Wolf bond

1200 Words
*Omario POV* As expected, dad is not happy with me killing his best friends but he is thrilled that I am apparently not weak and more like him. Kane and Sylvester are my first kills while he has murdered multitudes on his own, not to mention the ones he indirectly killed through his sick okes. “Well, I can now have Brenda,” he says, carelessly with my mother standing a few feet from us. I look blankly at him. Him, Brenda and Sylvester were childhood friends who wrecked havoc everywhere they went. That’s why they were casted out of their original packs and became rogues. I also know that he wanted Brenda first but she had eyes for Sylvester, who was the strongest at the time. By the time the explosion happened and dad became invincible, Brenda and Sylvester were long married and dad had also long bought and married my mother. The bastard laughs before patting my shoulders. “Don’t look so surprised. My friendship with Sylvester is the only reason I let her be. Thanks to you, that’s out of the way. I can’t wait to f**k her.” You would think he would be more sad about his so called best friend but he is actually more interested in f*****g his widow instead. I guess his friends are not exempt to the lack of empathy and compassion he display for everyone else. “Is that your way of informing me that you will be rejecting and divorcing my mother?” I am trying my luck and notice mother clenching her teeth with the corner of my eye. I know that she wants to be free and get out of here, maybe this is it. My question must be really amusing to dad because he laughs louder. “Why the f**k would I let go of my Luna for?” What do you know? He actually knows that she is his Luna. “You are free to have what you have always wanted now.” “Huh! You don’t know?” Now I am the confused one. “Nala is my fucken’ mate. Weak and pathetic as she is but I can never let her go. My wolf adores her, the bastard won’t accept anyone else. I can f**k anyone I want but she’s the only one I feel, the only one who gives me that release.” Eew! This man forgets that I am his son and that’s my mother he is telling me about. “Does that mean you two can still feel your mate bond?” “I don’t know if that’s it but I gotta ride her every night to keep sane. She hates me but she loves that.” Mother looks away when our eyes meet. That’s why she was so adamant that the mate bond still exists. I wonder if she despises it for making her want the man she hates. Maybe that’s why she never tried to escape but secretly wants him dead instead. “Dad!” “You asked, I gave you the answer.” That’s true, I can’t fault him for that. “Don’t worry, Son. You will know what I am talking about when you finally bond with Olivia.” I leave my parents without responding and head to Brenda’s home. Their house is five kilometres away but I decide to drive there because I cant rely on Titan these days. Oli must have heard the news about her uncle by now. I need to explain myself to her. On my way there I can’t stop thinking about my conversation with dad. I hope he is right about this bond thing because right now I feel nothing when I’m with Oli. Frode’s word that she is my mate is all I have. Our wolfs don’t seem to be as sensitive to detecting mates as before the explosion. Frode, Rufus’ apprentice, is the only one so far with the gift to detect the bond between mates. We all go to him for council. I was not surprised when he told me that Oli was mine. She and I have known each other since we were born. She spent a lot of time in the castle when we were younger and we got on really well. Her mother was Brenda’s younger sister but she was raised by Brenda and Sylvester. Her parents were also dad’s friends who were both killed by Abi’s father when they attacked the Lilly town creek park. Rumours are Abi’s father was the strongest Alpha in Lilly town before the explosion and his people adored him. He managed to single-handedly kill over twenty of dad’s rogue friends before he was defeated by my indestructible dad. They don’t talk much about this though, mother is the one who told me about it. I wonder if beside the prophecy, if that is another reason dad and his friends hate Abi so much and if it’s why Kane, Sylvester and Brenda disobeyed me to try and cut off her arm. Whatever their reasons were, I hope it deters the rest of them from trying something like that again. “You will stop hoping if you get her out of here.” “How about you shut the f**k up about that and let me think about what I will say to our mate?” Silence Argh! Stupid wolf is gone. I can feel the void that can never be filled by anything. He takes a huge chunk of myself when he does that. I drive into Brenda’s house and immediately see Oli standing outside her bedroom balcony on the first floor. I also notice a dozen of dad’s friend’s exquisite cars outside. They are here and probably not happy about my actions but I don’t give a damn. I get out of the car and watch Oli. She would usually wave at me before running back inside and coming out to meet me but she looks away and continues to stand there. She’s mad alright. I sigh and approach the door. That’s when Loyd comes out to welcome me. He is my best friend and future Beta, who has also known Oli her whole life. I am not surprised to see him here. The two of them are neighbours and get on really well. “How is she?” He shakes his head and I know that I am going to have a tough time. Oli is mostly reasonable but has a temper. “She’s devastated. Sylvester was like a father to her, man,” he says with a distasteful tone. If I didn’t know him well I would think that was a challenge. He is my best friend but would be stupid to even try something like that. “I know, but he was also an a*s and careful, that sounds like a challenge my friend.” My response is intentionally loud. I need everyone to be clear that I am here because of Oli but I don’t feel the least bit guilty for killing Sylvester. Loyd immediately bows his head. “I swear that was not my intention. I….” “Relax, man. I know.”
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