THE w***e

780 Words
Amon's eyes bore into mine, his face expressionless. "Your parents were a threat to the pack," he said coolly. "I did what I had to do." I felt a surge of anger rise within me. "A threat?" I repeated incredulously. "They were innocent! They never did anything to harm anyone!" Amon's lips curved into a cruel smile. "It doesn't matter now," he said dismissively. "They're dead, and I'm the Alpha. You have to leave the packhouse." My eyes widened with horror. "Leave? But this is my home!" I protested. Amon's smile turned into a sneer. "Not anymore, little bird. It belong to me now." I knew that I had no choice but to leave. As I walked away from the field, I felt a sense of loss and loneliness engulf me. I had lost everything that mattered to me, and now I had to start a new life on my own. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't forget the past - the memories of my parents and the betrayal of my mate would haunt me forever. Angry and devastated, I found my bag on the floor with my things shattered on the floor in the hallway. Some of my clothes were stained with blood. I tried my best not to cry as I started packing my things, ready to leave the packhouse. Johnny's pack was the only place in mind for me to go. Just when I was about to leave, Amon appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to a room I had never seen before. The word "w***e" was written on the door, and I knew this was not going to be good. As we entered the room, it was like an entirely new place. There were naked ladies in the room, some of them chained to the wall and some of them tied to chairs. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of what was happening. I had no idea this kind of room existed because there were no windows in the room. My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to Amon's words. He told me that my father, the man who was supposed to love and protect me, had done unspeakable things to innocent women. And to make matters worse, his own sister, Monica, whom he thought was dead, was among them. I felt sick to my stomach as I tried to process what Amon had just told me. How could my father do something so heinous? I refused to believe it. But the look on Amon's face, the sadness in his eyes, told me that it was true. "You are lying," I said, my voice shaking with anger. "My father would never do such a thing." I felt like the walls were closing in on me. The room felt suffocating, like there wasn't enough air to breathe. I needed to get out of there, to escape the truth that threatened to consume me. Ignoring Amon, I tried to run out of the room. But he was too quick and pushed me to the wall. He hovered around me, and I could feel his hot breath on my face. I shuddered as he tried to strip me naked in the room. "Stop it, Amon!" I screamed, my voice trembling with fear and anger. "Let me go!" But he didn't listen. He told me he would ruin my life and make me one of the w****s, just as my father did to his sister. I fought back, pushing him away with all my might. But he was too strong. Tears streamed down my face as I realized there was no escape. I was trapped in this room, with no way out. And my father was the reason for all of this. My mind raced with thoughts of what had happened and what was yet to come. But I knew I had to be strong. I had to fight back, no matter what. As Amon's huge hands traveled down my dress, trying to reach my breasts, I struggled with all my might to push him away. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was filled with a sense of dread and fear that I could barely contain. Suddenly, I headbutted him with all my might, and he stumbled back, cursing under his breath. "You little b***h," he growled, his eyes filled with rage. "You'll pay for that." But before I could react, he pushed me away with a violent shove. I fell backwards, hitting my head hard against the cold, stone floor. For a moment, everything went dark, and I felt myself slipping away into unconsciousness.
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