Chapter 15 - Sunday Best

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As morning comes, Sheena is already at the door of Joffiel waiting for Joffiel to open the door for her. She's always excited to meet Joffiel. When Joffiel opened the door, she immediately greeted her. “You’re too early, just sit here on the sofa and do something that would entertain you. I’ll just prepare myself since I just woke up," Joffiel said. Sheena nodded. She answered, “It’s fine, Joffiel. Sorry for the intrusion, I just wanted to help you out with preparing breakfast." Joffiel was happy to know that Sheena is indeed a kind-hearted girl, who wants to make her mother feels special. She took a bath and readied herself for cooking. “I thought of bringing ingredients here but I remember that you have tons of it here. Next time let my Mom and I take care of the groceries so we could at least contribute something for the breakfast,” Sheena said. Joffiel pinched Sheena's nose. She was amused by Sheena's maturity and thoughtfulness. I am definitely lucky to have this kind of neighbor. Maybe the Creator planned this to help me with my task. Being friends with neighbors will help me improve my acting skills, pretending to be one of them. “Sheena, helping me is already a contribution, you know. But I would gladly take your offer. Always remember that helping someone in a good way will make the Creator happy,” Joffiel replied. She knows that if one person just gets things from the other people without exchanging it for something, it would create some chaos in the future so she just accepts the offer. "My mom is always reminding the same thing. At the young age, she already taught me what is right and what is wrong. Thank you for your care. I highly appreciate it," Sheena said. Joffiel smiled upon hearing Sheena's thoughts. She will not be having a hard time teaching this child. Joffiel cooks a delicious breakfast while teaching Sheena. She is letting Sheena to assist her on every little steps, this is to let her understand the actual process. Marisson came afterwards and they had a good breakfast together. “Remember what I have said yesterday? I found a vacancy for a branch near here,” Marisson said, starting a conversation. Joffiel's face lit up when she heard the news from Marisson. Finally, another opportunity for me. She thought to herself. “Oh really? Thank you very much. That's indeed a good news,” Joffiel said, excitedly. “But the job is during the night,” Marisson said. “What kind of job is that?” Sheena asked. “Well, you just need to take care of a coffee shop,” Marisson said. “Just? Mom, are you really serious? Of course, you’re talking about a branch of your company. It’s the most popular coffee shop here. Even with expensive coffees, many people keep on visiting that place,” Sheena said. Joffiel became curious with what Sheena had said. The more the people in that area, the higher the chance to find the people I need to help. Marisson laughs. She said, “That’s what the job is, Joffiel. I tried to find morning shifts but unfortunately, there's no available slot. I only found the night shift one. Would you still consider it?” Joffiel thought that since the job would let her interact with many people, finding the person included in her task would be faster this way and she could also earn money for her. “I’ll think about that, do I have time to think about it or do you need to have an employee already?” Joffiel asked. “Hmm… I think we still have a week, so you still have plenty of time,” Marisson answered. “But taking care of a shop is a high position in your company, right? I thought Joffiel needed jobs that do not need many requirements?” Sheena interjects. “Our company has a different kind of way to hire our employees. I’m sure that Joffiel would pass the interview so I specifically found a job that could help her alot,” Marisson said. “Really, thank you very much! I’m so glad that I met you,” Joffiel said. “Don’t worry about it, just think of it as a thing a friend does to her friend. I’ll just email you the details about it to help you decide easily. Just make sure to check your email accounts time to time,” Marisson replied. "I will surely take note of that, Marisson. Thank you for always helping me. It is a big help for me," Joffiel replied. After their conversation, Marisson went to their own room. Sheena stayed to learn more about cooking. “It’ll be Monday tomorrow, meaning, time for classes again. I will not have enough time staying with you,” Sheena said to Joffiel. “It’s fine, you could still come here early in the morning and also after your class,” Joffiel replied. “Really?! It’s so exciting. Would you help me in studies if I needed help?” Sheena said. “Of course, if I have time, I will surely help you,” Joffiel replied. Will I be able to help her with this? I am not quite sure of my knowledge