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I looked around, taking in the gruesome sight before me. My father's head lay on a stump, his body lifeless on the ground. My mother's body was nowhere to be found. The bandits had looted and destroyed everything in their path. "Why did they do this?" I cried out, my voice echoing through the garden. The leader of the bandits stepped forward, a wicked grin on his face. "Because we can," he sneered. "And because it's fun." I trembled with anger and sadness, my fists clenching at my sides. "You monsters," I spat. "You'll pay for what you've done." The leader laughed, raising his axe once more. "Perhaps," he said. "But not today." He tossed his axe away and said, “By the way, my name is Amon.” I watched in horror as the bandits picked up my father's body and started heading toward the exit. I wanted to follow them, to make sure my father was given the burial he deserved. “Stay,” but Amon's words stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't explain it, but his voice seemed to have a strange power over me, and I found myself rooted to the spot. As he slowly removed his golden mask, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Amon was a man with a dangerous reputation, and I had heard all sorts of rumors about him. But as he revealed his handsome face and lush hair, I found myself momentarily taken aback. His white eyes, however, were unsettling, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. "Little bird," he said, his voice an odd mixture of tenderness and cruelty. "You don't remember me, do you? But we used to play together when we were children. I'm your cousin, Eleanor." My mind was reeling. I couldn't remember ever meeting this man before, let alone playing with him as a child. And yet there was something about him that seemed oddly familiar. "You're lying!" I spat, my anger rising. "My father would never have done the things you're accusing him of. He was a good man, a kind man. And you killed him!" Amon's expression remained impassive, but I could see a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Did I?" he asked. "Perhaps you should look at the evidence before you make such rash accusations, little bird." Without another word, I ran across the garden and grabbed the axe Amon had used to kill my parents. I was consumed by a fierce anger, a need for revenge that burned within me like a flame. But as I raised the axe to strike, Amon's words once again stopped me in my tracks. "Put the axe down, Eleanor," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You do not want to make an enemy of me." Tears streaming down my face, I cursed him and the moon goddess that had given me such a heartless mate. I ran out of the garden in search of my parents' bodies, consumed by a sense of grief and loss that threatened to overwhelm me. As I ran into the field with the axe, I could see the devastating aftermath of the war. Smoke billowed up from every direction, and blood stained the ground. My eyes squinted as I looked around, trying to take it all in. I spotted a large column of smoke rising in the distance and began to jog toward it, my heart pounding in my chest. As I approached, my eyes widened in horror. In the middle of the field, two bodies were engulfed in flames. I stumbled back, tears streaming down my face. I knew immediately that they were my parents. I desperately searched for something to extinguish the flames, and finally found a bucket of sand nearby. I dumped it on the burning bodies, hoping to put out the fire. As I knelt on the ground, watching the flames slowly die down, I felt a deep sense of loss wash over me. "My parents...they're really gone," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible. I reached out and touched their charred remains, tears streaming down my face. "What am I going to do now?" I knelt on the hot sand of the field, tears streaming down my face, feeling a sense of hopelessness overwhelm me. I had lost both my parents, the only family I had left, and now the person responsible for their deaths was standing before me - Amon, my mate. My mind raced with emotions, my wolf fox screaming in my head, making my heart beat faster. The hatred I felt for Amon was overpowering, and yet, there was another emotion that I couldn't ignore - a strange pull towards him. It was as if my wolf fox was telling me that he was our mate, and yet, Amon didn't seem affected by my pain or act as if I was his mate. I wanted to scream at him, to demand answers, but all I could manage was a hoarse whisper, "Why did you do it?"
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