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After the last embarrassing shopping incident, they went back to Jantrece and Nick's house to rest up before they got ready. They had about four hours left and all Catalina wanted to do was take a quick nap before being subjected to dressing up and going to the club. As soon as they made it in she threw herself on their couch and passed out sleep, drained from everything that happened that day. Two hours later, she felt something heavy land on her. “Oofh! Get off me Trecey, darn it!” She started to yell as she pushed Jantrece on the floor and sat up. “It's time to get sexy, woman! Get up so we can get started and besides, it's not like I was heavy or anything!” Jantrece then sticks her tongue out and runs upstairs laughing. I don't know who told her she was light but they lied, Catalina grumbled as she drug herself off the couch and slowly walked up behind Jantrece. Nick decided to get dressed in the guest room since it had its on bathroom, so that way the girls could do what they do in the same room. After showering and putting on her matching panties and bra while trying not to blush again at the incident at the store, she walked back into the room where Jantrece was. At that moment, Jantrece turned around and asked, “How does this look? I wanted to go dramatic without going overboard.” “Looks great! I love it.” Catalina told her as she took in Jantrece's smokey eye affect she had going paired with her luscious red lips. She smiled widely at her and sat down in the chair wondering what Jantrece had in store for her hair. “This won't take long at all and then makeup next!” Jantrece said excitedly as she went quickly to work on Catalina's hair, pulling the beautiful curls up into a big high bun and securing it with cute gold pins. She then stood in front of her and gave her a smokey eye affect too, as well as beautiful red lips and proudly let her look in the mirror as she grinned over her handywork. “Wow. I love it. I should let you do my hair more often!” Catalina said, happy with the results. Jantrece had already done her own hair when Catalina was in the shower. She braided her hair on one side and let beautiful soft curls flow down her back and on her shoulder on the other side. As Catalina looked over, she noticed that Jantrece was already dressed and she looked amazing! She was wearing a black fitted strapless Tom Ford dress with a sweetheart neckline and see-through cut-outs on both sides coming 3 inches above her knee. Her dress was paired with her 6 inch black and silver Louboutins with a red bottom and her silver jewelry. “Oh wow! You look hot Trecey! If I swung that way and was a guy, I would totally do you. Ummm...Nick must not have seen you yet because I don't think he's going to want you to leave looking like that.” Catalina said. “Girl, he's not going to stop me or he will be on the couch for a month. Go and put your dress on so you can look just as sexy!” Catalina sighed and reluctantly went into the bathroom to put her dress on. When she got back out Jantrece had her jewelry and shoes already out for her. She almost drooled when she saw that she was wearing the cheetah and black 6-inch close-toe Jimmy Choos with the gold chain around the ankle. Laying on the bed was a beautiful chunky gold bracelet that Catalina loved so much. “Sexy sexy! We are so ready for this awesome night!” Jantrece shouted as she opened the door so we could see if Nick was ready. We spotted Nick first and Jantrece couldn't help but whistle at him because he looked good in his black Calvin Klein v-neck tight-fit shirt, dark washed jeans and leather jacket that he paired with his silver military dog tags and black combat boots. “Hellooo Mr. Sexy Summers. Can I take you home and have my way with you?” Jantrece purred when she got closer. When he fully took in what she had on, his eyes got big and he looked her up and down over and over again. “Oh hell no! You are not going out with that on. I don't have time to go to jail for fighting because other men look at you. No no no no!” He started yelling but Jantrece went fully up to him and kissed him to shut him up. “First off, I'm yours and only yours, so no fighting. Second, if I can't go out in this, then be prepared to get busy on the couch for a month!” She glared at him, waiting for what he was going to say next. “Fine! Wear it then, but don't get mad if tonight ends badly.” He grumbled as he glared back at her. The tension was broken when Catalina bust out laughing at both of them. “You two act so much like children sometimes.” She said as she was still chuckling at them, forgetting about the night ahead. “Let's get out of here and PARTYYYYYYY!!!!!” Jantrece yelled as we loaded up in the car. They chose to drive because they didn't trust me not to chicken out and ditch them. After riding for about 40 minutes with Jantrece singing every song loudly that came on the radio, we finally made it to a club called The Hot Spot. Nervousness set in again as Catalina slowly got out of the car and walked to Jantrece. “Ummmm...how