1049 Words
“Girl, don't even think about her because she is all fake from her extensions to her implants. You got this!” Jantrece said as she got mad instantly hearing that name. Before she could make herself any madder and get deeper into the subject about Vivienne, Nick spoke up with the beginnings of an idea. “Ladies, I may have a solution to Cat's problem. How about, in order to get your mind off this guy or whatever, we go out tonight...to a club.” Nick finished his sentence in a deep husky “bedroom” voice and waited for their reaction. At first, Jantrece was confused about why he would suggest considering Cat, who doesn't party like that at all, would want to go out, but after thinking about it a bit, she knew that would be perfect for her. “Perfect! Would definitely work to help you relieve some stress and distract you too from Mr. SexyPants. I have one condition though, Cat.” She said with a sneaky smile on her face, waiting for Catalina to say something. “Ummm...first, I didn't agree with anything yet. Second, it depends on what you want to do and really? Mr. SexyPants?” Catalina looked at her weirdly while trying to hide a blush from hearing the name Jantrece called Kerian. She was also starting to get nervous about what the condition was. “Wait a minute! I didn't agree yet!” she yelled at herself, trying to calm down but knowing she was going to agree with them. “One, we both know you are going to agree, so don't give me that crap. Two, the way you described him, that is how he sounds to me without seeing him. The condition is that you have to let me dress you and you can't change anything”, Jantrece said with a smirk, wondering and also hoping that Cat would go along with it. “But...what...huh...you see...huh?” Catalina stuttered, knowing she had fallen into a trap. She dropped her head in defeat and Jantrece started giggling while Nick chuckled at the look on her face. Before she could say anything else, Jantrece cut in again, “You're going to go shopping with me because I want to see you in the dress before I get it. Don't forget, you have no say in anything. This is going to be so much fun! Worked out perfectly that our little angel is with her grandma today!” Jantrece said with a laugh and a twinkle in her eye. Two hours later, after getting little Penelope situated at the daycare, we pulled up at the mall where Jantrece proceeded to pull Catalina inside before she could get out the car fast enough. “Jeez woman, slow down! The stores aren't going anywhere.” Catalina said as she rolled her eyes, not really in the mood to shop. She hardly ever went to the mall unless she was heading to Victoria's Secret. That was the only store she allowed herself to shop from because she couldn't resist the sexy matching lacy panties and bra sets. She figured, since no one would ever see them, it would be her and Jantrece's secret. She was the only one that knew that Catalina had a love for those and vowed to never betray her friend's trust although she didn't understand why it was such a secret from everyone. Jantrece pulled Catalina from store to store, not finding the dress that she felt would be perfect. After stores like Forever 21, The Limit and Polish, Catalina's feet were starting to hurt and, quite frankly, she was getting tired of trying on dress after dress. “Let's try Smash. I'm sure the right dress is here. Come on...” Jantrece pulled Catalina right in, knowing she was getting frustrated, but she didn't want to give up until she found what she was looking for. When they entered, Jantrece started digging through the racks intent on finding the right dress. After searching the fourth rack, something caught her eye and she pulled it out to take a look. “Oh my gosh! I believe this is the one! You have to try it on!!!” She shouted, embarrassing Catalina as people stopped to see what was going on. She snatched the dress from her and started heading to the dressing room, hurrying to get away from the stares. When she put it on, it felt comfortable but she didn't want to risk looking at it if she didn't like what she saw, so she hurried out of the dressing room and cleared her throat to let Jantrece know she was there. “Wow! You look hot!!! Oh my gosh, I have the perfect shoes you can borrow for that dress. Someone's taking a man home tonight!” Catalina started blushing as she wished Jantrece would tone her voice down. Not really wanting to believe her, she turned to get a look at the dress herself. She gasped when she saw herself in the mirror. It was a red fitted body print dress that was just above her knees with one shoulder showing in black meeting almost to the middle of her body. “Oh wow. I can't wear this. No no no no. Trecey, please don't make me wear this dress.” She begged, feeling the butterflies form in her stomach. “Girl, just hush. You look hot in this and you are wearing it, so be quiet. Just live a little and embrace your sexiness!” She shooed Catalina back in to change and they headed to a store she was familiar with, Victoria's Secret. “Hello ladies, do you need any help today?” The clerk asked us once she came around the desk to stand where we were. Before Catalina could say anything, Jantrece cut in, “Umm, yes. I'm looking for a bra that will lift my friend's boobs and make them say “hey boys, squeeze me and put me in your mouth!” Do you have that? Oh and matching panties.” She finished and smiled as Catalina turned a bright shade of red and glared at her. The clerk chuckled and led them to where they needed to be.
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