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The whole way home, Jantrece and Nick were so caught up in what happened at the club that they didn't even notice that Catalina was extra quiet. She couldn't get out of her mind what Kerian said or that kiss that would have happened if Jantrece wouldn't have knocked that girl out. “Before I forget, you look very sexy in that dress tonight. So much so that right now all I want to do is slowly rip it off you and place kisses all over your body.” That part kept playing over and over in her mind. After they dropped her off at home and she let herself in, she went straight upstairs to her room, glad that her parents were already in their room for the night. Catalina stripped out of her dress and went into her bathroom where she stood in front of her tall mirror seriously looking at herself for the first time in years. As she took all of herself in, she kept playing in her mind what Kerian said and she started to see herself in a new light. After standing there a few more minutes, she made her way into her room and grabbed her laptop, not even bothering to put on any clothes yet. Before Catalina could stop and fully think about what she was doing, she accessed her w*****d account that she used to secretly write books under an assumed name. She had been writing for about a year now, but up until now the four books she had written were all murder mysteries. It thrilled her when she saw how many people read her books and to read all of the comments. It especially made her proud when at family dinners her sister and sister-in-law sat at the table discussing one of her latest books, not knowing that the author was right at the table with them. Catalina was so lost in thought that before she knew it she had accessed “My Works” page and started on a new book. It was one that would surely shock her readers but she couldn't stop herself once she started. Throughout the week nothing eventful happened and Catalina didn't see much of Kerian anymore because he was busy getting settled in his new home. During the day she stayed busy at the daycare, but at night her mind went wild with nothing but thoughts of him. After that first night, Catalina made it her mission to look at herself in the mirror from then on in nothing but panties and bra. It was as if those few words that he said to her had awakened something in her that slowly helped to gain her confidence in herself. Before she knew it, Saturday had come again and this time she was awakened by the smell of breakfast. I see mom has beat me to the kitchen this time, she thought to herself as she giggled. After showering and getting dressed, she made her way downstairs to help before everyone arrived. “Morning mom! I see you beat me to the kitchen this morning, hehehe. What do you need help with?” She asked as she gave her mom a huge smile. “I see someone's mighty happy today. What brought this on?” Maire asked, curious as she looked at Catalina. For some reason, she looked different today. She had slowly started noticing it but was too busy to ponder on it until now. “I just am, mom. Oh, sounds like everyone's made it already!” She said as she heard cars pulling in the yard. “Oh my gosh! Cat honey, hurry and set the table for me please, but not the one in here. It's so pretty out today that I want us to have breakfast outside on the patio this morning. And don't forget to set out an extra for Keith's friend. He had already called ahead and confirmed that he invited him to come again.” Maire said without looking at her. It's a good thing she didn't either or she would have seen the surprised look on Catalina's face mixed with excitement. After grabbing one of her mom's cute baskets and placing everything in it she needed, Catalina made quick work of getting the patio set for everyone just as she heard Claire and Natalia coming out. “Hey sis! Oh my gosh, I have something to tell you and I couldn't wait to see you to do it!” “Ummm...you could have just, oh I don't know, called.” Catalina said as she giggled at her sister's excited face. Natalia joined in too, as everyone else came out and the children ran into the yard to the swing set that was set out for them. Catalina ignored Kerian as he walked out with them so as not to let on to everyone just how affected she was by him. “Duh! I know that but I wanted to tell you in person. You know that writer you got me hooked on a while back on that w*****d site? Well, as of a few days ago, she started a new book and I tell you it is totally opposite from the others. All I can say is someone must either have a man now doing something right or she has an awesome imagination!” Claire said in excitement. “I know right. I was thinking the same thing when I started to read it. I even read some of it to Brian and he started blushing!” Natalia said and started laughing as he glared at her, which caused everyone else to start. Even though Catalina laughed too, she was nervous because she knew exactly what book they were talking about. Before anyone could say anything else, the phone rang so Catalina excused herself to go and get it. A few minutes later, she came back out only to hear her sister reading a certain part of the very book they were discussing before she left. “Ummmm...it was the daycare again.” She mumbled to no one in particular, getting nervous about her sister reading the book while Kerian was there. When she started the book she had included the very phrase that he had used on her at the club that night, thinking he would never know. “You mean you have to go there again?” Maire asked, partly paying attention and partly listening to Claire. “Actually, I told them I was unavailable today. I have decided that I'm not going to keep running there on my days off just because they can't handle a problem.” Everyone got quiet and looked at her as if she had grown a new head. “What?” Catalina asked innocently, as if she didn't know why they stared at her like that. Out of the 3 years she has been working there, she has never said no to going by when they called her on her day off, no matter what she was doing or what plans she had. “As I said earlier, definitely something different with you.” Maire said as she stared at her, trying to see if she could figure out what was going on. When Catalina looked away, her eyes landed on her dad and all he did was just smile big at her. Just then Claire spoke up, her head still looking down at her phone. “Listen to this part sis, this is my favorite yet. “Before I forget, you look very sexy in that dress tonight. So much so that right now all I want to do is slowly rip it off and place kisses all over your body”. I almost fainted when I read that the other night.” Claire said, then she and Natalia laughed in agreement as everyone else groaned except Kerian. When she peeked over at him she found him staring at her intently. Guess that secret's out. Kill me now, she thought as she looked down, not knowing that her dad was watching her too.
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