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The manager called earlier than they expected. Yesterday morning, they received a call from the manager that they can go to work starting the next day. Her shift starts at night from five to ten. She was fine with it. She still has time to study at night and she doesn't have any early classes, either. It was her first job and she couldn't help but be excited about it. She never really had a chance to do it back home.  She looked at her watch as she marched the hallway of the Science and Math building. Her last class was Chemistry. She called Gail to eat dinner without her and she walked faster. She doesn't want to socialize with her other classmates. She doesn't need to. And another thing why she's walking fast is that she's classmates again with Matt Adams. Though he didn't as much as glance at her which, she was thankful of. As much as possible she doesn't want attention. She already got that back home. She wants to be a nobody here. Someone who didn't have a dark past. Someone who wasn't ...  She shook her head and looked at her phone. It's already almost a quarter to five. She was almost at the exit gate when somebody bumped her that caused her to drop her books. She swore under her breath and looked at the person who bumped into her. All she saw was he was wearing a dark blue shirt and was walking fast out of the gate. He looked like he was in a hurry too. She just sighed and was about to pick her books up when somebody else did it for her. And when she looked at the stranger, she blinked when she realized it was Matt. Celeste was pinned on the spot.  He piled her books and gave them to her. He then looked at her before he said, "Be careful next time."  She was about to mumble her thanks when he walked off. She just watched his back until she couldn't see it anymore. She wondered if the guy was mad at her. Not that she cares but she admits she's been rude and that wasn't fine. Matt didn't do anything wrong. She just doesn't want him in her space. And Matt was insistent about it. She kept standing near the gate, watching the way he walked off. And then she remembered her work.  "s**t,"' she mumbled as she walked as fast she could to the overpass.  When she arrived at the restaurant, Clarent was already near the counter. She was talking to some of the staff. She smiled at her the moment she arrived. Clarent gave her her uniform and told her what she needed to do. She also showed her the dressing room where she can put all her things and change into her uniform. And when she was done, Clarent introduced her to another part-timer who was holding his uniform. "Celeste, this is Neil. Neil, this is Celeste."  She looked at the man, he was wearing glasses and a dark blue shirt. He was tall and very familiar. Dark blue shirt?  "You bumped into me earlier," she said and Neil looked at her questioningly. Celeste figured he doesn't remember it. And he was probably in a hurry too that's why he didn't see her.  "Next time, walk more carefully." She smiled at the guy. She could see his face reddening and she realized Neil is a shy guy.  "I apologize!" Neil bowed much to her discomfort. But the manager just laughed. "Alright! Let's get you oriented." The manager clasped both their shoulders. Clarent toured them around the area. She taught them how to take orders, serve the food. She showed them around the kitchen and other parts of the restaurant. Celeste liked it. And she was taking notes of everything Clarent had said. They were also introduced to some of the staff and she found out that most of they're still students.  "So, do you have any questions?" Clarent asked when they stood in front of the counter. She doesn't have any. And she figured she'll ask if something comes to mind. But Neil raised his hand.  "Is there a smoking area, Miss Clarent?"  Neil doesn't strike Celeste as someone who smokes. But she realized she really can't judge a person by how they look.  "There's a backdoor in the kitchen that leads outside. You can smoke there. I have nothing against smokers but I just want to tell you that you can only smoke during your break time, understood? And make sure you won't smell like smoke when you're facing the customers. Okay?" Neil nodded before he said, "Understood."  "Good. Then I want you two to stay behind the counter and observe."  And so they did. The manager said they can stay until their last hour and they can help with the cleaning. It was easy enough if she pays close attention. But she still gets confused. Thankfully, the one at the counter was nice enough to patiently answer their questions.  The restaurant was packed. But when it was almost ten, the customers were slowly thinning out. She and Neil started to mop the floors. She didn't talk much to Neil. He wasn't inclined to talk to her, either. And she figured it was good. It was better that way. She doesn't have to deal with him. But she couldn't help but think he really looked familiar to her.  Shaking her head, she finished her task and told Clarent she had to go home. It's past her shift anyway. Gail's shift is tomorrow afternoon since her classes begin early and she has evening classes too.  She saw Neil went to the smoking area. She didn't so much as talk with the others either. She figured they'll have lots of questions. And she might not be able to answer them.  She sighed and smelled the air. There were still lots of students out walking. After all, most of the dorms and apartments are just near the school. There was even one behind the restaurant she was working. She groaned and started walking. She hasn't done much but she felt so sleepy. And her apartment is a ten-minute walk from where she was. She didn't use the overpass. She's too drained to be climbing the stairs. So she walked farther and used the lane. Some stores were open and she could see some students eating. Some were drinking.  And then she halted. Drinking. She remembered she was drinking that night it all happened. Somebody made her drink. It was only one glass at first but it kept going until her head spun and she felt like she's going to throw up. She averted her gaze and walked straight. She can't be getting all nauseous at anything related to that incident. It's been a year and she still has the dreams. And the nightmares are back too. The flashbacks were getting less and less but it's still there. Ready to strike her when she puts her walls down.  She closed her eyes as she walked. The alleyway was narrow enough for two people to fit in side by side. It was a shortcut. Gail showed it to her once. And she regretted walking there as she felt suffocated. But she continued to walk, doing her breathing procedures as she closed her eyes. And when she was out of the alleyway, she opened them and she let out a deep breath as she smelled the cool air.  She heaved another breath. It's alright. You're alright.  So she continued walking as she continued to calm herself. It was when she turned left that she heard footsteps behind her. The way was narrow so she tried to step on the side so someone behind could walk ahead. She doesn't feel like heaving while somebody's behind her, hearing everything.  But no one walked past her. She stopped and turned and there's no one behind her. Confused, she continued walking. And she started to hear the footsteps again. She halted and the footsteps halted a second late than hers. Her heart thundered. And he swallowed hard and realized someone's indeed following her.  She looked ahead and she could see a small restaurant. She heaved a sigh of relief and she walked faster. She clutched her bag tighter and when was already in the crowded area, it was when she took a deep breath and looked behind the dark road again.  No one was there. But she certainly heard footsteps. Was it just my imagination? But she was certain it wasn't just her imagination. She heard the footsteps. And she couldn't stop thinking about it. Even as she fell asleep.  And she dreamed the same dream. Somebody was following her. She was barefoot as she ran as fast as she could. Her feet hurt but she doesn't care. What's more important is that she has to get out of there fast. And when her feet felt the road, a blinding light from her side greeted her. She turned to the approaching car but someone gripped her shoulder and before she could see his face, she jolted awake and was panting heavily on her bed.  She saw Gail on the side of her bed holding her shoulder.  "I was in the living room and I heard you. Are you alright?" Her face was etched with worry as she beheld her sweaty face. She ran her hands through her hair and she couldn't believe how wet her hair was. "Yes," she said, panting. "I'm... I'm fine." Her hands were shaking and she hid it under the sheets so Gail couldn't see.  Gail's hand tightened on her shoulder before she stood up. "Bad dreams?" she asked.  She closed her eyes as she slowly calmed herself.  "Yes. Just bad dreams."  * * *
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