
Chased By The Lycan King

kickass heroine

Getting rejected and chased out of the pack was the least Kiran expected from her mate. Five years later, she comes back to her ex-mate's pack but now, she isn't the omega everyone looked down upon. Her mate wants her back but the Lycan King is hell-bent on making her his.Who will Kiran choose between the two?

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Finally back
I take a deep breath trying to calm my raging heart. My emotions are all over the place. The idea of being back to the place that gave me nothing but bitterness all my life wasn't something I was looking forward to but this was inevitable. I was finally back, but this time not like the omega everyone looked down upon. “ Alpha, are you sure about this? If you are not willing,I can attend on your behalf and explain that you could not make it.” Caspian, my beta and best friend in the past five years, proposed. I shook my head. “ It's okay. I have to attend the summit. It's very important for me.” I answered. The summit was supposed to be held in three months' time but with the increased rate at which our people were disappearing, it was pushed ahead. With the victims turning up forsaken at the end of the day, it was very clear that someone was using the victims to experiment on something. Whoever that person was needed to be stopped because whatever he was doing was against human rights and illegal. “You know that he will be present.” Caspian reminded me. His words did nothing but evoke the bitterness and hatred I had managed to bury deep inside me. But who am I kidding? I have never for a minute forgotten the humiliation and pain he caused me. He was supposed to protect me and love me as my mate but the only thing he did was shove bitter words down my throat. He undressed me before the crowd, shamed me for who I was and trampled upon my dignity. For a woman, that's the worst treatment you could get from your better half. Hate would be an understatement for what I feel about him. “You are just a pathetic mistake the moon goddess thrusted into my life. I would never take you for a mate.” Those were his exact words. The words that pierced my heart, the words that made me understand a mate bond differently. They say that a mating bond is beautiful and magical but that day, I witnessed how ugly it can be when not wanted or appreciated. I still remember how I cried, begging and pleading with him not to reject me but all I received was scorn as he held another woman in his arms and declared her as his mate. Looking back, I feel ashamed of myself but at the same time, thank him for making me who I am today. “I am here for my people, not for him. If it means sitting on the same table with him to find a solution to our problem, so be it.” I answered with a flat voice. “ Besides, he is my past. I wouldn't care less about him.” I added. Lies! I sure as hell care about him, otherwise why do I always plot a thousand ways on how to take my revenge on him? Of course, I wasn't going to say that out loud. The look that Caspian gave me told me that he wasn't convinced but he didn't press on the matter. That's something I love about him and also something that makes me feel guilty everytime I lie to him. “ Íf that's what you say, I believe you." He said. He believed me when no one else did and thanks to him, I am who I am today. Covering my face with the mask which has accompanied me for five years, I stepped out of the car when it came to a halt outside the Blackwood pack house. Taking in a deep breath, the familiar sweet scent of jasmine wafted in the air, teasing my senses. “ Welcome to Blackwood pack, I will lead you to your rooms." A lady announced. Her head was still bowed as she talked, a typical gesture that an Omega is supposed to show in front of an Alpha. I nodded, not bothering to say a word. After she was done with her task, she walked away. “Get some rest, the party is set to begin at seven." Caspian informed me. I nodded, shutting the door behind me. Taking in the interior of the róom, I chuckled bitterly. After spending eighteen years of my life in this pack, not a single day had I managed to get a glimpse of how beautiful the guest rooms were. Five years ago, I was driven away from this very same place like a piece of garbage, five years later, I am getting presidential treatment. How ironic life is. After taking a quick shower, I sneaked out through the window and headed to the one place I had missed for the past five years; my foster mother's grave. Being an Omega, she wasn't given a proper burial after her death but the then Alpha allowed me to bury her outside the house we lived in. With all the omegas busy preparing for the banquet tonight, it was easy to sneak unnoticed. I could not control my tears when I finally got to see her grave. She was the only kind person to me in this pack. “ Raven, you don't belong here. You are made to achieve great things.” She would repeatedly tell me that everytime I came home tired to the bones from attending the pack chores. I used to think that she was just comforting me. I mean like, I was an Omega, the lowest in the food chain. What good could ever come out of me, leave alone achieve great things? Then when I shifted and found my mate, I thought that being the Alpha's mate was the greatness she meant. How wrong was I? The greatness I expected never came, Instead, I got humiliation, hatred and betrayal. That's until I walked away from the pack. What I didn't Know was that the greatness she meant was across the borders. “ I'm here to see you and as you said, I don't belong here. I finally found where I am meant to be.” I whispered the words, a tear slipping past my eye. " What are you doing here?” A voice so familiar yet unfamiliar sounded, making me clench my hands into fists.

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