Chapter 14 - Neighbors

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Joffiel wakes up from her sleep. It’s not normal for an angel to fall asleep for several hours but she did. It’s one of the effects of being on the Earth. So what do I need to do? Joffiel asks herself. Joffiel looks at her vault and realizes something. Maybe I could find a job? But some people at the same age as I are currently studying in university. Maybe I should do that? She looks at her cell phone and browses the internet. She found out how she can apply to universities and also to find a job, but found out that those things needed papers for validation. Joffiel sighs and somewhat gives up but she reads that there are companies that hire people even without degree or work experience. “That means, I have to find those jobs. I needed money anyway. I need to live like a normal person, providing my daily needs is one of these tasks,” Joffiel said. At that time, a knock from her door was heard. She immediately checks out for the person knocking her door. As she opened the door, she saw a middle aged woman holding out a fast food to her. “Hello, my beautiful neighbor,” the woman greeted. Joffiel was confused by the woman's gestures. However, she gladly welcomed her neighbor. “What can I do for you, Ma’am?” Joffiel asked. “Ohh, I’m just here to bring this to you. I’m sorry that I could only afford this since I could not prepare food myself due to my busy schedule,” the woman replied. Joffiel immediately understood what the woman was doing. It’s one of the common things that people do whenever they have new neighbors. Joffiel offered the woman to come inside her room. However, the woman refused. “I still have to take care of my daughter. But don’t worry if I have some free time, I will come back to your offer. By the way, I’m Marisson and if you need any help around here just find me, although I’m not always here,” Marisson said. Joffiel felt happy because she doesn't need to start a conversation to get new friends. Some of people are now trying to get in touch with her. “Thank you so much, Ma’am Marisson. I’m Joffiel and I just moved in the day before yesterday,” Joffiel replied. “Oh, I thought you just came here yesterday. I’m two days late for offering this food,” Marisson said then laugh. “Don’t worry about that, Ma’am Marisson. I am really thankful for your kindness,” Joffiel said. “You don’t have to call me Ma’am. Just call me Marisson, it’s fine,” Marisson replied. “Okay, Marisson. Thank you again for this,” Joffiel said. “Don’t mind it, it's just a normal thing to do. So, see you around,” Marisson replied as she went to her own room. Joffiel closed the door and looked at the food. Maybe I should work at a fast food restaurant. Is there a close place for me to work? Well, the day is long so I should be focused on finding one. Joffiel started to eat the food that Marisson gave her. Fast food for breakfast, maybe not healthy for a human being. Wait, that woman just came from work. She’s a very hardworking person. Maybe I should cook for them tomorrow morning. Her daughter needs to eat nutritious food. Joffiel looks at her bracelet and is disappointed that Marisson is not included in one of her tasks. However, having a kind neighbor is an advantage for her. Joffiel went to her bed and started to use her cellphone. She finds recipes on the internet for what she would cook for Marisson and her daughter. She decided to buy ingredients from the supermarket as well as finding a job opening near her place. She bought an ample amount of groceries not available in her refrigerator so she could test her cooking in the night. As she walks along the street, she takes note of every job opening there is. She tested her cooking skill and without a doubt, it was definitely delicious. As morning came, she waited for Marisson to come from her work to invite her for breakfast. As Marisson came, she greeted her and invited Marisson inside. Marisson called her daughter and went with Joffiel. The three of them enjoyed the meals prepared by Joffiel. “This is so delicious!” Marisson said. “Thank you,” Joffiel replied. The daughter of Marisson is a fifteen years old girl currently in middle school named Sheena. They introduced themselves to each other and Joffiel learned that Marisson is a manager at a certain company and she needed to have overtime for the rest of the week because of their projects. “So, what’s your name on social media? I would like to add you so we could interact with each other,” Marisson asked. “Ahmm, what do you mean?” Joffiel replied with a question. Marisson took her mobile phone out and pointed out what social media she was referring to. Joffiel does not have an account on that social media and she has no way to avoid the question. “I don’t have an account there, should I create one?” Joffiel honestly answered. “What? There no such person that does not have one? Are