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Looking at him speak , the princess could not quite understand or if she was sure she had heard him right. “You want me ? How ? How do you want me ? I am your princess , you don’t have the right to want me” “Relax princess, I’m not going to harm you , you look like you are about to enter into the ground” Just as Selena was about to leave the other day, he had told her that one of the royal family ancestors had made the curse on him , and he would get his revenge from them. He was here looking closely at her , the facial expressions on her face made her look like an innocent, but he knew they were all a lie , he had been watching her , he knew her desires, he could even read her mind , anything he wanted he would find. “ who do you think you are? I am not afraid of you” never show that you are afraid “I could shout and the whole guards would come running “ she knew that was empty, there would be no chance against this handsome looking man, she would not forget that he is a very powerful full werewolf, and he has the very power to take hundreds of the guards in minutes “You wouldn’t dare , I am sure you are already thinking that’s not the right move , and I know you would rather die , than to let your brother, the prince know that you are actually in danger, after he had warned you” She looked afraid, she can’t get anything pass this man “stop reading my mind! What do you want??” “I want a whole week with you , I want you to submit to me for a whole week , just that and you will get your essence stone back , you can let the king know you are also a capable daughter “ “Don’t talk about my father” She could not make a sound , she just stood there silent , he could mean a whole number of things right there , he could mean he loyalty, he could mean her her , he could want something from her family and he could think she might just be the way to get it. He brushed his fingers across her lips , she was truly beautiful. She looked soft , he could not wait to get her under him. She knew that werewolves like possessing anybody the dotted on , and she seem to be at disadvantage her , there was really nothing she could do , why did she even leave the palace without bringing her maid with her , why did she even leave the palace with casting a protection spell , she should not have left the palace at all . His fingers brought her chin up and he touched his cheeks with hers “let me come to you , let me own you” he commanded softly, seductively and promising a lot of sweet things , that she would not have experienced before in her life , he was so much taller than her , he smelled like sweet aftershave or was it just him , she leaned in , this wolf was addicting , he was drug to her system, why can’t she think straight. “A week of you submitting to me , submitting to all my desires and the stone will be yours” The air around them stiffened, in a distance she could hear some noises , she couldn’t place what they were but she knew he was with her and he would protect her, but why was she so sure , he could decide to leave her there “Haha my lamb , i wouldn’t leave you to die, you are my princess. You are mine , any one who wants you would have to go through me” smiles satisfied with himself “ Let me confirm the stone” he demanded Erik obliged and gave it to her , she collected it , looked it , it was big , even in the dark night it shone and sparkled , it was authentic, it was the original one . “You would not go far , you would only just hurt yourself” he read her mind again . “I wasn’t thinking of doing it , I wish it were easy” The essence stone was an imperfect gem among a set of matching gem in a piece of jewelry, but it was for the royal crown in this case , she had heard her Father talked about the story of the crown and the missing stone. Princess Isabella knew she shouldn’t trust Erik , she knows the immortals lie a lot and they should not be trusted but she knew they were not stupid and he wouldn’t lie to her when he knew she would easily confirm it. “Why me? Why did you see it fit to give me , why not my father , your king or my brother, they would have made a greater and better bargain with you , they could give you anything you want “ “ then it wouldn’t be fun, I don’t want to bargain with men “ he lied “ and by the way your Father isn’t my king , I’m more powerful than him , he only rules over the land but not over the immortals , when he dies , I would still be here” That hurt her, but she wouldn’t let it show. He realized, he saw the slight frown on her face before it disappeared. “You are really beautiful, you know that right , I’m all the suitors coming for your hand must have told you plenty times” Princess Isabella knew he was trying to flatter her but he would have to do much better than that , she sent him a hard look , werewolves might be powerful in all they are but she also knows that they were very simple and some of them actually likes the taste of human females. “ you just want my submission? That’s it ,right? Nothing more? “ “Do you want more , I could ask for a whole lot of things from you” “No that’s okay, you have my submission“ And she knew werewolves never play with their bargain , once you make a bargain from a werewolf, there is no turning back , except they release you. “Let me mark you” that was fearful , was she ready , what was she thinking when she agreed to the bargain. “Alright “ she said , she had no other choice, she had entered a bargain with a werewolf. “Yeah you would be able to run from me then , and this should be easy for you , it’s not like you have a boyfriend or someone you like” She gasped, even if she didn’t have love life , how could he know about her. Even if it was no news to the mortal world that the princess has not been interested in her love life , did the immortals know about that too? Erik smiled “I know a lot of things about you , even things you don’t know about yourself , I have been watching you , everything you do , even your darkest desires, I know them all“ he smiled satisfactory She felt bare , she felt like she had been compromised. “Where” she asked starring at him “Everywhere “ he shrugged “ you have no secrets from me , you can’t even keep any from me” he leaned looking at her back , she had the very best set of beautiful eyes “Then you also know that I could go back to the palace, tell my father about you and my brother and they would find you in your realm” “But I know you would not do that , you want the stone to yourself ” he looked at her so calmly, like he was really sure of himself. And he was , she was about to let her brother get the glory or let the king feel like he had done all the job by himself and make her feel useless. “How do I know you would honor our agreement?” “I give you my word” She started to laugh just like he said the words out of his mouth, “ You expect me to trust the words of a werewolf “ she continued laughing. Then she brought her head back up to see that he was not even faced. “ If you don’t want it then , I will take my leave never to bother you again. Then he started to leave “Wait! “ she would be able to pull this up, if anyone could do this , it would be her , she had had years of training, she had her magic books and she knows how to handle a demon. And she wasn’t afraid of commitment, she was afraid to do his bidding , he was not looking bad at all . And he is experienced. “ and by the way , I will mark you” Erik said bringing her out of her thoughts. “But that would only benefit you , it would only make me available to you anytime you want” Can she trust him , maybe he was actually telling the truth, maybe he was not lying , maybe he had no hidden agenda, or any more tricks up in his head . But why did he come to her , he would have gone to the king and the crown prince. Princess Isabella was shocked by the touch of Erik’s fingertips down her throat, stoping for a moment to check and feel her pulse. She shivered in reaction to his touch , she still have not gotten used to his hot feel . Coming out of his feel , it was like fire pouring out between them. His fingers continued slowly downwards , pushing aside the disturbing clothings ,as they deliberately brushed across her breasts, stopping just before he reach the top of her n****e. He looked closely at her , he knew he has her just were he wanted her “So what do you say my princess , do we have a deal or not” “Yes , we do , we have a deal.” “Very good “ he looked over her body and he traced his hands over her n****e , that sent fire throughout her body. “I am going to kiss you now” he lowered his face. “Is this the kiss where you mark me?” She looked at him , then he nodded at her. Her mind panicked, but she want about to show it to him. “I must do it now my princess “ he assured her. She was frightened , trying to delay it as much as possible. “You have been gone from the palace for too long now , someone will realize that you are not in your chambers , let’s get this over with, after this , you would need to find me , I will be the one to find you ,but this must be done” “And there is no other way?” She asked “You know there isn’t , trust me” She almost laughed at the thought. “Open your mouth to me and your mind” He leaned in towards her and gave her the most deserving kiss ever. Now officially, she was his. She has been marked by him... “I know “
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