Bonding with the team

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Chapter 7 My first month at the training camp has been spent training and bonding with my new team, we have not been given a mission yet as my uncle wanted to make sure we got close and we were the right fit before sending us out together. After that first meeting, the guys have been great with me. They felt embarrassed of their behaviour for a while after and were all determined to show me that they were better than their first impressions. They are a good group of men, I see why Mack put us together. They are all either related to royals or ranked members from where they came from, just not directly in the line of succession for their packs, covens, and kingdoms. Aaron is cousins with the royal beta in the North, Scott is a younger brother of an Alpha in the South, and George is the cousin of an Alpha in the North. Drake is the current king of vampires nephew, and Samuel is the Queen of the fae’s and my mother’s nephew, their younger brothers son. So it turns out he is my cousin. I eventually opened up to them 3 weeks in about my story and who my parents were. Samuel was excited to find out I was his cousin, he said they all knew about me from a young age and he can understand why I wasn’t ready to meet everyone yet when I had only just found out about it on my birthday, where as they had always known about me. He promised not to tell any of the family when he spoke to them until I was ready to meet them and for them to find out where I am. The rest of them also promised to keep my identity to themselves. It meant I was now able to practice with my powers around them. He did say he felt a bit stupid for not realising it when we had first met as apparently I bear a striking resemblance to my birth mother and aunt. If it is that uncanny, I am surprised no one has put it together before now, but then again the fae tend to keep to themselves and it’s not exactly like I have done a lot of travelling in my life. Samuel was really impressed with my magic and how strong I was with all of the elements already. He himself only has the ability to use 3 of the elements water, wind, and fire. He was only really strong with his water and wind. His fire element still needed some work to get to his full potential. He enjoyed having someone to spar magically with. There were a couple of wizards at the camp he would train occasionally with, but it is a completely different type of magic they use, so this has been a novelty for him being able to train his power more regularly. It should also hopefully help him to improve and perfect his fire element eventually. Through Samuel, I learned more about my biological mothers family, what she was like, and what type of people my brothers and stepfather are. By all accounts, they sound like genuinely nice people, ones that I will like when I eventually meet them. I have also heard about my family on my biological father’s side from Aaron as he grew up with my brothers being cousins with their future Beta. He is not too close with them, being a few years older than them, but he knows the family pretty well, with his father being a friend of mine. Again, from what he said, they seem like a decent bunch of people. I will still be cautious to protect myself as people can hide a lot from others, and you never know their true intentions until they show you what they are really like. These people have spent more than 18 years lying to everyone and hiding their secrets. Each of them have their own stories and reasons for being here, and as we have grown and bonded as a group, they have opened up to me as I have opened up to them. In my cousins case, he was just bored, stuck at home as part of the royal family, and wanted to explore the world around him and meet the other species. He feels we should all be working and interacting together more. Aaron being of beta blood has a need to protect and look after others and he felt he could do that better with my uncle, as he would never hold a position in his pack with it going down his uncles family line. This way, he can make much more of a difference in peoples lives than as a warrior in the royal pack. George was rejected by his mate because he would never be an Alpha, and she was already dating an Alpha who had promised to make her his Luna. He happily accepted, not wanting a mate who only cared about position and power. The next day, he packed up and joined the camp, putting his skills and strength to good use. The last he heard his ex mate had been dumped as the Alpha had met his mate and was never serious about the offer, he was just saying whatever he needed to to get her in bed. She has apparently been looking for him for the last year, hoping he will let her take back the rejection. He has no inclination to do so and just wants to see if the goddess will give him a second chance. Scott hated being in his big brothers' shadow all of his life and wanted to do something for himself away from the pack and his parents' judgemental eyes. Them and their pack were always comparing him and his brother, so he decided it was time to step away and do something that he wanted instead of always trying to please others. Drake, like my cousin, just fancied a bit of adventure and to get out and see the world while doing a bit of good at the same time. They are all hopeful that they will meet their mates on their journeys and missions, but they are happy to wait until the time is right. It is amazing how quickly you can bond with a group of strangers when you spend every moment with each other. Apart from when we are sleeping, we are always together, training, eating, and hanging out. Sharing our stories and secrets helped to turn us into a family. I did try and cook for them once. It was such a disaster that they made me promise never to try it again. I did warn them I was a terrible cook, it is not my fault they didn’t believe I could be that bad.I do bake for them, after the cooking disaster they were scared to try my baked goods until I showed them they were not going to kill them. I have to say that although if I had to cook for myself, I would probably starve, I am an amazing baker, so at least I can give something back to them. We are now in a great routine, and I am like their new little sister. They have all become really close and protective over me. I have enjoyed my time here, I just can’t wait until we receive our first assignment and I can get to work properly. It can get a bit tedious at times, just following the same routine day after day. With having to basically stay in the camp when we are not on assignment there has not been much to do, I understand that we have needed this time together to get to know each other better, but I am itching to get out and explore the world and find some action and make myself useful. I know the guys are missing being out on their missions as well they are definitely not used to all this downtime. Finally, our thoughts are answered when my uncle drops by the house with a mission for us. This type of thing can be handled by the king and his guards, but most often, these things are passed off to my uncle to deal with, as his men are well trained and impartial. Word had gotten to the North Lycan King (daddy dearest) that an Alpha in his kingdom is not treating his pack members right, and the omega’s are being treated like slaves. This type of treatment has been outlawed for generations, so it is up to us to go and investigate. The pack will have no option but to let us in and look around, we are under no illusion that everyone will be on their best behaviour while we are there and that they will all be warned not to speak up. That is why these things usually take a while to complete. The biggest concern for the mission is George, as he has history with this pack, namely one little she bi.tch called Cleo, we can pass it off to another team if he is not up to it. I would rather stay bored than put him through upset and all the rest of the team feel exactly the same way.
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