Chapter Three: in deaths grip

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Chapter Three Marcel POV Seeing Solana back in town wasn’t anything i had expected, she was a stubborn lot and even after her Aunt stated that she wouldnt be back, there she was in that black dress which hugged her figure, one part of her that i can never forget. Her hair, her face, her lips, everything about her, yet I was the one who let go. Now she was back, in the same trouble I tried as much to protect her from. Even when I had made up my mind to be at arm's length, she had been pressed to my body in the dark as we listened to them talk about her family, and now as I pleaded with her to not get into trouble, some part of me knew that it was impossible. “What is it, Cleo?” “For someone who claims not to be romantically interested in the woman, you sure seem to get agitated anytime you’re with her.” I yanked the door opened and climbed into the car, my hands turned on the ignition. “You should tell me what that message means and not talk about my love life.” I hissed as i drove down the dirt road. “Right, so my intel tells me that their would be a meeting tonight and that the girl may live or die depending on what she does or where she is.” “Speak to me in clear terms Cleo, my patience is running thin.” “They’re having a meeting tonight and it's going to be big, but they’ll also be sending someone in for that watch and if she struggles, being Veronica’s niece isn’t going to save her.” My grip on the steering tightened and my jaw hardened. Solana’s in trouble and if anything happens to her, I won’t be able to forgive myself. Solana POV Back in my parent’s house, my fingers brushed through my hair as i stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had managed to give Josh a lie to get him off my back about Marcel and yet not to mention that my auntie never for once convinced me to return to her house- it was all adding up and at the same time it wasn’t making sense. I peeled off the rest of my clothes and walked towards the shower. It was the easiest thing to do to get my mind off the entire news. The hot water cascaded down my back, easing the tension in my muscles and as I closed my eyes, images of being close to Marcel flooded my mind. It was the last thing I wanted, but he was the first, my first. Images of his strong hands holding me and his breath fanning down my neck tingled my insides, but it all came to an end at the shuffling from outside. Maybe it was the wind or the trees brushing against the glass of the window pane but some part of me thought otherwise. I reached for my towel on the rack and tugged it over my body before reaching for my phone. Marcel was the only person i could call to help me- i stopped realizing how stupid i looked, calling him like a damsel in distress. I walked into the main room quietly making my way through to the sound which had stopped. I stared at the window which was being slightly tapped by the trees from outside. There's no one, there is no one here. I reminded myself. It was all in my head. A crash, very close. And if I calculated well, it was coming from the kitchen. “Hello? Is anyone there?” I asked, walking with my wet bare feet. I clutched the white towel around my upper chest and grabbed the closest thing I could find, which was a vase. Silence. “Whoever is there, I dont have anything you want.” “Oh come on darling, i’m sorry for my friend making a ruckus, but you won't be needing that.” A man emerged from the shadows, he was dressed in a black suit and he had black hair which was styled backwards. “Who- who are you and wha- what are you doing in my house? How did - how did you even get in?” My hands curled around the vase but it didnt ease the anxiety building within me. “Too many questions that don’t need answering. Let me ask you mine. Where is it?” He said, nothing about him was familiar, in fact it all scared me. “Where is what? i-I don’t have anything you-” “Ah ah ah, wrong answer princess.” He said and in a few seconds, he was in front of me making me fall back, down to the ground. “I don’t like to be toyed with so I’ll ask one last time. Where is the watch?” The watch? “I do- I don't have it- I do-” ‘Wrong answer, wrong answer- don’t play with me.” He reached out and grabbed me by the throat, reducing my airflow. Like the one with no help, I clawed at his arms, hoping he would stop, hoping he would read the fear in my eyes and let me go. “I- I- Please-” It felt heavy, my head and everything around me felt so unreal, the buzz was coursing through my body and his my legs were getting weaker. “Tell me where the watch is and you’ll not have to beg for your life like this, you can-” Slowly, i watched his dark eyes turn red under the flare of the moon but nothing about it was friendly, in fact it looked as though he never wanted me to live even if he got the watch. “Ple-ase- Mar- Marcel-” I tried one last time with the tiredness which has overwhelmed my entire body. “It's too bad that everything has to end this way, your mother-” The rest of his words died down as everything turned black.
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