8 The Truth

1061 Words

       Isabella POV      I am is still in shock after the kiss that just happened.  When I look up in to Collin's face, he has a devilish grin on his face like he knows how hot he is.  Despite my best efforts to be unaffected I can feel my core clench and my panties dampen.  I am doing everything I can to not let him know how turned on I am.  If his smug smile is any indication and his eyes changing back and forth from blue to black, I am failing miserably.     Collin POV     I again begin to speak. Now that is out of the way lets discuss what I asked first.  What happened yesterday and who hurt you?  I can see she is still uncertain of what she wants to tell me so I just wait for her to begin.   She begins to say "some girls at school caught me in the bathroom but I don't really know w

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