Chapter Nine

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    The day of his wedding soon approached, or so we thought. We had decided to stay in a hotel near the palace. I had dressed in a gown that was black and red ombre, with the red flowing from the bottom of the gown. Miykal was able to cast a spell to change my hair color to a bright burgundy red shade, and my eye color to a bright green shade. Ra’s dressed in what seemed to be his armor, but it also looked like any other suit but more comfortable paired with a cloak and his accessories he wore daily. We soon were arriving at the front gates of the palace with our invitation in hand. “Are you ready?” He had asked me as we waited in line. “Yes,” I was not nervous, more curious. “I must ask why the need for a wig,” He looked at me and smiled. “Ha well, most people truly believe me to be dead or just lost. I would like to keep it that for as long as I can. We had made out way to the gates. “Invitation please,” A royal guard. Ra’s hand it to them and handed us to black masks. It had been a masquerade wedding.      Everyone had been escorted towards the ballroom where everyone would be introduced at the top of the stairs. “This should be interesting,” Ra’s had said once he had whispered what I could guess was our names, but Ra’s was smarter than to let everyone know who he was. “Now introducing Lord Marco Joseph and Lady Evangeline Whitethorn.” And we stepped through the double doors that had led to the ballroom. We walked down the grand staircase as everyone starred and whispered.              *Who is she? * *Where did she get that dress? *     *He looks handsome. * *How can she be here? *     The jealousy radiating off of the women was a downer to say. The confidence these women could have if they drowned out the comments and even stopped believing they all had to look the same to be pretty.              *Marine, you must not drink too much. I may have much power, but even alcohol wears on a werewolf. * Miykal had warned me. Miykal had cast a spell to cover my scent and my power. “I will pace myself tonight,” I said. I could not reveal that I was alive to the prince.      Many names were announced, and the room was buzzing with talk. Ra’s and I remained silent as we watched the room around us. That was when I saw her. Claire. I was seething with anger then Ra’s had gripped my hand and squeezed it. “Do not let her get to you, even with the past you both share,” He was right. Even though I would not let her anger me anymore I would still loathe her.      “Now pronouncing His majesty, the King, and Her Majesty the Queen,” they walked down the grand staircase. The Queen dressed in the biggest ball gown of a navy blue with jewels hanging from the gown. It was a beautiful dress, even by my standard. The King dressed in his royal army uniform. Many awards and ropes hung around his shoulders and chest. They had reached their thrones at the opposite side of the ballroom and remained standing.      “Let the dancing commence,” the King said as the orchestra started. There were many women here who were unmated and somehow this felt strange to me.      The prince was never announced, and it seemed as if this were the plan. The King and Queen soon were seated.      “Would you honor me with a dance mi ‘lady?” Ra’s stood in front of me and bowed while extending his arm towards me in such a dramatic stance. I laughed, “Yes, I shall honor you with my delightful dancing skills.” He led me to the middle of the floor as everyone was standing and waiting for the music to begin with the dance that everyone knew, the waltz. I have no idea what it is, but everyone just knows the waltz.      We danced with the music, and truthfully, I felt as if we were the only ones on the floor. “You seem to be enjoying yourself.” I looked at Ra’s. “There’s just something about music that is very calming to me.” We remained dancing through many songs and soon stepped aside for a breather. “Is it weird to be around others like you again?” Ra’s had asked me. “I don’t think we should talk about this here. Many listening ears,” I said as I looked around us. “This is why I wear this at all times,” he showed me a necklace that he wore. “Burned sage?” I believe I was slightly puzzled for a moment. “Yes. Burned sage keeps listening ears from hearing us, even from this distance.” He was referring to a man who stood a foot away from him. We talked about how I felt being this close to the royals and too many members from my past. “Nothing will change what happened in the past. I just hope that these people learn to not make their mistakes again.” Ra’s looked at me and gave me a slight smile. “I can see now why Miykal was paired with you.” I was slightly confused, but as flattered at the compliment. I was about to say something back when another man came up to me.      “Please excuse my intrusion, but may I have this dance?” I looked at Ra’s, and he gave me a nod. “You may.” I placed my arm within his as he led me to the floor to dance. I could not get a sense of who he was, but there was something familiar about him. “You looked confused,” he said as we started dancing. “Just trying to get a sense of who you are,” he looked at me while I slight smirk. “I could say the same thing. Is there a reason you hide your scent?” I took a breath. “There are people that I wish to not notice me. Why do you hide yours?” He looked slightly sad. “It is just easier this way.” He stepped away from and we bowed towards each other. I stepped back over the Ra’s. “Interesting.” I laughed, “How so?” Ra’s kept an eye on the man who I just danced with, “The dance was interesting,” he was lying. I just slightly nodded my head and sipped on some champagne. Soon a royal guard had stepped up to us.       “Mi ‘lady, would you please accompany me? The Queen requests to speak to you.” I looked at Ra’s and he gave me a gesture that it was okay. I was led to a room where a handful of other women stood. We were all placed in a line when the doors that I was not led through opened revealing the Queen and the Prince.      “You all must be wondering why you are here,” the girls were kind of scared and you could feel it radiating off of them. The Queen and prince looked at me as they were waiting for me to be scared also. The Queen silently coughed, “A wedding will take place, but not today. I have chosen the five of you to prove you are worthy of becoming Queen and the wife to my son, Prince Callan.” The prince stepped into the room while taking his mask off. *I knew it. * I thought to myself. “Now if you would please remove your masks and introduce yourselves one at a time.”      The first girl had blonde hair with brown at her roots. She was dressed in a simple pink gown, with a little too much golden jewelry. “My name is Vanessa Summers, your majesty,” she bowed and stepped back in line.      The second girl was none other than Claire. I could feel a hiss come up to my mouth and made my canines come out. I tried to hide them and tried to breathe. *Calm, Marine* Miykal said. She stepped forward. “My name is Claire Rivas, your majesty.” Callan looked slightly disgusted.      The third and fourth girls were twins, but one had black hair and the other had sandy blonde hair. “My name is Tilly Hood, your majesty,” said the black-haired girl, “And my name is Eden Hood, your majesty,” said the sandy blonde. They both bowed and stepped back in line, and then it was my turn. They all stared at me, and I took my mask off. The girl slightly whispered to one another as I stepped forward. I think my confidence scared them too. “My name is Evangeline Whitethorn, your majesty,” I bowed and stepped back in line. Callan’s eyes remained to mine.      “Thank you all. You shall have a room prepared as we begin with the tests first thing in the morning,” the Queen had said before she and Callan left the room leaving us females to talk. Claire had stepped up to me, mustering all the confidence she could get. “I believe you will be the first to go. You have no chance against any of us. The freak with the red hair and green eyes. And who even wears a black dress to a ball?” Claire tried her hardest to mock me. The anger I tried so hard to suppress was bubbling at the surface and my green eyes turned to red and felt as if they were flaming with all the rage inside of me. The other girls had stopped laughing and stood quietly fiddling with their hands. “Let’s get one thing clear Claire. You may not know me, so this is why you try to mock me, but I know you and all about your has been of a pack.” She looked scared as she should be. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said as I put my mask back on and left. “She will not... Ugh, she can’t talk to me that way,” she started to whisper to herself. “If you know so much of my past then you know I can get rid of you easily.” Only if she knew that the guards who were still around would report all of this back to the Queen and the Prince. 
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