Chapter 13 - New Life

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Joffiel looked around the whole place where she was going to stay. It was a good place, she thought to herself. At first she wasn't sure if this was really the place she had to go into. She looked at her map once again to double check if it was correct. She noticed that a guard seemed to be watching her because she had been looking around at the big gate for quite a while. She decided to approach the guard and ask if it was the place that was indicated on her map. “Excuse me sir, is this the place that is indicated on this map?” Joffiel asked the guard. She showed the map to the guard and pointed at the place she needed to go. The guard looked at what was written on the map. He also saw Joffiel's name that was written on the paper. "Oh. It's you! You're the one that was endorsed to me by a lady. She said that a girl named Joffiel will be coming here today. She also said that someone has already paid the expenses for your stay in this apartment," the guard said. Joffiel was impressed. She did not know who the guard was referring to. Whoever it was, she was very grateful. She knew that the map that was given to her mentor was only given by someone. “Thank goodness. I really thought I was lost,” Joffiel said, then sighed. “All right then, come on in!” the guard said. The guard led her inside and pointed her to the information desk. It is where she could ask about the room that she will stay in. “Show them that map of yours and they will give you the keys for your room,” the guard added. Joffiel went to the information desk and saw two people that were sitting there. Joffiel did what the guard instructed her. She showed the map to the two people sitting in front of the desk. One of them gave Joffiel a key along with a room number. When she saw what was written on the room number, Joffiel had an idea that the first number was the floor number of the apartment. She quickly went up to the third floor to see her room. She felt like she was out of breath and getting tired. When she opened the door, the strange look of the room opened up to her. She thinks that it is messy and unorganized. For her, it looked and felt a lot different from heaven. She does not feel comfortable at all. She also felt tired which is not normal for an angel like her to feel. She saw a soft bed and immediately sat down on it to take a rest. “So this is how humans live? How could they survive in this kind of environment? How will they do their task when they become tired quickly?” Joffiel asked herself. She took a deep breath and just rested for a moment. After a while she got up to move and observe around her new room. She decided to take a shower and after that, she slept on her bed. As she wakes up, it's already night time. She saw a refrigerator that she knew could contain food. She was not mistaken because that refrigerator was full of food. She felt hungry when she saw the food that was inside the refrigerator. Joffiel is very grateful that she has ideas about humans and she has the ability to imitate what people do. It was her body that took the initiative to cook without her even trying. She suddenly learns the normal routine of people. After cooking, she ate the food that she made. She was surprised at how the food she made tasted. It's better than the food at the restaurant. She then remember how the Creator bestowed abilities like this to her. She opened her window and hung out on the balcony to observe the people that can be seen from her place. She noticed that she can't hear the conversations of some people below her balcony. This means that the distance that human senses can use is limited. She looked at her bracelet. She hasn't seen any changes yet, meaning the person that she needs to help or the task she needs to do is not in this area. She still needs to explore around to start the first task right away. The people around are cheerful and playful. “I wonder if there are angels like me who also live here?” She asked herself. Joffiel just shook her head. She knows that she should no longer think of other angels. She didn't need to find a companion angel because every angel has different tasks. A few days later Joffiel became familiar with the areas near the apartment. She is also getting used to talking to other people. It is also a way for her to know more about them. She took some money from her vault. She tries to save it. This is the only money she has and this will be one she will use for the few years that she will stay here in the world of humans. She hasn't spent anything yet because there is still food stored in her apartment. Joffiel thought about taking a walk near her apartment. She then came to a children's playground. She watches how happy and innocent the children that are playing in the playground are. One kid walked towards her. Joffiel smiled when she saw the kid that was approaching her. "You look so beautiful!" The child happily praised her. She bent down and caressed the girl's cheek. Joffiel smiled gently at her. "You look beautiful too, my dear. Always be kind, alright?" Joffiel said to the little girl. The child nodded happily and went back to play with her friends. It even waved at her so she did the same. Joffiel knew that cheering up people is one of the good deeds that angels like her should do. Angels should always try to spread positivity amongst people. She also knows that while humans are young, they should already be taught how to be a good person. So that when they grow up, they will not go to the path of evil. She noticed that there were two children fighting so she approached it. She wonders where their parents are. "Hey, hold on! what's wrong? Why are you fighting each other?" Joffiel asked after stopping them from fighting. The child on Joffiel’s left pointed at his enemy. He complained, "He stole the food that I was eating.” “You are so selfish! You don’t want to give me some, that is why!” yelled by the other kid. Joffiel just scratched her head. Back when she was this age, all she knew was to accomplish the simple tasks that were given to her and to just play and enjoy with other angels in heaven. They have never experienced arguing or fighting with another angel "Enough. Stop fighting, okay? It won't resolve anything. Forgive each other to avoid hurting each other. And hurting other people is bad and it is a sin, right?," Joffiel reminded. Joffiel asked the child that took the food to return the food to the other kid. It followed her because the one who picked up the food felt ashamed for what he had done. "Always remember that if someone says no, you need to respect that. Are we clear? Avoid causing trouble to other people," Joffiel said. She looked at the other kid. She added, "If someone is asking for food, politely say no if you don't want to give. But also remember that giving a little blessing would make someone happy. If someone steals your food or thing, fight for your right in the right manner." The two children forgave each other. The two even shook hands and