Chapter Ten

1485 Words
    “What was that all about?” Ra’s had asked me once I stepped back into the ballroom. “Let’s just go,” I grabbed his hand as we were going to leave. Callan stared at me as I practically ran out the ballroom with Ra’s trailing behind me. Eventually, we made it back to our hotel room. “Shall we head back?” I looked at Ra’s, “There is something that I have to do here first. I’ll return in possibly two months.” He bowed, “I shall wait for your return.” He had packed his bag and left.      *I hate this* I thought as I plopped onto the bed. And then his scent hit my nostrils like the heat of the oven hits you in the face, all at once and it is uncomfortable. I stood up, thank god Miykal had not yet removed her spell. “One moment,” I said as he knocked. I had only had my bra and underwear on because I was truly too lazy to get dressed after taking off my ball gown. I had put on of my larger shirts that had at least came down to my mid-thighs. *Can’t keep the prince waiting too long* I thought as I rolled my eyes. I opened the door. “I would say you are lost.” The prince looked at me and did not say anything. “Well if you will excuse me?” I said as I slowly started to close the door. “Here,” he handed me a scroll with the royal stamp on it. “You’ll need this to enter the palace tomorrow.” It had been a long time since I had last seen him, and truthfully time had worn on him. “You look terrible,” I said trying not to laugh. “Uh... uh,” that is when I was just annoyed. “Claire Rivas. God you both are so stupid.” I stepped out in the hallway. “Come here. You truly can’t hide.” Claire soon stepped into the hallway. “I had to make sure you didn’t try and make a move on my prince. I grabbed the bridge of my nose trying to keep myself calm and sane. “You. Ugh just take him and go if that is what you want, I do not have time for your pathetic fangirling,” I said as I stepped back into my room. “And Prince Callan, perhaps you should show everyone why you deserve to be a Prince instead of cowering away at some lunatic moonstone girl.” He wanted to speak but I shut the door before he could.              *The bastard slept with the girl whose family ruined me. Who tried to kill me herself* I was full of rage. I couldn’t stay in this room right now. Miykals spell for my hair and eyes wore off from her own exhaustion and had given me a charm to keep on myself to keep my scent hidden while she was too exhausted. She had warned me not to get too close to Callan for he would smell the scent even with it being very faint. She was asleep as I got dressed in my uniform for the league. Callan and Claire were in the lobby of the hotel arguing, and Claire kept touching him constantly even though he would take her hand off of her. I stood behind the pillars that were in the lobby and just couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes. I had just made it to the door when I saw Callan looking throughout the lobby. I bolted out the door when he looked in my direction. I ran into the alleyway and made my way up onto the roof of the hotel. I watched as Callan ran out frantically looking but now was confused. Claire ran after him, “Callan? What is it?” She grabbed his face. “I thought I smelt... No never mind.” She grabbed his hands. “Come on.” He did not try and fight off her hold, he just let her take him. I did the only sensible thing any person would do. I followed them.      Of course, Claire had taken him to what I can assume is her house. It is not what she used to live in but at least she is alive and not with her parents. She had kept the lights out in her house but of course like a cliché she did not close her curtains. I watched as she and shoved him onto the bed and saddled his lap. “This is the last time,” he said as he rolled her over and was now on top. His eyes were full of lust and sorrow. Callan's blue eyes were now a pale brown. His wolf had taken over. “Callan please mark me,” Claire had her neck stretched out for him, and his wolf couldn’t resist. He plunged his canines into her neck and marked her. The pain I felt in my heart and were my mark should have been were excruciating. My canines came out as the pain became unbearable as I watched them fool around on the bed, and Claire had soon marked him. I ran. My eyes were burning with fire, my heartfelt as if it were physically broken, and I was left with the urge to claw out the place where my mark would have been. I made my way up to the roof of an abandoned building and threw my cloak off and my shirt and clawed at my neck. Miykal was weak from her shattered heart. *Marine. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. This would happen. * Miykal tried to say to me. “This is. Not over yet.” Miykal let out a silent howl the was full of her anger and her heartbreak. A howl that meant revenge. My world was spinning in front of me. I could feel the color of my eyes burning off, and my hair grew to incredible lengths, the strength in my body was unimaginable. I felt a whole new different. Another different than when I first trained with Ra’s.                 *And in the moment of a truly broken heart, she knew she was to be born of a goddess. *      Whispers were clouding my mind. A purple haze surrounded me as I put my top and cloak back on. My body still soaked in my own blood. “Claire Rivas.” I don’t know what I was doing at this point. I hoped over the roofs and stood in front of Claire’s window once again. They were asleep. I was going to break the window but then I saw myself. My eyes were truly a burning rage of purple flame, my canines were sharper than the average wolf, my physical appearance had changed, my body looked even stronger than I once was. I, as a person, was completely new. I did not recognize myself, and I didn’t care.      I opened Claire’s door with ease and silently made my way to her bedroom.  With a snap of my fingers, the purple mist that was surrounding me hovered over Callan’s body. “What... What’s going on?” Claire sat up and spoke groggily. She tried to turn on the light, but it didn’t work. Then she saw me standing at the foot of her bed. She tried to wake Callan, but of course, he was spelled. “But... You’re dead.” I chuckled. “Even though you tried. You failed.” She grew scared. “What are you?” The only question that didn’t have an answer. “You shouldn’t ask what I am, but you should know what you have done to me. Once again.” I threw my cloak off to show the horrendous scar that started from my neck all the way down my arm and down my back. “But you should be dead.” I chuckled again, “It is true that when your mate marks another that it can kill. It sure was hell, nearly bled to death. But seems like the goddess does not want me dead.” I couldn’t help but laugh one of the wicked laughs you were witches make. Claire had been looking around for an escape. “Claire, let me do you a favor.” I waved my hand at her. And then ripped the mark Callan had just made on her. She screamed and fainted.      I slowly left the room and removed the spell on Callan. “You could not even remain faithful even though you did not know I was dead or not.” I looked down at him and then turned to leave. He sprang out of the bed and lunged at me. With a flick of my finger, he was frozen in the air. “I should at least say thanks for rescuing me, but then again you did sleep and mark the woman who tried to kill me.” I could tell his feelings were mixed from the mark slowly disintegrating, but not gone, and our mate bond itself. “What are you talking about?” Truthfully, I couldn’t tell who hissed at me. I laughed, “Let’s start at the beginning. Shall we?” 
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