Impossible creatures

1653 Words
*Omario POV* I am confused and feel out of place while Abi and Titan continue playing like good old friends. My stupid wolf is enjoying her attention so much he completely ignores my questions and keeps blocking me from taking over. It’s only when she is fast asleep that Titan lets me take over and shift back to my human form. “What the f**k was that?” Silence “What? You won’t talk to me now?” “Get her out of here and I will never overrule you again,” Titan links back. “A bribe, that’s the first and low even for you, asshole.” Titan does not continue to engage with me. Two hours later, Abi is long fast asleep but I can. So many things worry me about her. She’s so thin, I don’t know how she survives the t*****e and gets through every Friday night in this state. Then there’s the matter of her beast hating me but liking Titan. I have never cared what anyone thinks of me, I even let my own mother think I am a monster like dad, but being hated by her beast unsettles me. It’s morning before I could get any sleep and I curse under my breath when I recall that I have a meeting with dad about my training to prepare me to be the next Alpha. As much as I don’t want to leave her in bed, this is one meeting I can’t afford to miss. I want to choose my own Beta and Gamma to train with. Dad won’t be happy with my choices because it’s none of his friends but he can only advise and the ultimate choice is mine. I want strong but moral people I can trust and that’s definitely none of his friends. I carefully slip out of bed, splash cold water on my face and get ready to go. I hope she is still asleep when I get back, but to be sure that she waits for me, I take her rugged clothes away and throw them in the bin outside. Just as I expected, dad is not impressed with my selection but I stand my ground. My best friend Loyd will be my Beta. Unlike dad’s Beta’s who loathe my mother, Loyd gets on really well with Oli. “He is too weak,” dad sneers with his nose up. “Blake will do a better job,” he adds. Like hell he will. That’s one person I am hoping to get rid off the first opportunity I get. “Loyd is my best friend, I want him.” “Very well then.” Loyd is soon accepted, I guess dad did expect me to chose him even though he does not approve. My next selection is much more unexpected to everyone and gets dad’s strongest objection, but I won’t budge. “Terrence will be my Gamma.” “Terrence who?” “Terrence who manages our stables.” “The servant?” Dad is perplexed. “Yes, that Terrence. He is my Gamma,”I say calmly. “You are choosing a servant out of all the esteemed men and warriors we have?” “Yes.” This goes on for a full hour. To all of them, Terrence is just a servant, but I have secretly watched him train. I have seen him endure and overcome the worse of obstacles. I have seen him command horses and other animals with so much ease and I have seen him secretly take on blames to be punished to defend the other weaker servants. “I guess I should be thankful that I am indestructible. Hopefully, I will rule long enough for you to see faults in your selection.” Dad can’t hide his disappointment but I don’t give a damn. He still wants to engage me when the meeting is over but something weird is happening with me. The hairs on the back of my hair lift before I feel her distress and her heart racing. “What the f**k is this?” “I don’t know either,” Titan responds. I excuse myself from dad and race back. This is exactly what I felt when the two servants tried to drown her. I am now splinting to my chambers. I hope for their sake they are not doing that again. I block whispers from the servants on the passageway and storming into my chambers. The bed is empty and there’s no sign of her anywhere. “Abi.” The silence is deafening. I storm out and splint to the servants quarters and meet a grey-haired old woman who is shocked to see me there. “Where’s Abi?” I ask before she manages to bow. “She is probably in the guillotine room, Your Majesty,” she says with a sigh of someone deeply troubled. I don’t have to ask anything more and Titan takes over. There is only one reason a servant will be in there, I hope I am not too late. I shift back at the door and walk in. Brenda, Sylvester and Kane are so preoccupied trying to position Abi on the table, they don’t even hear the door closing. Abi is trembling and tears are rolling down her cheeks while two adults who are triple her size hold her in place. They just don’t care. She is the thinnest woman on earth, the type that would be pitied out there and people would empty their purses for, just not here. Here she faced with so much evil, I can’t understand it. They are all startled by my presence, they can see the rage in my eyes and start shaking. I claimed Abi in their presence, this is direct disobedience and they know it. I am within my rights to punish them. It’s about time I get rid of all of them, I know a lot of servants will be relieved. As soon as I am done with Kane, I plan on moving to Sylvester but Abi screams with horror and I can’t ignore her. She starts coughing when I pull out the cloth they stuffed in her mouth and I can’t help but pat her back. This is a deja vu moment, my brain is telling me to stop patting her but I can’t until the electric shock comes again. Fuck! This really hurts and she is not even aware of it. She is really shaken and goes on about about not stealing my shirt. For a moment I am wondering if she forgot that I put it on her until it dawns on me that is the reason she is here. Brenda has a nerve to voice her stupid excuse for their actions and Sylvester backs her up, fuelling my anger. I don’t know how their niece could be so kind when they are this cruel. Well, it’s time they taste their own medicine. I don’t feel the slightest guilt when I squeeze my hand and cut off Sylvester’s airway before crushing his neck. Brenda wails and uses Oli to save herself and I can see Abi’s terrified face with the corner of my eye. “For Olivia’s sake, I will let you live, but one more disobedience, I won’t be as merciful.” Oli will not be happy with me for this but I mean it. I turn around to see Abi curling herself in the corner before closing her eyes and ears. Wait, is she scared of me? My anger dissipates and get replaced by panic. How can she be scared of me when I saved her from Blake and just saved her arm? She won’t move even when I reassure her, she won’t even look at me. I command Brenda to leave before doing the only thing I can think of that would help. The last thing I need is Brenda discovering my vulnerability. I shift into my wolf the moment the door closes and let Titan deal with the impossible creature I have just saved. Titan immediately rubs himself against her and she comes alive. “Oh! Titan,” she says before hugging him and starts sobbing uncontrollable. It takes a full ten minutes for her to finally calm down and giggles through her tears when Titan licks her salty cheeks. “I can never celebrate a loss of life, even that of my tormentors. You understand that, don’t you T?” “No, I fucken’ don’t understand that!” I am screaming inside while Titan continues l*****g her face. She is making me a monster when I did this for her and Titan is allowing it. Traitor! I shift back without warning, startling her. “To my chambers this moment.” She and I have to talk because I will not tolerate her all righteous judgmental attitude. “Ye..s Your Majesty,” she responds with a shaky voice before running off and leaving me standing there feeling like dictator. I follow behind her and pass Brenda kneeling and crying outside the door. Her wailing has attracted a lot of attention, including my mother, who does not look impressed with me. All dad’s friends, including Kane, Sylvester and Brenda treat her like trash but she is still respectful and even kind to them. She used to tell me to do the same when I was younger and the two of us still got along well. She and Abi are just the same. Persecuted by the same people they feel compassion for. Maybe it’s a victim mentality, I really can’t relate. I turn to Brenda, who is still wailing. “You may take him and bury him anyway you like.” That’s another mercy I am showing her. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” She knows that I could have him thrown to the wild like an animal for his disobedience.
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