
1536 Words
*Omario POV* Abi is pacing next to the window by the time I walk in and kick the door shut. The sound of the door slamming startles her but I don’t care. Everyone else here can judge me, not her. She does not get to make me feel like a monster when I did all this to save her. I walk straight to her and roughly lift her chin forcing her to face me. We stare at each other for a minute before I let her chin go and look away. That fire behind her eyes is triple the last time I saw it. I can feel it’s overwhelming hatred towards me. My chest tightens. “Why do you hate me?” I don’t know why her reasons matter to me but they do. “You are not your father, why would I hate you, Your Majesty?” She sounds genuinely shocked by my question. She’s never hidden her hatred for my dad. Even if she tried, Rufus exposes it every Friday. “I don’t know, but you do. Tell me why?”I insist. She sighs and actually looks at me with concern. “Taking a life causes a strain in one’s soul and mind, Your Majesty.” Her gentle tone prompts me to look back at her. Besides the gentleness on her voice and face, the hatred from whatever is behind her eyes has not changed. I wonder why it hates me but not Titan. “Is that your way of telling me that I am imagining things?” She opens and closes her mouth, speechless. She actually looks cute when speechless. “How come you have no wolf, Abi?” I already know that it’s there but she and everyone else does not seem to be aware of it. I want to know what she thinks about it, maybe I can get my answers as to why it hates me so much. She swallows her saliva and casts her eyes down in shame. Fuck! I didn’t mean to make her feel inferior but I should have known. You automatically become the bottom of the hierarchy even amongst servants when you have no wolf. “I don’t know.” Her voice is so soft. A confirmation that I have started a sore subject, but I need to know. “But?” I ask with my eyes raised. She must have a theory. “Maybe it’s my mutation.” “That would be the first.” We discover consequences of different mutations everyday but no one, not even Rufus has mentioned not having a wolf as one. She does not respond to my sarcasm and continues to look down. Now I feel like a real a*s for bringing this up. “I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you.” Her jaw drops before she frantically shakes her head. “You don’t have to apologise for that, Your Majesty. It’s not your doing.” “Still. I did not bring it up to hurt you. I was only curious.” “Thank you, Your Majesty.” “And I hope you will forgive my barbaric actions of killing Sylvester and Kane in front of you.” She actually smiles and reveals a perfect set of teeth I have never seen or paid attention to before. I don’t think I have ever seen such white teeth on a servant and even royals before. That’s about the only thing that does not look impoverished on her. She would be a perfect model for a toothpaste commercial. “You are not bad as you portray, Your Majesty, and thank you for saving me.” I laugh and shake my head at her statement. I can’t believe that I actually apologised but it’s worth seeing her smile for a change. “How do you know Titan?” “Your wolf?” I don’t know why my question shocks her but there’s definitely something here. “Is there another?” She opens her mouth but stops halfway. She’s holding something back and I want to know what. “I will get Rufus to tell me if you won’t.” I threaten and earn myself her cold stare. “He talks to me when I am unconscious or sleeping,”she blurts out. Now I am the shocked one. How the hell is Titan able to do that without my knowledge? “He talks to you?” I ask, and her response gives me some insight. She nods her head. “I had never seen him in person until last night but he is exactly like he is in my dreams and I …” “Yes?” “He’s really sweet, Your Majesty.” That’s not what she was going to say earlier but I don’t push her on it. I will very soon. “How long has this been happening?” I am now casual because I don’t want to spook her. “Two years.” Fuck! That’s about how long he has been rebellious and deserting me. Titan has been talking to Abi behind my back. “You are an a*s!” My stupid wolf does not respond. “We are supposed to be one, you i***t!” I continue cursing him until he responds. “Help her escape then I will obey you.” Titan is still on this. “I can’t do that, Titan. Dad wants her here, I can’t disobey him.” I don’t see why I have to explain this to him. He already knows it. Dad is our Alpha. I may be stronger than the rest of the people here but he is stronger than me. Titan, out of all people should know that we can’t disobey him. “Then I will do what I see fit.” “What the f**k is that supposed to mean?” “Not your business.” Just great! At least I now know where to find him when he deserts me. I even know how to get him back in line. The knock at the door ends our back and forth. Abi is still standing by the window when I open the door. Jeff, the royal fashion designer walks in and bowed before placing a suit cover on my bed. “The clothes you requested, Your Majesty. I did not know the lady’s style and did a combination of everything.” “Thank you, Jeff. You may be excused.” Jeff bows again before taking a look at Abi, who is still on my shirt and walks out. I can feel stupid Titan fuming inside. “That you care about?” I smirk. Something is really off with my wolf. He is not this possessive of Oli and she is our mate. “We claimed her, he can’t look at her like that.” “You, not we. You, Titan, claimed her not me.” I emphasise my point but it’s useless. “Well, you are me.” “When it’s convenient to you.” I sneer before unzipping the suit cover and taking out two classic floral summer dresses. “You can wear these for now and let Jeff know what you like tomorrow.” I am looking directly at her but Abi looks around as if confirming if I am really talking to her before shaking her head. “I can’t wear any of these, Your..” “You will wear them,”I interject. I can’t believe that I have to command her to wear the damn clothes when she had rugs on. She also can’t wear my shirt forever. “Yes, Your Highness. Thank you.” “Don’t just stand there, aren’t you going to fit them?” Something is really wrong with this woman. Oli has loads of clothes but would be jumping like a child at the sight of new clothes, but Abi, who wears rugs, needs encouragement to actually fit the clothes. She takes the two dresses to the bathroom and return’s wearing the blue dress with white flowers. It’s a damn good quality dress but there’s nothing wow about her on it. She is too thin, thinner than the manikins and it’s just hanging on her. Well, it’s a dress and it’s new. It will have to do. “May I be excused, Your Majesty?” “You may, after eating something. The chef will bring food that does not have cheese.” I am aware that she has not eaten since last night when she threw up everything. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” I wish she would stop thanking me for something that is basic human right. I am relieved when the food comes and she actually eats and does not throw up this time. I can’t help but feel warm inside when I see an empty plate. “I will be on my way now, Your Majesty.” She says and heads out when I nod my head. I leave the room shorty after her. I need to go and explain to dad why I killed his friends. I will probably have to explain myself to Oli too because Sylvester was her uncle.
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