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She didn't think she would be surprised that morning when she entered her History class. Because right at the back, where she planned to sit, was the man she was avoiding. Earlier when she checked her schedule, relief flooded her system as she doesn't have any math class today. And she won't have to deal with him but she didn't know he's in History class too! And it was too late for her to hide because he already saw him and he waved in her direction. Her brows furrowed as she saw him tapping the seat beside him, signaling her to sit. She didn't hide her grimace and ignored him before she walked to the vacant seat in front. She made sure there's someone sitting on both her sides so he won't be able to sit beside her. She isn't a fan of sitting in front. She certainly doesn't like to sit with strangers. But it's better than being seated next to the guy named Matt. She doesn't care if it seemed rude. It's better that way so he'd leave her alone. But she has to admit she felt guilty. It's not that there's something wrong with him. It's her. She still finds it hard to interact with men.  And when the class ended, she immediately went outside hoping not to have any interaction with him. She received a message from Gail asking to meet on the lawn. She was thankful the man didn't follow her today.  The lawn was about five minutes walk from the building. She walked together with the other students, probably hailing from different places, like her. She sat on one of the benches and waited for Gail. She watched the other students talking, reading, doing their own business. They probably came from far away places who were given an opportunity to study in this prestigious university. Like her, they probably have stories to tell. And she couldn't help but wonder what they are. And she bet someone out there was wondering the same thing.  "Now I figured why you were avoiding me." She whirled when she heard that awfully familiar voice. Matt is someone who would turn heads as he walks by. And he is someone she should be avoiding. He sat on the opposite chair and stared at him. "You like being alone," he said as if he confirmed something. She furrowed her brows. "What is it to you?" The man shrugged. "You just looked ... sad. If you've been alone all this time, and you still looked sad, don't you think it's not helping anymore?"  "What do you know and what do you care?" He leaned on the table before he said, "I care because it would be a waste to not see you smile or laugh at least once." He leaned back and stood. "I understand if you don't want to get acquainted with me but try to make friends." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. He didn't say another word and turned to walk away. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw Matt walking away.  Does that mean he won't bother me anymore? She figured it's for the best. She couldn't help but feel ecstatic but for some reason, she felt bad. And she couldn't help but think about what he said.  Do I really look sad? Was it too obvious? If a stranger saw it, how much more her parents? Did her parents saw the sadness in her? She doesn't know. But if they did, she couldn't imagine how heartbroken they must be. "Did you wait long?" She turned to see the one who spoke behind her. Gail wore a white turtleneck and a black skirt. Gail smiled at her before she crossed their distance.  She shook her head at her question. "No. I just got here." Then Gail watched the exit where Lance went to. "Why were you talking to Matt Adams?" she asked. She furrowed her brows at her. "Why do you know him?" She stood up and followed Gail. Gail rolled her eyes. "Everybody knows Matt. Except you, apparently. He's the one who got the highest score on this school's entrance exam. Do you have any idea how insane it was?" Gail laughed. "I could barely get a passing score and he just easily almost perfected it." She doesn't have any idea. Her entrance exam score was high enough to get her enrolled in her dream course. But to think someone almost got a perfect score... "He's from the Engineering college," she whispered and I gave her a confused look.  "I didn't ask."  Gail rolled her eyes. "But your face says you're curious."  She faced her roommate. "I am not--"  Gail held up a finger. "It's okay. I understand. I mean, he's a very good catch. Athletic, smart, tall, handsome--you name it." Gail's grin got wider as she faced her. "What were you two talking about, anyway?"  She went silent. She doesn't know what to tell her. She'd feel bad if she lied to her so she said, "I spilled a drink on him a few days ago and we were just talking about how I'm going to pay for it." Half-true. "You spilled a drink on him?" Gail said rather loudly that the other students looked in their direction.  "Which was an accident," she whispered. "And so I was thinking of buying him a new shirt but he doesn't want it."  "So...?"  She looked at Gail who was waiting for her to say something. "So...that's it."  "That's it? No. That can't be it! I can see it in your eyes you're not telling me the whole story." Gail gave her a dubious look. And she just realized she can't get away with it now.  She sighed. They're out of the gate and they're walking towards the overpass. "He told me I can pay him if I teach him Math."  Gail stopped walking and held her arm. "Teach him Math?" "And I just realized after what you said about him being the top notcher, that he doesn't need me to teach him Math. So I feel better now that I declined."  "Oh my god! You declined?"  She dragged Gail to the side of the stairs so others could pass. "Yes! I don't have time to tutor anyone and besides, he almost perfected the entrance exam, as you said!"  "You are so dense, Celeste! He asked you because he wasn't to spend time with you!"  "Time is something I don't have. And if I get this job, I'll have a lot on my plate then. He'll find someone else to spend time with him.'" She started walking and felt Gail following her. The truth is she's scared.  She's scared of getting along with men. Much more to strangers. And when she knew he just wanted to hang out with her, it made her even more decided to avoid him as much as possible. There's no need for her to be acquainting herself with men. She doesn't hate men. She just doesn't trust them. Not after what happened to her. And then she remembered her dream last night that she started to feel nauseous. She halted and Gail noticed. She felt her friend's arm on her arm that she jolted.  "Hey, are you okay?"  She blinked and then looked around.  It was just a dream.  It's not real. It won't happen. It won't happen again.   She kept saying to herself as she took deep breaths. She could hear Gail asking if she were alright but she kept breathing until Gail's voice became clearer and when she looked at Gail, pure horror was plastered on her face. "Cel! Are you alright?" She was gripping her shoulders tight and she nodded as she closed her eyes firmly. She doesn't understand why it would happen to her after a long time.  She looked at her friend and plastered a smile on her face. "Yes, I'm...I'm fine. It's probably the stairs." She jerked her thumb to the stairs behind them. "It's been quite a long time since I climbed stairs that long." She heaved a deep breath.  Thankfully, Gail was convinced enough. "Are you alright now?" she asked again and she just nodded.  "Right. You'll get used to the stairs pretty soon." Gail laughed and she did too, as they made their way down.  The fast-food restaurant was indeed just in front of the school. And there were a lot of students there too. Some were reviewing their notes, some were doing schoolwork, and some were just hanging out with their friends. They both went to the counter and Gail asked one of the staff. The staff just looked at them and then nodded and made them follow her to the office of the manager. "Good morning," Gail greeted the moment they entered the office. The manager was a woman, probably in her early thirties. She was on her desk and when she looked at us, she folded her hands on the table.  "Good morning," the manager chirped. She wasn't expecting the manager to be too...lively. "You two have a seat, please." The manager offered and they obliged. "My name's Clarent. I'm the manager here," she introduced as she gestured her hand around. She's a cheerful person, Celeste thought. And she likes cheerful. She wished she could be like that. She was like that at some point.  "I'm Gail and this is my friend Celeste." Gail gestured her hand toward her.  The manager gave them both a warm smile before she said, "Nice to meet you both. So what can I do for you?" "We're just going to ask if there are any vacant positions for part-timers?" The manager clasped her hand as she pulled her drawers as if looking for something. "Of course! Since the new school year just started, we are also accepting more part-timers. Just like the other fast-food restaurants near here." "Then what do we need to apply?" she asked and the manager looked at her surprisingly as if amused by the fact that she could talk. "Since you're students, we don't require much. We just need your ID, your schedule so we can arrange  which time is best for you to work, and this form." She took two papers from her drawer and handed it to them. "Fill in the information so we will be able to contact you when you should start." She looked at the manager. "That's it, Miss? There's no interview?" The manager let out a smile. "No more interviews. Any student who wishes to apply will be automatically accepted. And you can just call me Clarent." They both nodded and gave the filled out form to their manager. They said goodbye to the manager and went out. She was smiling as they got out from there. Somehow, she's excited. She's never tried working part-time before. And trying something new feels nice. She hasn't told her parents about it yet but she thought they'd be ecstatic once they know.  They both went back to school as they both have classes. And relief flooded her when she realized she's not classmates with Matt on the subject. Thank god.  She muttered to herself. * * *
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