1352 Words
Eleanor’s POV I stormed down the courtyard of my father’s pack, my anger simmering just below the surface. I couldn’t help but notice that the warriors were mounted on their horses like they wanted to go out to look for me. As I entered the living room of my father’s house, I was shocked to see my parents together. I wanted to go hug my mother because she had gone on a vacation, and it had been long since I saw her. But my father, the Alpha, prevented me from going to her and started scolding me. "Why do you care?" I snapped, my eyes blazing with anger. "You never cared before when I left without telling you. And besides, I'm not a child anymore. I can take care of myself." "You are my daughter," my father growled, his voice deep and menacing. "And you will respect me and the rules of this pack. Do you understand?" I glared at him, my fists clenched at my sides. I wanted to scream, to run away and never come back. But I knew that would only make things worse. "Yes, father," I muttered, my voice barely audible. My mother stepped forward then, a look of concern on her face. "Eleanor, dear, please don't be angry. We were just worried about you. We love you, you know that." I softened slightly at my mother's words, but my anger still simmered beneath the surface. "I know, mother. But I'm not a child anymore. I can take care of myself." My father snorted. "We'll see about that. From now on, you will be under constant supervision. You will not leave this packhouse without my permission. Is that clear?" I nodded, my eyes downcast. I knew there was no point in arguing with him. For now, I would have to bide my time, wait for the right moment to strike back. I stood before my father, feeling a mix of fear and anger. His eyes were cold and distant, and his voice was filled with an icy determination. "I have arranged for you to go to Johnny's pack tomorrow," he said, his voice commanding. "You will find your mate there." I felt my throat tighten. I didn't want to leave my pack, my home, my family. But I knew that my father wouldn't listen to my protests. "Why can't I find my mate here, in our own pack?" I asked, my voice shaking. "Because you haven't found one yet," my father replied sharply. "And I need you to find one soon so that we can secure our future." I knew that my father was only thinking about his own needs. He didn't care about what I wanted or what was best for me. All he cared about was securing his own power and influence. I couldn’t tell him I had found my mate and he was a f*****g bandit, he would disown me, a royalty like me was meant to have a prince as a mate. "But what if I don't want to go?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice. "There is no choice in this matter," my father said firmly. "You will go to Johnny's pack and find your mate. That is final." I felt a sense of hopelessness wash over me. I knew that my father wouldn't listen to me, but I couldn't help but try. "Please, father," I begged. "I don't want to leave. Can't we find another way?" But my father just gave me a cold, hard stare before turning and walking away. I stood there for a moment, my heart heavy with emotions. I felt alone and trapped, like I had no control over my own life. But then I remembered something that my mother had told me when I was younger. "When life gets tough, remember that you can always find strength in yourself," my mother had said. I took a deep breath and stood up tall. I wouldn't let my father control my life. I would find my own way, even if it meant going to Johnny's pack. *** The day had finally come. The day when I was supposed to leave everything behind and go to Johnny's pack. I was nervously arranging my things when the sounds of bombs and swords colliding with each other started coming from outside the walls of the packhouse. It was accompanied by the loud screams of people, and my heart sank at the realization that our pack was under attack. This must be the war my father was talking about, I thought to myself. Suddenly, a smoke bomb was tossed into my room through the window, and I instinctively covered my nose and mouth to avoid inhaling the fumes. As the smoke cleared, I could see the destruction outside my window. Our once peaceful packhouse was now in ruins, with debris and bodies littering the ground. I could hear the sounds of the attackers getting closer and closer, and my heart raced with fear. I knew I had to leave, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my family behind. "Eleanor, we have to go! Now!" My father's panicked voice broke through my thoughts, and I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. As the war raged on, I sprinted through the flaming packhouse, my heart pounding in my chest. I collided with my maid Ruth along the way, and we both took off down the hallway towards my parents' room. But when we arrived, they were nowhere to be found. I rushed out into the courtyard and followed their scents, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty. I circled around the packhouse, leaving Ruth behind, until I finally found them in the woods. My parents were tied up with their hands behind their backs, their heads resting on a wooden stump that was typically used for traitors. They were surrounded by unknown warriors, all wearing armor that was different from what our own warriors donned. As I approached, my wolf Fox howled in my head, screaming "mate" and causing a sharp pain in my temple. I caught a glimpse of the leader of the bandits, still wearing his golden mask, as he lifted his axe and prepared to strike. "Who are you?" I yelled, my voice shaking with a mix of fear and anger. The leader simply laughed. "We are the new rulers of this land," he declared. "And your parents were foolish enough to stand in our way." I glared at him, my fists clenching at my sides. "I won't let you get away with this," I vowed. But the leader just sneered. "Oh, I think you will," he replied. "Unless you want to end up like your dear parents, that is." I felt a surge of rage and desperation wash over me. I had to act, and fast. But what could I do against so many armed warriors? Tears streaming down my face, I sank to my knees beside my parents, feeling helpless and alone. The world as I knew it had come crashing down around me, and I didn't know what would come next. The sun was setting, casting an orange and pink glow over the garden. The trees were tall and dense, their branches hanging low with the weight of leaves. Birds chirped and the sound of a nearby stream could be heard. It was a peaceful scene, yet one of terror and heartbreak. The leader of the bandits asked my father, "Why did you kill my parents?" "I...your...parents," my father couldn't come up with a good reason, so he lifted his axe ready to cut off my father's head. I paused, tears streaming down my face as I watched what was about to unfold. "But I couldn't let that happen," I continued, my voice gaining strength. I hit the warriors with my super strength, one by one, until I was about to reach my parents. I saw how he brutally chopped off my father’s head with the axe. That's when I was hit on the back of my head and fell unconscious.
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