are we planning on getting in? That line is seriously long!” She asked as she looked at all of the people waiting to be allowed in, knowing that half of them wouldn't even make it past the bouncer. “Just watch and learn,” Jantrece said as she grinned and walked up to one of the security guards. “Hi David! How ya been doing?” She said as she gave the David guy a big hug, grinning from ear to ear. Ohhhhkay, so I guess she knows him, Catalina thought as she looked on in amazement, wondering who exactly her best friend didn't know. “Hey hey Jan! How ya been?! Sup Nick my man! What are y'all up to tonight?!” He gave Nick a high five as they started talking. “We came to treat our sexy friend here to some fun tonight. Her first time clubbing!” Jantrece told him as she looked at me grinning. She looked up and saw David checking me out. She instantly got embarrassed, wondering what he was thinking. He's probably wondering what possessed you to wear a dress like that, she thought to herself, thinking the worst and not really seeing the lust in his eyes. “You definitely brought her to the right place. Go right on in and y'all save a dance for me, but not you Nick!” He said and chuckled as they passed on by heading in. Catalina took everything in and instantly got scared, wondering what in the world she let them talk her into. There were half-dressed women everywhere and some were grinding on men and even looking like they were having straight s*x on the dance floor. Catalina started blushing so hard and tried easing back hoping Jantrece and Nick wouldn't notice, having the intention of running. She took three steps back when Jantrece noticed that she wasn't beside her anymore. Before she could say anything, Catalina bumped into something hard. Without thinking, she reached her hands back and started feeling to see what it was and blushed when her hand came in contact with pure muscles and the person started grinning. She bucked her eyes widely looking at Jantrece. then she slowly turned around, only to come face to face with none other than Kerian. “Hello Catalina, so we meet again although I do love how we met this time.” He says as he grins down at her. Catalina tried to talk but no words would form so she ended up standing there looking like a fish out of water. “Ahhhhhh. So you are the guy that has my bestie so hot and bothered! Wow, I can see why! Hi, my name is Jantrece and this is my sexy husband, Nick.” They shook his hand and Nick excused himself to go get some drinks, laughing as he walked away. “So, Catalina's best friend, has she talked about me already?” He asks with a twinkle in his eyes. “Ha! How else do you think we got her to agree to come to a club with us? The girl has it bad! Right Cat?” Catalina still couldn't form any words yet but also couldn't stop from blushing either and glaring at Jantrece. After a few more minutes of Jantrece standing there embarrassing Catalina, she started to wonder what had happened to Nick. “I'll be right back.. I need to go and find out what's taking Nick so long. I'm thirsty!” With that being said she ignored the scared look on Catalina's face and walked away. Catalina watched her go and when she turned back around she was surprised to find Kerian so close. He just stared at her with a smirk on his face and slowly kept inching his face closer and closer. Catalina gasped when he got so close that if she just leaned in a bit more their lips would meet. “So, you have been thinking about me already? Have to say that you have been on my mind too.” He whispered, only for her to hear. Catalina started having a little trouble breathing as she stood caught up staring in his eyes and listening to his sexy voice. Without knowing it, she was easing a tad closer, almost connecting their lips. “Before I forget, you look very sexy in that dress tonight. So much so that right now all I want to do is slowly rip it off you and place kisses all over your body.” Catalina gasped again and just when she was about to end their misery and kiss him, they heard a shouting going on behind them. Without turning, Catalina knew who it was and she couldn't help but groan. “Put me down! I will skull drag that slut! She don't know me! Look at my husband again, you trailer trash and I'll bust you up again and your dog face friend!” Jantrece yelled as she struggled to get out of Nick's arms as he had her thrown across his back. When Catalina looked to see who she was yelling at, she spotted a tanned, dark-haired woman out cold on the floor and the friend tried to wake her. “Diana! Get up! Come on, get up girl! Look what you did to my friend, you you you crazy chick!” the friend screamed while still trying to get her friend off the floor. “What?! You want some too?! I can give you what I gave her! Don't make me go straight gangsta on you trick! You don't want any of this!” Jantrece kept yelling as Nick carried her out. Catalina looked back at Kerian and mouthed bye before walking out behind them with her head dropped low in embarrassment.
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