7 Siblings

1089 Words

    Liam POV     That b***h hasn't come back.  I can feel Titan stir but not enough to shift but whatever they gave me is wearing off.  I hear the door and assume the leech is coming back.  I look up to see a girl who looks younger than me coming down the stairs.  She looks shy and I am hoping maybe I can convince her to help me.  Maybe they had her trapped here and she freed herself.  "How are you feeling?"  Who are you, are you going to help me get out of here.  She looks at me with sympathy.  "Do you need anything while I'm here?"  "Morgan and my brother are out but they will be back soon."  Who is Morgan and your brother?  Please let me out I have to get back to my mate.  "Brother said you would try and trick me and that you were a threat to his Alpha."  I am a threat to no one I was

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