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Getting into her rooms , Princess Isabella couldn’t get her mind off that kiss she had just had with Erik Grigori, she had allowed him to taste her and bring her out of her safe corners , he had slightly kissed her at first , allowing her to get use to the feeling of his lips on her lips, warm and arousing , he had touch her jaw and slightly aided her opening up her lips for him, she did open up and she was willingly allowing him to kiss her and then letting him mark her as his own. A fascinating trill went up her spin , his fingertips circled around her n****e doing to her wicked wicked things she could not possibly take off her mind, his mouth had covered hers and his tongue was doing things to her mind that she completely lost of sense of restraint that she had willingly put her hands around his neck helping him kiss her more , that was by far the most craziest thing she had done to a stranger, she had no power over this man , she had no power to say no to this man. He tasted so good, so exciting and really dangerous. After the kiss and the break , he had said goodbye and that he would find her and he had left , gone. She would just need to wait for him to find her , but she wonders if he would be able to find her in the palace, were they had guards , everywhere. Where her maid would always be with her , how could he possibly find her. She sat on her bed , just thinking into the night, not long after she slept off, wishing it would be morning again and she could meet her man, he wasn’t really her man yet but it doesn’t really matter. Princess Elena had woken up with a bang on her door waking her up, must be the maid waiting to get her dress and get her ready for the day , she figured the morning sun was not shining into her eyes this time , then she looked up. “Mr Grigori, what are you doing here? How did you get into my rooms?” She looked so shocked and wasn’t expecting to see him at all. The maid kept banging “yes who is it? Is that you Mary?” She called out “Yes my Princess, I want to help you with your bath” “Don’t worry I will not be needing your help today” she told her , and after a few seconds the maid left , she must have thought she wasn’t doing her job. “I asked you, what are you doing here? you shouldn’t be here” she looked so alarming. “My princess, I couldn’t waste any more time from this week , but it was really satisfying watching you sleep like that” he gave a grin “You have been here watching me sleep? Heavens! That’s invading my privacy.” She felt embarrassed. She could have been making some weird sounds because of the dream she was having, and he could have heard it all. “I don’t know what I was thinking agreeing to our bargain, is there any way I can turn it back , you can talk to the king, my father. He will definitely give you everything you want. I can call him now if you want , he would not have started the affairs for today” she stood as if that’s what she wanted to do “I have told you , it is you I want. I want you time , your loyalty and your submission, anywhere that leads to , and whatever that means , that’s what I want and there is no way you can talk your way out of a werewolf bargain and I am not letting you off that easily, you could start by submitting yourself right now to me, on your bed right now , let me pleasure you” As if she had not heard what he said very clearly. “That’s not fair , I was not thinking, I didn’t think before agreeing with you” “No my dear , you were thinking, you just found me irresistible and you could not say no to me . Don’t try to talk your way out of it” “You enchanted me , honestly “ she said He laughed so hard “ no it’s you who can resist me , I promise I will be good to you” He walked closer to her, because she had not said anything. Had he managed to finally put some fear in her , is that why she wasn’t saying anything. “Why are you here?” She said in all seriousness “I am here because I have missed you “ “Don’t try to sweet talk to me , I know you don’t really mean that , you just want what you want , that’s all . So you should not waste you sweet talks on me” He could not resist a smile , he looked at her “but that’s the truth I am here because I missed you and I don’t want to waste any more time, after this week , you would not have to see me again” Where was he going? “Okay , I hear you” He most closer to her, touching her bare shoulders , she had almost forgotten she wasn’t wearing much , the feeling of his touch sent fire to her body. “ I want you right now , you looked so beautiful watching you sleep, and peaceful too , you might have been dreaming a very nice dream” he traced his fingertips on her chin slightly pushing her head up so she could look into his eyes, he could feel the desire running through her eyes , needy , her mouth saying something else but her feelings wants something different. He devoured her mouth, kissed her so hard that she was almost out of breath, he broke the kiss for a moment and looked into her eyes , she wasn’t resisting, he knew she wanted this as much as he wanted this , she could feel it in her being. She tasted sweet , sweet and innocent, how possible was it for a woman of her background and experience could be so easily trusting of a man like him? She was not even attempting to fight him off. Although that would be better for him, the more trusting she was to him , the more easy this was going to get, he would get his job done and they would both have amazing pleasure, he would at least part her with that. Everything would be done in a week and he would be gone.
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