you really a human?” Sheena intervened in a joking manner. “Yes, you should create one. I’ll help you out,” Marisson said. As they finished creating an account for Joffiel, they added each other as friends on that social media. “I’m your first friend, you should be thankful,” Sheena said. “And I’m your second friend, Joffiel. Let’s take a picture of you so people who know you could add you as their friend,” Marisson said. “Is that really a requirement? I don’t want to expose my face to other people,” Joffiel replied. “Are you a fugitive and you don’t want the police to see you?” Sheena teases Joffiel. “It’s not a requirement, but I suggest you put one up. With that kind of beauty, I think many people would add you as their friend,” Marisson said. “But don’t accept anyone you don’t know,” Sheena added. “Okay, I’ll do that. Uhm, how should I pose?” Joffiel said while doing an awkward pose. Sheena and Marisson laugh out loud. Sheena helps Joffiel to pose for her profile picture. “And done. Your picture is up. I’m very lucky to meet a girl that is so very beautiful,” Marisson said. “You already met me. What are you saying, Mom,” Sheena replied. All of them laugh together. Marisson prepared to leave the room. “Joffiel, we will go out now since I need to rest while Sheena needs to prepare to go to the school,” Marisson said. “No, I will not go to school today. Joffiel and I have many things to talk about,” Sheena said. “What are you saying there?” Marisson said furiously. “I’m kidding, it’s Saturday. We don’t have class, just go back to our room, Mom. Rest well,” Sheena answered. “Ohh, I see. I forgot about that. Well, then. Joffiel, if Sheena is not a bother to you, would you let her stay here?” Marisson asked. Joffiel nodded and Marisson got out of Joffiel’s room. “It’s usual for Mom. She always forgot what day it is since she works every day of the week, she’s a total workaholic but I couldn’t blame her, she enjoys her work place and I’m sure she loves her job,” Sheena spoke to Joffiel. “I see, I could relate to her. Doing the work you love is very enjoyable,” Joffiel replied. “I thought you were looking for a job? How could you relate to Mom?” Sheena asked. Joffiel knows that she might slip some secret to Sheena but she was not bothered since she was taught how to deal with that. “I’m not talking about jobs, having to work does not always mean you have a job. For example, helping your mother on chores and seeing her a little bit happy is an enjoyable thing to do,” Joffiel answered calmly. “Okay, I got it. Do you have a boyfriend?” Sheena prankly asked. “No, I don’t have any and I don’t plan on having one,” Joffiel answered. “Really, you’re so beautiful and your cooking is so yummy, it’s more delicious than any restaurant I have ever eaten at. Even with that, you could even marry to someone already,” Sheena said. “Haha. I don’t think that the only thing one should consider in finding a wife,” Joffiel replied. “Well, if I’m a boy, I will surely court you,” Sheena said. Both of them just laugh. Suddenly, a notification alert sounded on Joffiel’s phone. Both of them look at Joffiel’s phone. It was a friend request notification from Drew. Sheena laughs. She said, “The first one who added you is an old man, do you know him? Is he one of your suitors?” “I don’t have a suitor, he’s a guy I met a few days ago. He helps me find this place and he also tours me around the place,” Joffiel answered. “I see, so you should accept the request,” Sheena replied. “Not now, I’ll do that later,” Joffiel said. And after that, one after another, friend requests flooded Joffiel’s notification. Joffiel turns her phone off. “You’re now popular, you should download other social media and also create your account,” Sheena said. “I’ll think about that later. So how’s your school?,” Joffiel answered. “I don’t think we need to talk about that. Just kidding. Well, it’s just well-well. I don’t usually interact with my classmates so I don’t have close friends. I also wanted to come home as early as I could so I could catch up with Mom before she went to her work,” Sheena answered. “I see, you love your mother very much,” Joffiel replied. “Of course!” Sheena answered enthusiastically. I should try the eyes of discernment that the Creator gave me to determine if Sheena is a good person. Joffiel thought to herself. Joffiel tries to look at Sheena seriously and she sees Sheena emitting green light. She doesn’t know what the color means since the Creator didn’t explain anything to her. Maybe green means a person is good. I doubt that Sheena could be a bad person. Joffiel said to herself. “Why a serious look?” Sheena asked. “I’m just thinking how joyful you are even though you’re not having a close friend for your mother,” Joffiel replied. “I think I already have one, right?” Sheena asked. “Hahaha. You’re right. I’ll try to be as good a friend as possible,” Joffiel replied. “I’ll