5 Touch and Go

1080 Words
    Luna and Alpha go in search of Collin and find him in the office he has been using until he assumes his role as Alpha.  He wanted to begin to help his father as soon as his return with the Alpha duties so he can be up to date on the pack business.  As soon as they enter the office Collin is immediately on edge based on their expressions.  He stands to his feet and demands to know what is going on.     Alpha begins to speak and the next words from his  mouth send Collin into a rage.  "There has been an incident at school involving Isabella" Alpha John say.  As soon as her name leaves the Alpha's lips Collin is on the verge of shifting.  His mother places her hand on his  shoulder in hopes she will calm him down.  It  helps slightly but his father is still concerned with Collin current state.  Alpha John commands him to sit and listen.  Collin is taken back as his father has never Alpha commanded him.  He sits and tries to calm himself as his father directed.     Alpha begins to convey all the principal had shared with him on the phone.  He can see his son is minutes away from losing his sh*t. He tells him he needs to calm down so they can go and check on Isabella.  If she is awake seeing an Alpha in such a state will surely scare her and Collin should not want that for his mate.  After Collin takes some deep breaths and Brutus  has receded in his mind he wants to get to the pack hospital now.                 Collin POV     On the way to the hospital I am quiet thinking about who would have done this to my beautiful mate and all the torture they will endure when I finds out who did it.  I can not believe any of the pack would be so cruel to hurt one of their own but I vow it will not go unpunished.  They all rush in and find Elizabeth the pack doctor at the desk speaking to the nurse.  I immediately demand to know what is happening with Isabella.         Elizabeth is used to dealing with Alpha's and their tempers and isn't fazed by Collin.  She lets Collin know that "her parents are with her but she hasn't woken up yet."  "She has most likely a concussion and several broken ribs."   "I am  waiting on the results of her scans."  I  thank her and indicate I would like to see her immediately.  Elizabeth looks confused she knows the Alphas care for the pack but she doesn't understand why I am asking to see Isabella.  I inform Elizabeth that Isabella is my mate and future Luna of the pack.     Elizabeth immediately takes us to Isabella's room.  Both her parents look up expecting the doctor but are shocked to see the Alpha, Luna, and  me.  They both bow their heads to show submission and respect for their high ranking wolves.  I immediately head to Isabella side and I am feeling so much mixed emotions as I look down at my sweet mate.  I am so in love with her already but also I am so enraged by the state of her injuries I can hardly contain myself.  Luna Viola is the first to speak looking at a confused Benjamin and Catherine. " We are sorry to barge in right now but in a moment you'll understand why we are here" she says.     Alpha John begins to speak "Isabella and Collin are mates."  He also tells them that Isabella left last night before any one could speak with her.  I had planned to give her space and speak with her today but unfortunately we received the call about what happened and rushed right here.  Catherine and Benjamin sat and listened to all the Alpha  and I had to say.       Their daughter never told them anything about what had happened last night.  Now they understand why she rushed upstairs and came home early.  Catherine is worried knowing that Alpha's don't usually want omegas as their mates. When Catherine looks up and sees Collin looking at her daughter some of her fear leaves her as she can see he cares for her in his eyes. Benjamin however is still apprehension especially given the state his daughter is currently in.  He speaks first to the room and then directly to Collin.  He maintains his stance of respect but does not waiver when asking the next question.  "Alpha Collin do you intend to reject my daughter?"  "If you do please wait till she is healed."  The room is silent and a pin could be heard.     I take a deep breath and composes myself.  If this was anyone else that had said this to me I would have already  been all over them. Since this is my mate's father I show restraint and understanding.  I walk over to him with slow measured steps until I am standing in front of him.  I  direct Benjamin to look at me and pull my aura back to allow it to happen.  When Benjamin looks at me I feel like he sees the look in my eye and understands my feelings.  He immediately looks away despite my given permission he has difficulty to maintain my eye contact with a powerful wolf like me. I begin to speak your daughter is my mate and nothing will ever change that.  She will be Luna and I will work everyday to make her happy if she will have me.  I don't care about her rank as she was made for me by the Moon Goddess herself.  I vow to you that who ever did this to her will pay with their life.      Both Isabella's parents thank me for all I said and sit with their daughter for a bit longer before Elizabeth tells everyone they need to go home because she has Isabella in a med induced coma so her wolf can concentrate on healing her.  "She is stable but needs to rest" Elizabeth says.   Everyone agrees to leave but me.  I will not leave her side until she wakes but I will not interrupt her rest.  Elizabeth gives in and assures me that she will be back to check on her shortly.  I grab a chair and sits close to Isabella's bed.  I take her hand in mine and can feel faint sparks that will surely increase the day  she turns eighteen.
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