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6. I froze on my heels wondering what it was I had heard. Me? Impersonator? How? I looked at them and it was like I was seeing them in slow motion as they advanced towards me as my brain tried to register the scene that was happening before me. “You! You! You dared to impersonate our alpha and take up her seat after you tried to kill her!" Josiah, our pack's trainer and one of the most respected elders, accused. It was like he was sure of what he was saying. I didn't have words to answer him or defend myself because I still couldn't wrap it around my mind and this wasn't something I was ready for. Yes, I doubted if I was Rivera but I didn't know where she had gone even if I wasn't the one. They were the ones who took me and said that DNA and everything else proved that I was their alpha's long lost daughter. They were the ones who had insisted I take over the leadership of their pack and we all have to agree that the pack became better and more prosperous after I became their alpha. So, why the accusations? "We should head back, they will be looking for you.” King Norman's words came back to kind and I wondered how he knew. Was this what he meant? Was this why he insisted on bringing me back to my room? Before I could say anything or even before anyone asked me anything, I was slapped heavily across my face by a lady that I didn't even know. I reeled in pain and disbelief. This was the first time I had been treated like that in five years My wolf screamed and I wanted to but even before I could stand up, the same lady kicked me again and I howled in pain as I let my wolf out. I could feel my eyes turn amber as I looked at the other woman and I was ready for war. She was an alpha like me. “How dare you hit me!" I demanded in my alpha voice but she didn't even give me the courtesy of answering me. She looked at me with a look that screamed murder as if I had stolen her cup of hot cocoa when we were young and she said as taking her revenge on me. “You dared to impersonate me and take over my pack and you dare ask me that? I dare hit you because you are a murdering b***h. You ran away from your pack after your alpha rejected you to come and take over mine?" She demanded and I was almost unable to control myself. “For your information, he didn't reject me. Two, I didn't take over anything from anyone and neither did I try to kill anyone. How dare you accuse me of such atrocities?” I demanded now on my feet ready to pounce. “Because it is me you poisoned. It is me you tried to kill and after you were sure that I was almost dead, you ran away from there to the Red Moon Pack and managed to impersonate me,” she said again and that's when I saw him. Caspian. He was standing behind the woman who had slapped me and I saw my hope. He was there since day one and he would explain to these people that it was all a misunderstanding. “Caspian?" I called and instead of answering me or even looking at me, he hid behind the woman and didn't even acknowledge me. His words came back to me then: if I could turn back time, I would choose to come to your life earlier, maybe then, I would have made a different decision today. I wondered if that was what he meant? “Do you trust your beta?" Was Norman's question to me last night. Did Norman know something that I didn't? Did I trust these people too much? That momentary loss of concentration as I remembered what Caspian said and as I looked at him made the enemy get to me. I felt a dart hit me at the back of my neck. I turned around very quickly and using my right hand, I pulled it out and lunged at the man who was holding the gun. He had been one of my warriors. My guard. The person who was supposed to guard me with his life. As I lunged at him with a supernatural speed and held him by his neck. I was sure that I could take on everyone in that room and that was why I wasn't afraid. Another one hit me in the back. It lodged itself on my spine on my upper back just below the lumbar where I couldn't reach. Then another one and another one. I relaxed my hold on that man and turned. As I fell, I saw Caspian holding another dart gun. He held my gaze as I closed my eyes and I wasn't sure if that was a guilty look he was giving me but I thought I had imagined it because it was gone as soon as I saw it. I woke up five hours later but I was no longer the mysterious alpha everyone wanted to meet. I wasn't the alpha Rivera feared and respected in equal measure throughout the wolf world. I wasn't the same alpha Jordan was covering and wanted back. I wasn't the same woman the Lycan king wanted as his mate. Why am I saying all this? Because all my clothes were torn as if someone wanted to see me naked, I was in a dark small cell that smelled like death. The darkness didn't deter me because my vision was super in the dark. I could see as if it was fully lit inside. The cell was like five feet by five, thank the Goddess I wasn't claustrophobic but it was clear that whoever put me there made sure that if I was to change into my wolf, I wouldn't fit there and would be forced to turn back to my human form. I tried flexing my muscles as I got sore and tired all over and that was when it hit me: I had been poisoned. I ran my senses all around my body and yes, wolfsbane. Whoever did that to me wanted to make sure that I died. I bet that they never even expected me to wake up. A good thing was that I was an alpha blood and that meant that something like wolfsbane couldn't kill me though it would take time to get out of my system. Maybe I should have been glad that I hadn't told even Caspian about that part of me. I stood up with a wince and held my knees so as to soothe the pain and make it drop and held the wall. I retracted my hand like lightning because the whole cell was made of silver bars. Yes, you read that right. So, if I wanted to live, I had to stay at the center of the cell away from bars. Wow! What a nice treatment befitting an alpha. I sat back down and started circulating my blood and trying to get the poison out of me. I folded my legs at the knees and sat on my heels and started willing the poison out. I knew that I was the only wolf who could do this and that was why I hadn't told anyone because I knew that if I did, I might be branded a witch and that was the last thing I needed when I wanted to keep a low profile. So much for keeping a low profile. As I was seated there concentrating on getting the poison out of my system, I felt someone come into the cells. It was a woman… an alpha. She didn't harbor good feelings about me. I didn't open my eyes but I was on alert as I followed her movements with my senses. The door to the dungeon opened and she came down the few steps and stopped at the door to my cell. She was holding the bars as she liked at me and I opened my eyes to see how and that's when I realized that she was wearing gloves. “I see you are as strong as they say. Wow! Who would have thought that you would be awake after a few hours after all the wolfsbane we pumped in you this morning," she said in a sarcastic voice but I didn't humor her. “Why did you impersonate me?" She asked and I looked at the woman who would make everyone I trusted betrayed me. But I wasn't hurt by the betrayal because I was kind of used to it. Didn't even the one supposed to protect me betray me? Yes, my mate. “Me and you both know that you are just spouting nonsense and I wonder where you intend to go with this lie," I told her in a calm voice since I was still trying to get the poison out of my body. I wanted to be in top form in case they wanted to fight or in case the situation called for it. “I want you dead Raven. I just hate you. Why? I also have no idea but your sight sickens me. I hate you," she said and left and I was left there confused. How and why would someone you don't know want you dead?
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