try to be one, too!” Sheena said. They both laugh and continue to share stories with each other. “Could you teach me how to cook? I wanted to surprise Mom with my cooking,” Sheena asked Joffiel. “Sure thing. Although I don’t know if I have talent for teaching,” Joffiel said. “I could just watch first, I’m a good student, you know,” Sheena replied proudly. “Okay, then let’s check out what we can do for what ingredients are left here,” Joffiel said. “Yay! What recipes do you know?” Sheena asked. “Uhm, actually I just search for recipes on the internet and I just watch many videos from different people and I apply what I think will be the best for that recipe. The food I cooked earlier is just the second recipe I knew,” Joffiel answered. “Eh? Then you’re very very good at learning new things! Teach me, please!” Sheena said. “Let’s just search the internet for what food you want to cook,” Joffiel said. The two girls searched the internet, they spent hours searching and trying the recipe. “Well, I don’t think that I could learn that in one day just like you,” Sheena said. “It’s okay, we could continue tomorrow or on any other day. We’re just a room apart anyway,” Joffiel answered. “Thank you!” Sheena answered. “Since we're just a room apart, why not always come here for breakfast. Tell it to your Mom so she could directly come here after her work. You could also help me in preparing breakfast,” Joffiel said. “Really? You’re really nice, Joffiel. Then, I have to go. Mom would wake up anytime soon. Thank you for the time, Joffiel!” Sheena said. The two wave goodbye. Hm, I should look for a job now. Joffiel looks at the list she wrote during the time she went shopping. Almost all of the list included being a food server at restaurants and fast food chains. At that moment, a message request pops out of Joffiel’s cell phone screen. It was from Drew. “Hi, Joffiel. Do you remember me from the last time? It’s Drew, are you the right person? Sorry for the bother,” Drew messaged Joffiel. Joffiel accepted the request and answered that it was indeed her. “I want to apologize to you. I forgot to delete the photo that I captured which includes you and I sent it to our boss. My boss took a look at the picture of you and wanted to hire you in our company. Would you lend us your time in this company so that my boss could interview you? Again, sorry for the last time. I hope for your positive response,” Drew wrote. Oh! Is this an opportunity for me? But why did they want to hire me with just my look? It’s somewhat sketchy but Drew is a good guy, right? I should have used my discernment back there. Joffiel thinks deeply. “I’ll consider it, Drew. Fill me up with the details and I would go there if I’m already decided,” Joffiel replied to Drew’s message. Drew gave the details to Joffiel. Joffiel still looks for another job in case she does not want the job that the company of Drew would suggest for her. She’s disappointed that she could not find any job that would be a help for her in finding the people on her tasks. She was lying on her bed when suddenly a knock on her door was heard. “Joffiel, are you still there,” Marisson said from outside of the door. Joffiel rushes to the door to greet Marisson. “I remember that you’re looking for a job, right? I would try to look for a vacant job in our office or other branch that does not need any requirements. Will that be okay for you?” Marisson asked. “It’s okay, Marisson. That would be a big help for me, thank you so much!” Joffiel replied. “Okay, with that, I’m off. Can I ask for a favor? My daughter is still in our room, would you take care of her if she needed some help?” Marisson asked. “Of course, we’re already close friends. That’s a natural thing to do,” Joffiel answered. “Then, I’m off,” Marisson said. “Take care, Marisson!” Joffiel replied. Joffiel became happy about the news, she knows that both Marisson and Sheena are good people, so the job that could be offered to her does not involve any suspicious thing. With nothing to do about the job hunting, Joffiel browses her social media account. She has many friend requests and message requests that are just full of spam. Since she does not know many people, she did not even accept a single request. Joffiel proceeded to check out the apps that Sheena told her about. She realized that those platforms could help her check information about many people. Although it’s like she’s stalking someone, she felt that it’s not a bad thing to do since those people are the ones that put their information publicly. I will create an account for this application after I expand my circle. Since I don’t know many people and I don’t want to be popular to many unknown persons, I should be more private about myself. Joffiel thought to herself. It’s another day for Joffiel, and as usual, she ended her day with a prayer to her Creator.
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