voluntarily gave a little hug to each other. After talking to the children, their parents arrived. Joffiel greeted them and bid farewell. She decided to walk away.. Not far away Joffiel noticed that the child that was robbed of his food was given a new snack by his mother. Joffiel smiled when she saw that the kid shared his snack to the kid that robbed him his food earlier. They shared the snacks they had and chuckled at each other. They promised each other that from now on they will be friends and they will try to share the things they have. “A little help would sometimes mean a big blessing to others. I am glad that I was able to see those,” Joffiel uttered to herself. Joffiel continued walking. Later as she was walking, she glanced across the street and saw a man that was familiar to her. She would have approached him but it looked like the man was in a hurry. He was wearing business attire and obviously held a high position in his workplace. Joffiel was curious so she tried to follow the man. It entered a large building so she stopped walking. Suddenly, Joffiel heard people talking. “Jayden is really handsome,” one woman praised. Joffiel did not realize that she had three women next to her who were also looking at Jayden near the entrance. She knew it was forbidden to engage in gossip among the people. "He has helped so many people. I admire him even more," commented another woman. Joffiel decided to move to another place because she did not want to be involved with the women and commit a sin. It is not right for angels like her to listen to the talk of other people who she does not know. She decided to sit in a corner and she just started observing again. Joffiel looked at her bracelet, it had not changed. She put a watch on her wrist where her bracelet was so that she would not look crazy to other people when looking at the bracelet which was not visible to humans. Joffiel noticed that many were looking at her. She just ignored that at first. Later a group of men approached her. She just looked at them seriously. "Excuse us! Miss, are you a model? You really look amazing. Your beauty is so unique," said by the man wearing a blue shirt. People always praise Joffiel. She doesn’t know why she is always told something beautiful and unique. "She also looks innocent and kind. I really admire these types of girls," the man added. "What are you guys doing?" a man from behind asked them. The men were startled so they were not able to answer the question of the man who came and they quickly fled. Joffiel looked at the man. Her eyes widened when she saw Jayden that the women had been talking about earlier. She saw Jayden up close. The man was really familiar to her. She just can’t remember how or where she met him. Jayden seems to be blessed with his physical good qualities. Joffiel praises almost everything about Jayden in her mind. She just felt there was something strange about this man. "You are not supposed to be sitting on that rock. It is not made to be a chair," Jayden said bluntly to Joffiel. Joffiel stood up and apologized to Jayden. She promised it would never happen again. She said it innocently. Joffiel looked at her bracelet for one more time.”This man is not in one of my tasks,” she thought to herself. She wasted no more time. She left there because she felt that she needed to use a bathroom. She also doesn't want to go home late. While she was making her way home, every step she took she noticed the gaze of those she met at the road. When they smile and greet her, she does the same. Sometimes she sees old people fighting. She knew there were fights that he should not interfere with. Sometimes instead of helping the problem, the situation only gets worse. Sometimes she just lets those kinds of things happen to others because when she tries to help, it seems like her emotion is stopping her. That is what she should avoid, not interfering in the issues of others when it is not necessary. She has an instinct for who to help. When she arrived at the apartment she rested first. She has been trying to find someone to help her with her task for several days. She just thinks that maybe it's not time for that. Joffiel has already started writing so that she can get used to what people normally do. She also tried to make her own signature. Joffiel did not realize that she was already asleep lying on the desk. She moved to the bed to rest continuously. She also woke up immediately when she noticed that there was a drawer on the desk that she has not seen yet. When she opened it, she saw different types of gadgets. There is a laptop and cellphone inside the drawer. She already knew how people use those gadgets. Apparently, she didn’t yet know how it would be helpful and how she would use it for her task. She only took the cellphone. “Maybe it is one of the gadgets I need to learn first. The people are using this for better communication, especially for their family or someone far away from them,” she thought to herself. She opened the cellphone and browsed all the icons she's seeing. She found one application that can be used to search whatever she wants. There she learned to read articles using the application. She thought that using this kind of gadget is so helpful that it shows a lot of information. It helps her to be updated on what is happening around her. Joffiel enjoyed reading the articles. Now, she better understands the behavior of people by searching the works of some experts. She learned that these studies were based on true stories and used statistical terms to prove some points. "I am taking too long browsing on this phone. Maybe I should take some rest now. Another long day tomorrow," Joffiel said to herself. While sleeping, she dreamt of someone pulling the sleeve of her dress and asking for some help. She immediately woke up and looked around. She touched her face. “Was it just a dream? I thought that it was actually happening.” She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to sleep. When the clock started to ring, she immediately did her household chores. Like what people are normally doing, she needs to do it also to maintain the cleanliness of her apartment. After doing the chores, she took a rest for a while before taking a bath. Now, she really feels that she already gathered enough ideas to have better communication with people. Days had passed, Joffiel learned how to commute on public vehicles. She is now enjoying every bit of knowledge she is still learning. She went to the nearest public market to buy some food to eat. Some of the vendors are calling her beautiful and she was used to it. She is just taking it as positive compliments from other people. Some people are bargaining on the market. However, Joffiel does not want to do that because she knows that the vendors also have a family to feed. While riding on a public vehicle, Joffiel noticed some billboards with different faces of the people. She thinks that these people are popular. Does it affect my tasks if ever I see them in person?
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