What’s your name?

1073 Words
~ISRA~ “Happy Birthday, Isra.” It was just the same memory that woke me up every morning, the sweet voice, sounded like a melody in my ear. The voice that calmed me down amid the storm that I was facing. I never knew who had that voice or what memory was it. I had just turned eighteen today but it was just like every ugly Monday in Silverwolf Pack. “Why are you still in bed? Get up your fool, won’t you make breakfast!” The loud strident voice from Mrs Joan, the Beta’s wife jolted me from the bed. She banged her fist on the door. I quickly untangled myself from the sheet and hurried to the door to get it door before she did, but she beat me to it and kicked the wooden door open. Slaps! She grabbed the hem of my dress and dragged me out of the room, pushing me to the stairs. “Get me my coffee.” She barked. I staggered to regain my balance and bit my lower lip hard till I tasted blood. “You lazy thing, you should know your place instead of sleeping like a pig!” She spat. “Get my coffee!” I nodded and lowered my gaze. She hissed and walked out of the hallway. I walked into the kitchen and rubbed some ice on the side of my cheek. I made breakfast in a hurry because I was getting late for my classes, and didn’t want to face any humiliation at school. I wanted to remain invisible. I served Stacy breakfast, the daughter of the Beta, and gave Mrs. Joan her coffee. “It’s too hot!” She spat out and hurled the mug of coffee on my body. I flinched and jerked backward, dabbing my hand on my dress to ease myself from the burn. A strained sound came out of my mouth. “Get me another coffee! Idiot.” I darted out of the room and went to make another coffee. “You’re so useless!” She yelled even after I was gone, she knew that I heard her calling me useless. I served her another coffee which she accepted with disgust on her face, and she ushered me away. I went to get dressed for school and ate the crumbs that Stacy left on her plate. “Don’t come after me, leave in an hour when I get to school,” Stacy warned wagging a finger at me, she was a foot taller than me, slender figure, smooth skin, and hazel eyes. I was already dressed for school, and if I waited for another hour, I would be late. She rolled her eyes and folded her hands on her chest. “Don’t give me such stares. I wasn’t the one who made your life miserable. It’s you.” She hissed. “Wait till I drive out of the house before you step out. You disgust me.” She groaned and stomped her feet on the ground. She picked up her books from the table in the living room and sauntered out of the house swaying her hips as she did. I gripped tight to my skirt tightly and blinked my eyes several times. I had just clocked eighteen, once I had my wolf. I would find my mate and leave the pack. But what if my mate rejected me when he found out I couldn’t speak? “Everyone!” “It’s Isra birthday today!” Belladonna screamed in the hallway when I arrived at school and was heading towards my locker. I kept my head down and dragged my feet along. She was Stacy’s friend and part of the three bullies. They called themselves the Queens of Silverwolf Pack High School. Stacy, Belladonna, and Yanni. I stopped walking when she stood in front of me and smirked. “We got a surprise for you, pumpkin.” Bella grinned. I looked around and saw the mischievous look on the faces of the students in the hallway. “Look at me.” She pouted. I looked across the hall, Stacy was leaning against her locker and picking her nails, she looked uninterested but wasn’t staring at me. Bella lifted my chin with a finger and tilted my head upward. “Hope you like it, bum.” She laughed. Then I felt it, the splash came from that direction, I was hit with whatever, eggs, rotten vegetables, and fruits, water, spoiled milk. They cheered and laughed. I shivered and closed my eyes as foul water ran down from my head down to my face. I clamped my mouth shut and remained frozen on the spot. Laughter erupted in the hall, I heard Stacy laugh. “Can’t you at least say thank you? Isn’t this the best birthday present ever?” Belladonna chuckled, she stood several feet away from me and scrunched her nose. “Did you forget? she can’t speak.” Yanni nudged her by the arm. “Oh my Goodness.” Bella placed a hand on her mouth as if she had forgotten, she turned to Yanni and laughed. “Muteee.” “She is dumb and draft!” I heard them tittering, and laughing around me. “A loser.” I sunk my teeth into my lower lip and didn’t let a tear slip out of my eyes but my hands shook beside me. “What’s this?” A voice spoke arrogantly behind me. “Who made the hallway a mess? Is this some...” “She did.” Bella pointed a finger at me. I didn’t want to lift my head because I have failed to hold back the tears, if I did, a dam would break out. “She wanted a birthday party.” Bella shrugged and walked away from me. The hallway became calm. “What’s that foul smell?” He scoffed, and that was when I raised my head a little, his eyes searched around until he met mine for a second. I parted my lips, I had never seen him before. He was about six foot three, athletic body, and a pair of green eyes. His dark thick hair was styled and covered a spot on his forehead. He raised a brow at me. “f**k, lower your gaze.” He scoffed. I took my gaze down, the moment he spoke, the aura he held was authoritative like an Alpha.
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