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Princess Isabella peered into the fog and drew her coat around her body , not knowing it was actually the right thing for her to be out after midnight, when she had just been warned by her brother , she knew if anything were to happen to her , she would be the one to take the blame , she had been warned. She knew better than to be outside in the woods all by herself, if a demon and anything supernatural was going to attack nobody would hear her scream, and she was so foolish to cast the protection spell, jumping into things without thinking would be her down fall one day , she knew it. In the dead-like silence of the night , she was heading back now and would have to run , she could feel a very strong power surrounding her now , the power felt strong that she could feel it on her skin. Great! There was something lurking out there ,she should have been prepared for this , but she had jumped to do the first thought that came to her mind , she ran! But she didn’t run to far. Because he was there , she could feel his presence, she just couldn’t figure out which was it, she weighed her possibilities, could it be a vampire, or a demon or a werewolf or could it be a human that has a lot of power, a witch? But the energy didn’t feel human. All of a sudden she could feel his hands around her , he was fast , he would give her that. She was never to show fear She stayed without moving like she was glued into the position, she just wished it wasn’t a vampire or she was gone. But she had to act strong. “Let me go! Leave me alone this instance, do you know who you are trying to hurt? “ trying not to show any sign of fear, they feel a sense of dominance when they know their prey is afraid on them , they like to feed on their preys fears. “Princess Isabella! Stay still , I’m not going to hurt you” His voice was deep and manly , then she realized that he knew her name. He had just called her name , had he not want to kill her “Princess Isabella, I have something for you” “What is it?” “Something you have longed for, for a long time” he said softly and she could feel the night air on her body , almost like the hair on her body were standing up. She saw his eyes and facial expression, it looked like he wanted to get the reaction from her . She wasn’t buying anything he was saying, and he had given himself away , he was a werewolf. But she wasn’t sure which one , which type. “Tell me , what do you want” She just wanted him to say what she wants to say so she could go back to her bedchambers , anybody probably don’t know she left the palace, she has to get back there as quick and silent as possible. She tried to jerk away from him , but her strength was useless, werewolves were really powerful, they could bend an iron rod. She thought she could remember some of the spell , but it was effortless. “I’m here to make a bargain with you” “No thanks , I’m not interested “ “I assure you , you will be interested, trust me” She had no other choice than to listen to him. “Let me show you” he said , taking something out his pocket. She knew she would not be able to run , even though he released her , he would be able to catch her again in a split second, and that would only anger him more. As if he was reading her mind he smiled. For a little second there , her breath was taking away , he had the most beautiful smile that she had ever seen in her life , he was wickedly handsome. She was blinded, what does he think he is doing , trying to seduce her? If he knew her name then he had to know who she was , but he had risked coming here, to meet her. Humans think that they might not exist anymore because the kingdom had been peaceful of late. Until the day before , when there had been sightings of werewolves. Could he be the one they are talking about. This man must be really reckless. She held her thought as his hand came out of his pocket displaying a shining stone “Blast you! Where did you find this” she cover her mouth. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “The Essence stone!!” The Essence stone had been missing in the palace two centuries, The king and loyal subjects have gone far and wide to find this sacred stone , it had been in the royal palace for centuries, a king must rule with it , it had been an headache for her father , that it had been missing. He brother couldn’t even find it and here it was right in front of her. “Where did you get it?” “You don’t need to know” he snapped back “Did you steal it? Then you don’t need a bargain for that , you are returning it to its rightful owner” she wasn’t feeling frightening anymore now. “I didn’t steal it “ “Then how did you get your hands on it” “I bought it and for a huge price at that” He could sense that she was beginning to relax , but he likes to put some fear inside her, but damn! She was really beautiful, with those set of brown eyes , tender skin and Perky lips , she was not as tall as he is but he liked her slender and small she is compared to his own body. She was watching him as he was studying her features with those hot eyes , like he was going to put a hole on her face. Why her? What could he possibly want from her , he could have met her brother, he would have a lot more to give him. She looked at him as if he could read what she was thinking. Again , she wondered what the nameless handsome werewolf would want from her. “My name is Erik , Erik Grigori. Just call me Erik , I’d prefer that very much, I’d for us to get familiar with each other” He said the last word like he was dragging it and he wanted a kind of reaction from her, and he was succeeding, he was getting more that he thought, he had gotten her , but only for a few minutes. As if she got jerked. She was horrified, why was she having those thoughts about this werewolf, creatures that her family have been fighting off for a long long time. “What do you want in return for the essence stone?” He stepped closer to her and while he traced the arm with the tip of his finger , he smelled really nice , he smelled a freshly made bacon , that she wanted to devour. For some strange reason she leaned in too, he was really taller than her , but she wasn’t afraid anymore . He matched her movements that his body was touching her breasts slightly, then he leaned down a bit to whisper into her ears with a voice has black as the night. “I want you” ...
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