Chapter Seven

1090 Words
     Marine ran unconsciously in the woods for hours. Marine was still fighting herself within her head. “For over a decade I have been locked away, going crazy in the back of your mind. I had to stand by watching what they were doing to you. To us.”       *What is your name* Marine asked. She stood still. “Oh, where are my manners. My name is Miykal.”       *What kind of name is that? What does it mean? * “Who is like God.”       *What is that supposed to mean? * And then she never answered. Possibly because no one knows the answer to those questions besides the MoonGodess herself, or it’s possible she just could not answer even if she wanted to. “Sleep.” And with that, the conscious of Marine in her own mind went blank.  Miykal ran to the only place she knew of, the ocean. “Why did you give this human to me? Why make us suffer?” Miykal screamed into the sky. “I never did anything to you. I was more loyal than any other,” then she thought of something. She scoffed. “Is it because I am more powerful than those, perhaps too powerful for you so you cast me here? I will not be weak. We will not be weak.” Miykal sat on the sand at the edge of where the water met. She sat there with her eyes closed and her legs crossed as she meditated for hours on end, trying to remember what she was once taught.       With the simple move of the arms and hands and the change of a stance, Miykal turned to the water and started manipulating her surroundings within the ocean. She walked forward as she continued to just walk into the ocean while continuing her motions.  “To nowhere,” She said before being completely encapsulated in a bubble of water.      *A Year Later*      The execution took place, but the council believed that Claire was just a brainwashed daughter. They allowed her to work off her debt. I had finally taken over my Fathers place as King, and never once saw Marine again. I had moments where I thought I saw her in the crowd at the execution or just somewhere in the street, but I would go to look and then nothing. We never established a connection so I can’t feel her either. If having just even the smallest bit of one it would make finding her easier.       “Honey...? I know you do not want to hear this or even think about it, but it has been over a year. You need to think about your people. And your people need a queen,” My mother said as she entered my study and she was right. It was not about me anymore; it was about making life easier for my people and making sure the life here is peaceful.       “Okay, mother. Who did you have in mind?”  “I feel holding a ball would allow you to see who is good around a room full of important people and how they present their selves,” My mother tried to contain her excitement, but she loves planning a ball for any occasion.              “I will leave the planning to you mother.” She kissed me on the cheek and ran out of the room. For an older woman, she can surely act like a child. I sighed as I stood up and looked out the window. I could already see the bustling on the streets as rumors hit the streets. Mother cannot hold her excitement. *Marine I hope you hear of the ball. I wish to see you there* I thought as I returned to my desk and continued my Kingly duties.  *Meanwhile*      It had been over a year since Miykal, my wolf took over my body and took me away from everything I once knew. She took us to a place where we can become stronger, to not be afraid of anything. Nanda Parbat, a hidden place nestled high in the mountains of Tibet.        *There is a person I knew her from another life. He can help* Miykal said as I slowly walked forward. The place looked as if it weren’t uninhabited. A place that looks of ruins that remained in the side of a mountain. My body was exhausted, and I was hungry.       An arrow was shot in my direction. I looked to see where it was shot from. “Who are you? And what do you seek from this place?” I actually felt intimidated as his voice rang with power.        “My name is Miykal. I request an audience with Ra’s Al Ghul. He will know of me,” Miykal took over as she spoke these words. A set of men walked outside the ruins to escort me in. The wore all black with some type of armor I had never seen. We walked through many corridors and through many doors until we reached a room where the guards stood at the doorway as we entered. “Miykal, how many years has it been?” A man stood in the front of the room with a black cape and hood on covering his face.      I was pushed back into my head as Miykal took over to speak. “Too many.”      The man turned around and dropped his hood. The man was very handsome, you can tell he had seen many years on this earth though. His has was short and slicked back so I could not tell its real color. His face rimmed with the slightest bit of a beard. And his eyes, the looked as though his body held no emotion, but with the way he spoke to Miykal, I could see there was history. His eyes held a unique green color to them, that could mesmerize you easily. “Let me speak to your human.”  Miykal pushed me forward and once more I was intimidated.       “What is your name?” He said as he stepped forward.  “Marine,” I said as I tried to keep my head held high.       “Do you know who I am?”  “Ra’s Al Ghul.” He nodded in approval.       He stepped closer to me and cupped my cheeks in his hands and stared into my eyes. “You have been through a lot; you have been mistreated many times from those who only do it for selfish reasons. You were tortured while everyone else was free.” He uncapped my face as he stepped back.       “Marine. It would be my honor to teach you the ways of the league,” He said as he grabbed my hand a kissed the top of it. My heart fluttered and his face was slightly red. 
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