when it comes to studies. Joffiel thinks that this is another challenge for her. “Don’t worry, I would not be much of a bother to you. I know my limit in receiving something from someone,” Sheena said. “That's a good thing to hear,” Joffiel replied. “I noticed, there are only a few clothes you have here,” Sheena said. “Ah, yes. I only got here and I did not bring much from where I came from,” Joffiel said. “Really? Then for today, our goal is shopping for your clothes,” Sheena said. “Good idea, I also needed clothes for job interviews. I could shop today so I could start tomorrow,” Joffiel. “Then let’s go already,” Sheena said. “You’re coming with me? Is that okay for you? And you needed to ask for permission from your mother,” Joffiel asked. Sheena stood and made no-no-no gestures. She said, “Don’t worry about that, my Mom always allows me to do things on my own like shopping. I’m a big girl, you know. And in addition to that, since you’re the one I’m with, she would be confident about my safety. Well, the only thing that’s concerning is that I would look like a maid since you’re so beautiful.” For these past few days, Joffiel already gained the trust of Sheena and Madisson. She thought that maybe they find her being a kind-hearted woman, which is good for her character. Joffiel laughs. She said, “You’re really funny. You’re are also very beautiful so you do not need to worry about being called a maid. Anyway, let’s prepare. Let’s just leave a message to your mother so she will still be informed whenever she wakes up from her sleep.” After preparing themselves, the two of them went straight to the mall. Joffiel was surprised to notice the reaction of other people who would pass them by. “A lot of people are looking at us,” Joffiel said. “Of course, it’s rare to see two supermodels in a mall shopping for clothes,” Sheena replied in a proud tone. “We’re too young for that,” Joffiel said. “Boo! It’s alright to dream like that, alright? Anyway, I recommend this shop for fashion dresses,” Sheena said while pointing to a store nearby. The two girls come inside the shop. “What can I do for these two beautiful girls?” an attendant asked. “We’re here to buy clothes for her, Ma’am,” Sheena answered. “Oh my! Anything for you, Ms. Sheena. I think anything would look good for her,” the attendant said. Joffiel was shocked that the attendant knew Sheena's name. I need to observe the interaction of these people. “The attendant already knows you here, it feels like you’re a regular customer here, Sheena,” Joffiel said. “Of course, the quality of clothes here is just the best. Anyway, let’s start choosing your clothes,” Sheena said. Joffiel fitted one of the clothes that Sheena chooses for her. While in the fitting room, Joffiel looks at the price of the clothes. That explains why Sheena said that the quality here is good, the price here is like gold compared to others. Maybe I should just buy two to three clothes and proceed with my formalwear. I don't know if I can spend more. When Joffiel came out of the fitting room, Sheena and the attendant were astonished. “Wow, Joffiel. You’re really like an angel, I don’t think we could choose anything here because as just the attendant said, everything here would look good on you,” Sheena exclaimed. “I think you should try as many as possible, you’re like a model,” the attendant added. “Thank you, I like this dress, maybe I’ll just find another one or two and I’m ready to go,” Joffiel said. Sheena went closer to Joffiel. She whispered, “What do you mean another one or two? Let’s buy tons so you can have many choices in the future.” “But the price here is way too expensive for me, remember that I still need to find a job. I could buy another pair of clothes in the future,” Joffiel whispered back. Sheena laughs. She said, “Well, it just makes sense. Then buy another two for you and pick another three and I’ll pay it for you. Just take it as a welcoming gift from your close friend.” “That’s too much, you should not spend so much money for me,” Joffiel replied. She was confused why this kid has a lot of money. Maybe because I didn't ask too much about their family. Joffiel realized that the monthly apartment is expensive too. Their family is definitely having a good income. “Don’t worry about me, Mom gave me too much allowance anyway. Just let me buy some for you, please? I insist,” Sheena said. “Okay, just let me return the favor in the future,” Joffiel answered. Sheena jumps in joy. She said, “I’m so excited to see you in another dress.” Both of them continue shopping. Sheena also buys clothes for herself. They proceeded to the formalwear section and ended their shopping there. “Let’s eat for now, you’re hungry for sure,” Joffiel said. “Yes, I’m very hungry. Though I enjoy shopping with you way too much. I’m sorry, you’re also hungry because I take too much time choosing