Wolfed out

1287 Words
~Isra~ “...Mouse.” A teasing smile danced on his lips as he stared at me. The arrogant, spoiled son of the late Alpha. I never knew who he was until I saw him at the hallway, I heard all the gossip about him. He flirts with all the girls in school, and they swoon around him like bees. He does that so easily. He was made the new coach of the wolf trainers club, he would be there each time because the wolf spar was made compulsory for everyone in the school. I looked away from him, and adjusted my glasses. I stared down at my note, and I could tell he was staring at me. What does he found amusing? “Kellan.” Someone came to the class room. “It’s training time.” He told him. Kellan pushed the chair backwards and winked at me. “I will see you on Friday.” Friday was the day we spar. “Mouse.” When he turned, I darted my gaze elsewhere and pretended as if I wasn’t just staring at him. He packed his books. “Lighten your sunken face a little.” I knew he was staring at me but I couldn’t keep eye contact with him. I wonder why he wanted to touch me earlier, I don’t want to have anything to do with him but I couldn’t avoid him. He strolled out of the study room. I did watch him leave. “I want to watch him train with the other boys, have you seen his body. Kellan is so hot!” Rina grinned. She was part of my group, and it was challenging for me to be the leader of the study group when I couldn’t speak. I wanted to say we have to discuss our project but they took their bags, and notebooks without saying a word to me. They left. I was all alone. The driver was coming to pick me up everyone knows that I was adopted because the Beta family is nice family, and they took a homeless, lost child into their own and gave her a scholarship in the elite academy. I glanced at my wristwatch, I have ten minutes before the driver comes. I picked up my bag, and walked out of the class room. I had to be home before anyone else. I decided to take a walk with my books in my arms, and they were at the field. They were having a sparing game. I stood and stared at them, Kellan’s shirt was taken off, he was left with his pants. He was sparing with someone, he was the student who came to call him earlier. Kellan’s eyes went around, as if he was searching for someone. He stopped when his gaze met mine, and his lips quirked. I turned the other way, immediately. Why was he making it obvious that he was staring at me? I forgot about the time and watched him spar with the others, and the training was over. Kellan jogged past me, and I heard him whispered. “Cute mouse.” With a smile on his face. He came back to where I stood while jogging and I clutched my book tightly to my chest. “Were you staring at me?” He stopped jogging and leveled himself to my height. I wanted to leave, because I won’t be able to communicate with him. I turned to leave but he grasped my hand and pulled me back. “Where are you going?” He asked. I struggle to get his hand off me. He should let me go. “I’m talking to you, are you trying to ignore me?” He drew me closer. My glare hardened on his face. “Are you dumb, can’t you talk?” His grip tightened on me. “You came, you should at least...” I stepped on his feet. “Ah. f**k. What was that for?” He let go of my hand, I just want to go far away from him. I found our driver at the car park waiting for me, I ran to him. He glared at me, I know he wanted me to hit me but because we were in school, he restrained himself from doing such, and opened the car door. “Know your place. A lowlife like you kept me waiting, I would have gone in there and dragged you out.” I got in. “Where have you been? You should have been home at 4 pm.” Mrs Joan accosted me the moment I stepped into the house. She warned me never to call her my mother. I had to address her as Mrs Joan or Lady Joan as every of the workers does. When I didn’t respond when she spoke, she stood up slowly. “I regretted taking you away from the orphanage but still you’ve made the pack members respect our family.” Family? They were ashamed to show me as part of their family except it’s for publicity. I was never taken as part of their family. “You never listen do you?” She grabbed my ears. “I told you we have somewhere to be today. Well, you’ve given me reasons to have you locked up in your room and you won’t attend the dinner with the Alpha Family.” And then she snapped them and pushed me. “You want to know why you were abandoned? It’s because nobody wants you.” She yelled and stroke my cheek with her iron fist. I staggered a few steps back and maintained my balance. “Don’t glare at me!” She screamed and hurled the vase on the table on my forehead. I crashed to the ground when the vase hit me. “Lower your gaze, you witch! I did everything to make your talk, we wasted money, you’re so pathetic!” She shouted and wanted to hit me again when a voice stopped her. “That's enough, let’s get ready to leave.” Dad was home. I mean, Mr. Weather. “We can’t keep the Alpha family waiting, where is Stacy? The seamstress is here with her dress for tonight, she needs to look presentable. The young Alpha will chose his mate, we need connections.” “Oh honey, you’re the best.” Mom chuckled and lifted her gown with both hands, I heard the sound of her heels clicking further away. I stood up from the ground and cleaned up the broken vase, my forehead was bleeding, and was running down my face. I was done cleaning and took some ice from the kitchen and walked down to the basement where my room was. The moment I got in, the door was locked from the outside. I sat on the wooden ground beside my small bed and treated the wound on my forehead. I stared at the window and sniffed. I just need to find my mate so I can leave this house. I don’t think I would be able to survive here. I wiped my eyes and watched the moon crawl out of the clouds, it was a full moon. I exhaled and drew my legs to my chest. I felt a sharp pain in my head, and the ice fell out of my hand. I groaned and placed my hands on the ground. I squinted my eyes as the pain persisted. I heard my bones cracking, and adjusting, my skin was covered with brown furs, and my fangs came out, and then my claws. I grew bigger than my bed size. A howl shot out of my throat as I stared at the moon.
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