9 Consequences

1336 Words

   Collin POV      Ashley sat in front of me with fear in her eyes.  "They are lying I don't even know who she is and I hardly know those girls" Ashley says.  I growled at her lie.  I am going to give you one opportunity to tell me what you did and I will take that in to consideration before I give you your punishment.  Ashley began to cry uncontrollably. A knock sounded on the door and Eric the Gamma enters.  He is irate about his daughter's condition but knows he must show respect as I am the future Alpha. He begins to question what is happening to his daughter.  After a heated discussion with me he requests that this conversation continues in front of the current Alpha.  I get right in Eric's face about his disrespect and he bares his neck in submission.  Isabella is taking in the whol

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