Chapter Five

933 Words
    While everyone was worried for their Alpha and what Prince Callan could do to him. The Luna found her way through the purple mist and found an unconscious girl laying on the leaves. Her curiosity soon was replaced by anger when she leaned down to see the girls face. "Oh, Marine. You should be dead." She could see the knife trying to come out of her leg, and then she saw the bracelet was lying next to her. She rushed around and grabbed a handful of leaves to keep the silver from burning her and clicked the bracelet on Marine once again. The knife stopped moving, and the Luna sighed relief.  *Crunch* *Snap*     The Luna heard twigs snapping and leaves crunching under boots. She stood up to hide behind the tree, and eventually blend in with the crowd that was coming.      Callan and the people followed him while he stopped and kneeled next to Marine. "Move aside!" He demanded as he picked her up. "She...Sh..." Marine tried talking before she passed out in Callan's arms. Callan took Marine to his room and yelled “Bring the doctor here right away!” A few minutes later the doctor was in the room along with the King and Queen, and the Alpha and Luna. “Good MoonGodess, she is on the brink of death.” The doctor glanced up at the Alpha and Luna. “Good thing I am prepared for this,” He was cut off by the King. “Why is she not healing?!” You could hear the anger in his voice. The Queen grabbed his hand to calm him down. The doctor could not say he was shaking because of the watchful eyes of the Alpha. “I don...” Once again, he was cut off, but this time by Callan. “Because of this.” Callan grabbed the bracelet from Marine wrist and hissed as he threw it off.      The color came back to Marine's skin as her breathing became steadier. Everyone had stepped out of the room on order of Callan. The Alpha and Luna both tried to show no fear, but everyone around could smell it radiating off of them. Connor stood idly by with the servant while Claire cried next to Callan. "Mother, Father how could you let this happen?" Claire tried to play as if she was the one who did not cause this to be uncovered. Suddenly royal guards were surrounding everyone in-between the hallway making it impossible for anyone to leave. "Stay with Marine and the doctor. Let me know if anything changes," Callan said to a handful of the soldiers while everyone was escorted to the ballroom. Everyone surrounded the stage to where the band once played, while the Royals stood up looking down on them. "It is the law that there is no judgment within the packs. Judgment is done within the capital with the Royals and the Council." The servants looked terrified as Callan continued to speak. "The Alpha and Luna of Moonstone pack, you have disobeyed the King and Queen of all wolves and broken the most sacred law. The punishment for these acts is deaths. We will travel back to the capital for your execution." With those words, royal guards chained the Alpha and Luna. The chains were made of regular metal from the outside but the inside that lined the wrists were made of silver. "You can't do this! They have not done anything wrong!" Claire screamed out as the guards started to walk out with her parents. Callan looked at Claire and smirked. "Did you bring me here just to tell me His Highness has eyes?" She wanted to scream but her eyes just went wide with terror as Callan chained her too. Connor just laughed at his family and once looked relieved that he did not have to deal with them anymore. "Connor how dare you laugh. You'll die with us. You are my twin." Claire screamed at Connor. "I was never a part of this family. I could not wait for this day to come." Connor said as he turned his back to her.      Claire and her parents were thrown into the back of an armored vehicle lined with silver and chained to the walls. While royal guards shifted and ran alongside the vehicle. While standing outside Callan and his parents spoke. "Mother, Father please go on ahead of me. I wish to remain here until Marine is better and until everyone has been escorted out." Callan's mother looked at him with such happy eyes. "I knew you would make a great King. We will send more vehicles for the safe travels of the rest of the pack." Callan and his mother hugged as she stepped into their vehicle. "My son. I saw a true out there today, and once you did not lose your temper." Callan held his hand out for his father to shake, but his father hugged him instead. Callan was stunned for a moment but soon returned it.      Callan waited till the vehicles had disappeared and walked back to the room Marine was laying in. "How is she?" Callan asked the doctor. "She is stable for now. This is the first time in her whole life that she has been freed of that bracelet. With no connection with her wolf and no turning it is hard to tell what her body will do now that is it free. Her body could slow growth or it may rip her apart. The next few days are critical." Callan sighed and the doctor stepped out. "Who are you?" Callan asked as he held Marine's hand. 
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