He is mate

1064 Words
~Isra~ I tried to straighten my uniform with my hands as I hurried along the hallway. I was hearing whispering about Stacy, and the dinner she had with Kellan. That she might end up being the chosen mate of the Alpha. Stacy probably spread the news of the dinner they had with the Alpha, and that wasn’t what I was worried about. My wolf came out last night, and I would be able to find my mate. Then, I will be able to leave the Weather’s mansion and stay with my mate. But what if he doesn’t want me? Mrs Joan was right about that when she said nobody wanted me, else why would I be abandoned and left without a voice? I opened my locker and took out my textbook. I moved as quietly as I could to class, and we were having wolf training in two hours. I wanted to avoid it, and nobody had ever noticed that I wasn’t there. “...hey!” Something hit me on the head, I looked up with a glare. It was Stacy. How did she find me in the empty classroom? I thought no one would come here. “Where is it?” She asked with her hand stretched forth. “You wanted me to look for you, isn’t it? I almost search the whole school while looking for you. You know I needed my notebook.” I furrowed my brows at her, eyeing her suspiciously. “My assignment, dumbass.” “Can you get it done with? I don’t want to be seen with her.” Bella hissed, she leaned against the wall close to the board. I opened my bag and brought out the notebook she gave me. I opened the page I wrote her assignment and tore it off. Stacy gasped. “You b***h!” Her hand shoots towards my cheek. I stood up and hit her with my right hand. She staggered in shock, holding the side of her face. “Isra?” “Did you just hit her?” Bella asked, she stared at Stacy and then at me. I pointed a finger at Stacy. I wanted to explain that she hit me first. Though I knew I would be explaining to the wrong person. Bella charged at me, grabbed my hair, and slammed my back to the wall. I could feel the urge of my wolf, forcing me to let her out and fight but I couldn’t let her out in school. Stacy joined Belladonna, and I got a chance to grab her hair and refused to let go. We fought in the classroom until someone called a teacher. My uniform was torn, I had strands of Stacy’s hair in my hands, and she had a bloody nose. We were called to the Principal’s office. I couldn’t defend myself, and Stacy lied that I attacked her first, and Bella was just trying to help. I knew that was a lie but the principal didn’t even want to give me a listening ear because of which I couldn’t speak. He assumed that everything Stacy said was the truth, and made me apologize to her. “Do you want to lose your scholarship? Why would you get into a fight with Stacy!” This was what he had to say to me, he knew that I was being bullied but he didn’t care. Stacy and Bella were asked to leave, and I was told to wait for my punishment. “Fighting in school is prohibited and it could get you suspended from school. I thought you were smarter than this, Isra.” He stood up from his chair and paced in front of him with his hands crossed behind him. “This is a school for the elite of Silverwolf, you wouldn’t have dreamed of attending if it wasn’t for the sack of the Beta and his family.” He stopped pacing and stood in front of me. “You can’t speak, You’ve a disability, and this is not a school for you.” He clicked his tongue and eyed my uniform. “Go outside and kneel, eyes closed, and keep your hands up.” He ordered. I bowed slightly and stepped out of his office. His words didn’t hurt, I have heard worse than what he said. I got on my knees outside his office, kneeling close to the wall, and did as instructed. I won’t be able to attend the training, and there was a rumor of a sparing competition with some other packs. I couldn’t do anything or still, I wasn’t allowed to do anything in this school because I didn’t belong here. I wondered where I belonged. My wolf stirred in me all of a sudden, I could feel her growling and the tightening I was feeling in my chest. I was uncomfortable. Something didn’t seem right, I wanted to know what was wrong with my wolf, why she was reacting that way. She purred and washed her tail, my skin prickled and I sniffed the air. I couldn’t control it, my wolf was taking over my senses. I felt something touch my hand, and I snapped my eyes open. Why did I feel goosebumps at that touch? I lifted my gaze, and he squatted before me, his finger touched my broken lip. I grimaced and fixed my eyes on him. What was this feeling? “Did you get into a fight?” “I didn’t think you’re the type to get into a fight? Did something happen?” He dropped his fingers from my lip and looked down. I swallowed as my heartbeat skyrocketed. No, it can’t be. When he looked up, I met his green eyes. He exhaled. “...about the other day. I don’t know why I feel bothered that you ran off that way, don’t you think it’s basic etiquette to talk to someone, and not leave them hanging like some fool.” My lips parted but only a gasp came out. I couldn’t look away from him, I might end up frightening him with my stare but I couldn’t help it. My wolf purred in my head again, and the first word she said to me was... ‘Mate.’ I heard her voice in my head. Loud and clear, and I felt it in my heart. ‘He’s mate.’ I found him.
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