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    Maya POV     The warrior mind links me they have the rogue. I order he be taken to the dungeon for questioning.  I wish that Liam and I had completed the mating and marking so I could mind link him right now.  I ask the warriors if any one has seen him and all responses are no.  I know he can take care of himself but I just have a feeling that rogue attack was a distraction. I hope I am wrong and everyone is safe.  As we all return to competition area I search around for Liam but I do not spot him anywhere.  The longer I can't find him the more my anxiety increases.  I ask Eva if she can feel any emotions of Titan and she is acting frantic because she can't feel him at all.  I mind link my trackers, Sam, and my parents.  When we all come together I tell them my concerns and everyone h

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