Chapter Eleven

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     I had wanted to tell him my story last night, but I couldn’t. He didn’t deserve to know. I had let him go and he just stood there, watching me as I went to leave. “Why did you not come back?” I stopped walking and turned around. I was actually surprised he didn’t know the answer. “Do you really not know the answer to your own question?” I said as I looked over at Claire. “Out of all the females… you choose her,” my voice broke as I had said that. I sighed, “You have a kingdom and you chose the one who tried to kill your mate and then marked her nearly almost killing me yourself. There was not one time I did not feel pain from the countless times you slept with another woman. I was tired of the pain and for once I wanted you to feel what I felt.”      “I didn’t feel anything.” I looked at him, straight in his eyes as he talked. *Liar* I thought. “Why her?” “We needed someone.”  “She always wanted you from the beginning. Once she saw the way you looked at me, she tried to kill me.” He hissed at me. “You can’t say that.” “And why can’t I. I lived through it; it was my past.” He huffed, “She’s a changed person.” “Did she even tell you what happened that night.” He crossed his arms, “What does that have to do with anything?” “Did she?” I just stood there leaning on the doorway, and he grabbed the bridge of his nose. “She said her mother had a plan and she needed Claire to get you out of the way.” “And you believed her?” “You left; you weren’t there to corroborate the story. Her parents were horrible people, so we didn’t question it.” “You truly are a moron. How did you ever gain the right to be a prince?” He hissed and his wolf tried to come to the surface. With a wave of my hand over his face, I showed him what truly happened that night. “What is this?” He said as his eyes were rolled into the back of his head. “A memory.”       Once he came back to reality he had to sit down. “How do I know you showed me only what you wanted me to see.” I laughed, “Well one magic can’t create false memories like that unless you use dark magic, or a vampire compels it that way. And two what would I have to gain now from showing you this. I would never have you as a mate after what you have done to me.” “What have I done to you?” I moved my cloak off of my right arm and took my arm out of my shirt. “I have many scars that won’t heal even with my wolf, but this will forever haunt me. Even with removing her mark, it still remains.” He looked worried as I mentioned removing her mark. “You did what? That could kill her.” I couldn’t help but double over laughing. “You truly think I would grant her mercy by killing her after what she has done to me,” I could tell he was not convinced, “She will live, I spelled her to heal faster than her wolf. So, you see your play toy will be okay.” I walked out of the house, and he ran after me. With my back still turned to him I put my hand up as if I were signaling him to stop, but I had spelled him to not move. “You know I would have died too. If I were normal, I would have died the moment you both had marked each other. Did you think about that? You had no proof I was dead, yet you marked her and even allowed her to mark you.” I turned around to face him, the burning sensation I had felt was returning but I had felt it coursing through my chest. “You may have saved me from my pack, but I will never love you for what you have decided to do, and more so who you have decided to do it with.”  I let him go and left with a whisper of a goodbye.       I wandered back to my hotel once everyone was asleep and collapsed on my bed. “Miykal?” I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to know what we should do now. *Marine. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. * I could feel her emotions were as mixed as mine. I tried going to sleep but Miykals' anger was overpowering my own emotions and I no longer felt tired. “Miykal? I know you are angry, we both are. Our emotions are intertwined remember. We need a level head if we are going to do this right.” We both sighed. *Yes, you are right. We will compete within the Queens games. We will show them the truth behind Claire’s ‘innocent’ girl façade. And we will have our justice. It will be after that you can decide on what we shall do. * 
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