walk inside the golden gate,” Angel Zai told Joffiel. Joffiel started to walk towards the gate and as she came closer, she felt that her hurt was almost bursting with joy. As she’s inside the gold gate, she could not describe for herself the area she’s in. It’s like a big room that has infinite space, it’s like the outer space she’s in when she goes to the human world but instead of darkness, it’s full of light. “Joffiel,” a voice suddenly heard across the area. Just from the voice, she knew that it was the Creator. The only thing that could describe how the voice sounds is ‘perfect’. “Yes, our God. What is the thing you wanted from me?” Joffiel asked in a very polite tone. “Now that you are thirteen years old, I want you to know something,” the Creator answered. “Anything for you, my Lord,” Joffiel replied. “Before you became an angel, you were a human being,” the Creator said. Joffiel was shocked by what she had heard. She doesn’t know what she’s feeling about what the Creator has said. “You died just a few hours after your birth, and because of your parents' unyielding faith, I decided that you would be an angel. I’m saying this to you so you would be prepared when you go to the human world,” the Creator added. “But Angel Zai said that all of us, angels, are the same. That does mean I’m not like them?” Joffiel asked. “Angel Zai didn’t know that you were a human being but that does not mean that you are different to the other angels,” the Creator replied. Joffiel just listens in silence. “As I have said, you should be prepared since if you’re going to the human world, your emotions would be affected, unlike the other angels that are not that affected by negative emotions, yours would not be the same,” the Creator said. “That means that I would also experience sorrow and sadness in my heart just like human beings?” Joffiel asked. “That would depend on you, the stronger you believed in yourself and the stronger you believed in me, the higher the chance that you wouldn’t be affected by those emotions,” the Creator replied. “Then I’m very much confident that I wouldn’t sway away,” Joffiel said. “I know you are really a strong angel, I have watched you since you came here in Heaven. However, the human world is not only housing human beings, there are also many evil beings. So as a countermeasure, I would also reveal the truth about your identity to Angel Zai and your next mentor,” the Creator said. “Thank you very much, my Lord. I would make you happy and I would achieve all of my goals,” Joffiel confidently said. “After you leave this place, speak to Angel Zai and say that I’m inviting her inside. After that, you could do what you wanted, join the other angels since I knew they wanted to be with you,” the Creator said. Joffiel leaves the place and speaks with Angel Zai. She joins where Anna and the other angels were.
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