First mission

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Chapter 8 “I have a mission for you all, we have had word from King Christian that an Alpha under his care has been abusing his pack members and treating his omega’s like slaves. I need you to investigate, and if it’s true, remove him from power along with anyone else complicit in the abuse and suggest a suitable replacement if one is available in the pack” Mack tells us. “That sounds like a fairly simple job Alpha, why do I feel like there is a but in there somewhere” Aaron asks. “That’s because there is. I can easily give this to another team if you like, so take time to consider it. The Alpha and pack that we need you to investigate is Alpha Thomas of the Blood Mountain Pack, now I know that is the pack your ex mate is from George and from what I know she is still living there. None of us will think any less of you if you want to avoid seeing her” Mack explains. “We don’t have to take this job, George. We will all support your decision” I say “Would you let your ex mate stop you from going on a job” he asks me seriously. “Hell no, and I would probably climb you like a pole in front of him to make the fu.cker jealous and show him how much I don’t care about the” I say laughing, as my uncle groans. “No one will be climbing anyone, and no one touches my niece” he complains, making me laugh harder. “None of us would sleep with Rayne Alpha” Scott says, looking embarrassed. “Gee thanks” I say in mock, upset. “No, he doesn’t mean it like that. He just means you are like our sister. Even a blind man could see how gorgeous you are, and hell, I am totally for you, making George’s ex jealous or using one of us to make that a.sshole regret his choices. I don’t think you will need us for that though” Aaron tries to explain flustered. “Calm down. I was just teasing him” I chuckle. “Just behave yourself the lot of you and don’t take it too far, that’s if you are taking the job” Mack says, frustrated. “Of course we are taking it. It has been over a year since I rejected the bi.tch. She is not going to stop me from doing my job. The little feelings I had for her because of the bond left a long time ago” George says plainly. “Fine if you are sure, if there are any problems, let me know, and I will send another team in” Mack says. “Don’t worry, we have his back. It will be fine” Samuel says. “Right then, you leave tomorrow first thing” Mack let’s us know and hands us all the details he has. We spend the rest of the day going over all the information he has on the Alpha and the pack and discussing how we will go about the mission. It definitely looks like most of the ranked members are involved and possibly their heirs as well. I just hope there are some decent ones in the pack that can take over and run the place, or it will be chaos until the King can get it sorted out. We head out just after breakfast and arrive after lunchtime, having stopped to eat on the way. The border patrol were reluctant to let us in, but they had no choice in the end as soon as they saw our paperwork. The Alpha did not look best pleased that we were there and was eager to find out how long our visit would be. We made sure not to commit to a time frame. I got a few confused looks when I rocked up with the guys. I am sure everyone is wondering what the hell I am doing here with them. The advantage of being a tiny pretty girl is that no one sees you as a threat. They are more relaxed around you and let their guard down. “So Rayne, was it? What brings you here are you mates with one of the elite squad or something” the Alpha heir Thaine asks me while undressing me with his eyes. “Whether I am with one of them or not is irrelevant as to why I am here, Thaine. I am just as much part of the squad as each of them are so it would be wise to remember that and treat me with the respect I deserve” I warn him. The boy give the creeps the way he looks at me and any other woman who passes by, you can easily tell how much of a player he is and the inappropriate thoughts that are going on in his mind. I bet he has slept with half of the women here. “Seriously, a pretty little thing like you, are they just letting anyone in now adays. I thought they had high standards” he sneers laughing at his own comments. “Well if you are not afraid of a little embarrassment, maybe you should challenge her to a match. I have to warn you though it won’t look great for the future Alpha to be beaten down by the pretty little girl” George says, mocking him. “Hmm, I wouldn’t want to hurt our guest, so I will have to pass on that” he says, backing out. “Coward” Samuel adds, laughing. “Don’t worry beautiful. I am sure someone will be brave enough to take you on, and you can get to kick someone’s If not, you can kick mine any day” George says, putting his arm around me and kissing me on the head. Yeah, so we decided that for the purpose of this visit, to keep away the ex mate and scare off any creepy men like the Alpha heir, George and I were going to pretend to be a couple. It’s not exactly going to be a hard task, George is great to get along with, fantastic personality, 6ft 4, built like a brick house, long dirty blonde hair that he rocks down or tied back, and amazing blue eyes. “Thanks babe, but your is far too sexy to kick” I say, giving him a wink while slapping his butt cheek. The guys are trying not to look at us so they don’t laugh at George’s blushing, or at our flirting attempts, while Thaine is looking irritated at being belittled and ignored in favour of another guy. He really does think that women will just drop at his feet. This guy has a massive ego problem and really needs brought down a peg or two, and I am happy to do just that. “I guess the elite teams are not as strong as I have heard, or they have sent one of their less powerful ones. Oh well, I am much too busy to hang around and chat all day if you will excuse me” he sneers, walking off. “You will have to excuse my son he is very busy with Alpha and pack work” Alpha Thomas says, embarrassed while trying to fumble an excuse. “No problem, Alpha, we can understand the importance of pack work and how busy the ranked members can get. I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare someone to give us a tour of the pack and show us to our rooms so we have an idea of how to get around while we are here” Aaron says diplomatically. “Of course, I will call an omega right away” he replies as his eyes glaze over. It only takes a few minutes before a young woman around my age or maybe a year older comes rushing towards us and bows her head to the Alpha. “Marianne here will show you to your rooms first so you can drop off your luggage, then give you a tour of the pack before meal time. If there is anything you need, feel free to call on myself or any of the ranked members” he says gruffly. “Thank you Alpha your hospitality is very much appreciated” Aaron says respectfully. We all introduce ourselves to Marianne. She seems like quite a timid girl who avoids eye contact as much as possible. I know we all have fairly strong auras, but we are purposefully holding them back so as not to cause any discomfort. Even for an omega, her behaviour is really extreme. There has to be a reason for her acting this way. We are in no way coming across as threatening, but she is acting as if she is scared to put a foot wrong. I wonder if they all feel and act this way. We really need to observe them all closely and how they act, in particular around ranked wolves.
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