Chapter Six

861 Words
    Within a week’s time, the execution of the renounced Alpha and Luna were set in motion. Marine’s body seemed to have slowly shown growth with its healing. There was no sign of her waking anytime soon. “Your Highness, there is but a busload of people waiting for last transport. We should think of moving you and her sometime soon to the capital,” One of the royal guards said. Callan continued to sit next to Marine’s side as she lay there asleep. “Ready transport,” Callan said as he kissed Marine's forehead. He walked outside the room and spoke with the doctor. “You will ride with her and make sure nothing goes wrong when we transport her.” The doctor bowed and walked into her room.     “Mother we should be arriving within two days,” Callan said as he spoke on the phone to his mother. “That is wonderful! How is she doing?” His mother anxiously awaited him to return. “She is showing very slow progress, but any progress is better than none.”     “Yes, it is. Oh, sweetie, I must go. I love you,” His mother last said before hanging up the phone. “Love you too mother,” Callan laughed at his mother’s impatience. “Sir we are ready for transport,” One of the Guards had said.  The last of the servants and members of the pack gathered up on the last bus out of what once was called Moonstone Pack. As Callan watched Marine be settled into the back of an ambulance he just stood and watched her breathing. The way she looked as she slept. The way she looked as she had the oxygen tubes around her face, the way the many wires that were hooked up to her lay upon her skin looked like. She looked fragile, but he knew she was not. Even though her scar would never go away he knew she was still the most beautiful woman he ever met. He would wait for her until she was ready and healthy for their relationship to start.         *Hours later while on the road*     Callan had shifted to his wolf to lead the pack and the vehicles to make sure nothing went wrong while they traveled with his mate.   *Callan, sir. The doctor says we need to stop* A royal guard had mind linked to Callan.         *Is everything alright*     *I am not sure he will not say. Just insists we pull over*         *Fine*     the vehicles are pulled over on the side of the road while those who shifted to wolves were shifted back and getting dressing for a break. As Callan was about to pull his shirt over his head, Marine busted through the back door of the ambulance. She looked vile; her eyes were black; her teeth were sharp. It was if her werewolf was trying to gain control while not shifting. Callan stood there in a defense position to show he means no harm, starring at his mate with terror. “Marine?” Callan whispered. She looked at him. First, she looked at him confused, with a sliver of white showing in her eyes. *Snap* One of the guards had stepped on a branch when he stepped forward. Her eyes were black once again and she let out of scream that sent everyone flying. She jumped up the bodies that were unconscious on the ground and ran through the woods. “Marine! No!” Callan screamed before he too lay unconscious. *Meanwhile in Marines head*     “Marine...” A woman was singing my name.         *Who’s there? * * Why can’t I move? *     “Marine…” She sang again. She was getting louder as she continued to sing my name.         *What do you want from me! * I tried to move, I wanted to fight her, but I couldn’t see her. I couldn’t see anything. I felt as if I were floating in oblivion just waiting for something, anything to happen. I wanted to curl into a ball and try to cry, but I wasn’t sure if I could.     Slowly I could see the ocean appear in my view.         *What is this? * Out on the black sand stood a woman. She wore a white dress down to her feet with her hair is curls that came all the way down to the back of her knees. Her hair was as black as the sand she stood on. Her skin was a golden tan. She seemed to glow against the white dress she was wearing. She kept singing my name. I tried to reach out my hand for her shoulder, but she was already slowly turning around while singing my name.     Her eyes were pitch black, and she had a crooked smile on her face with sharp teeth. She looked like me.         *Who are you? * I tried to ask. Her face grew dark and she stared at me. “You!” She lunged for me with her hands. Her nails were sharp as claws. She dug her nails into my eyes, and I felt as if I were being ripped to shreds. But then I heard a voice. She heard it too because she stopped, but as fast as she stopped, she tore into my throat and I screamed. I was in oblivion once again. 
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