dresses,” Sheena answered. “That’s fine, don’t worry about that too much. I also enjoyed shopping with you. So, do you have anything in mind where you want to eat?” Joffiel replied. “Hm, there are many good restaurants here, but because I tasted your cooking, I don’t know now if there’s one around here that could be compared to your food,” Sheena said. “Just pick something, maybe some restaurant with authentic food that we could also cook at the apartment,” Joffiel replied. “Oh, then I have one for you,” Sheena answered. As they finished their lunch, the two decided to leave what they purchased at their apartment and went to explore their city. “Even if you say that someone guided you here, I bet you would not be able to explore all around the city,” Sheena said. “Of course, the area is very big. And Drew only guided me to essential places that I needed to know,” Joffiel answered. “Then let’s visit a shrine. A festival will be celebrated a month from now so maybe you should see it without fancy decoration and we could come there together when the festival is up,” Sheena said. “Okay, just lead me to anywhere you wanted me to know,” Joffiel replied. They went up to the shrine. “The stairs here are so long, are you not worn out after we take a long walk up here?” Sheena asked. “Maybe I’m just used to this thing so I’m not that tired,” Joffiel answered. “I’m jealous. But at least we’re already here, the Shrine of Knowledge,” Sheena said. “There are many structures here. I didn’t know this place existed,” Joffiel said. “Really, then let me tour you around,” Sheena said excitedly. Sheena pointed out some of the structures present in the area. She said, “This is where we made our prayers to the God of Knowledge. Many students come here especially during midterms and finals season. I’m one of those students but I came here earlier than them to avoid the crowd.” “I didn’t know that there’s a separate God that humans pray to for knowledge,” Joffiel said. Sheena laughs. She said, “Yes, we have many gods that we worship. There’s one for luck, one for purity, and many more. Then, let’s pray and after that we toss an offering in this well. Do you have coins with you?” “I have,” Joffiel answered . Joffiel holds out the coins to Sheena. While Sheena was praying, Joffiel thought to herself. Do all of their gods pertain to the Creator, or are they like separate, or just man-made gods. Being an angel that knows the presence of God, I don’t know how to act here. Sheena finishes her prayer and tosses the coin into the well. Joffiel also tosses her even though she did say a single prayer. “That open space is for when the festival comes, stalls will be built here and many items and foods will be sold here,” Sheena said while pointing to an empty space from afar. “I see, I’ll look forward to the next month,” Joffiel replied. Sheena continued to tour Joffiel and after that, they came down and visited other places. As they walk on one of the streets, a faint light appears at Joffiel’s bracelet. Joffiel noticed it and said to herself, “There’s someone nearby that is one of my tasks. The light was faint so that means that the person is far away but that also means that I’m getting close to that person. I’ll try to explore here some time alone so I could find whoever that person is and help them with their goal.” “Did you enjoy our little trip around the city?” Sheena asked Joffiel. “Of course, I visited places that I didn’t know existed and I learned more about this city. In addition to that, I have you as my tour guide so it really makes me enjoy this day,” Joffiel answered . “That’s great. Next time let’s visit other cities, it’s been a while since I did that. My mom is too busy at work this year around so we could not spend some vacations,” Sheena said. “Maybe we could let your mom join us next time. I hope she’s not busy in the future since I also wanted to have fun with both of you,” Joffiel replied. “I didn’t know the details but I think that my mom is busy not because of the work related stuff but more social stuff in their company,” Sheena said. “Then let’s just let her do it, let’s leave the adults on their jobs,” Joffiel said. “As long as my mom enjoys it, I don’t have anything to argue,” Sheena said. I’m proud of this girl, even though she misses her mom, she still thinks of what her mother feels. “You got me this time, so you should not feel lonely anymore,” Joffiel said. “I’m so lucky to have you as our neighbor next door. I’m very thankful to the Lord that he made you go here,” Sheena said with teary eyes. “I’m also lucky that you’re my neighbors and I’m also thankful to God about that,” Joffiel said. Both of them went home. “My progress on my tasks is slow for now, but I know that I could do it faster when I have my job,” Joffiel thought to herself.
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