Meeting the ex

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Chapter 9 George’s pov I hated seeing that sleezy future Alpha looking at Rayne the way he was, so I decided I may as well start putting operation couple into play. I have to say it felt so weird acting like that with her, and I know how red I must have looked when she slapped my, I really did not expect that. I think she is definitely going to be able to pull this off better than me, I need to get my act together. It’s not that she is not attractive, Rayne is stunning, and she could make any girl jealous of her body and looks. I just don’t think of her in that way, I want my mate, and I know she does too. We just don’t want our ex mates, and neither of us has any interest in having anyone else until we meet our second chance. The look on that fu.ckers face when he thought we were together and she would prefer me to him and she challenged him to a fight was worth the initial discomfort. I know I will get used to us acting like a couple especially if it keeps unwanted attention off of our backs, it will help to protect Rayne and totally piss of Cleo as she doesn’t hold a candle to her. The omega Marianne is a pleasant girl, really quiet and definitely cautious around ranked people. She is unusually submissive even for an omega. I wonder what her story is, I think it will be hard for her to open up. We can try on the tour, but it might be easier for Rayne to talk to her alone. As soon as we have been shown to our rooms and dropped off our bags, Marianne takes us for a tour around the packhouse first. All of the omega’s that we pass have their heads down and will not look at us in the eye, even when we great them. There is definitely something going on around here, I know in my pack the omega are a happy bunch that enjoy the work they do. They always have a smile on their face and are happy to chat and say hello to you when they see you. This is just strange. It is as if there is no life in the place, as if the joy has been sucked out of them. I feel relieved when we get out of the packhouse and into the fresh air. The feelings of repression are instantly gone, and I feel lighter. “Did any of you feel that tension in the air and think it was weird how they were all acting” I ask the team over mindlink. “Yeah it was stifling, I don’t know about anyone else’s packs, but where I am from the omega’s are not like that. Yeah some are a bit more submissive than others but nothing like that, and they all enjoy the work they do because they get to pick their work and are well paid like any other pack members” Rayne replies. “Same in my pack, I have never felt so uncomfortable. I couldn’t wait to get out of there” Scott says. “I am glad it was not just me, I was starting to think this was what it was like in packs although even though we have been in a few bad packs I have never felt so many like that” Drake replies. “Yeah we need to keep our eyes peeled, I think they will have been commanded not to speak, so I am not sure if they will say much. What rank is your ex mate” Arron says. “Beta” “We may be able to use her for information if we have no other options” Aaron suggests. “If it comes to it, I will, but I would rather not have to go anywhere near her” I reply “Understood, we will only go down that road if it is absolutely necessary” Aaron agrees. We have our tour around the pack. It is a much more pleasant atmosphere away from the packhouse. The shop workers look much happier and more content in their work and their life. We chat to quite a few of them and discover that all of them are warriors' mates. So I guess if you are mated to a warrior or above, it gives you a better quality of live and better work options. Whereas if you are just an omega or mated to another omega, you are stuck where they put you and treated like a slave and controlled. I wonder if they even bother to pay them or make sure they are fed properly. A lot of them looked underfed, and some looked more healthy than others. Is it a select few that are treated worse, or is it based on performance or status. Marianne has been no help she just answers as plainly as possible. The Alpha and family are good to their pack members. The ranked members treat everyone fairly. We all like our work and are grateful to have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. All of the answers are said without emotion and as if they have been practised and put in her mouth for her. I, for one, do not believe a word of it. She is telling us she is happy with her eyes dull and no emotion in her voice at all. I mean, really, do they expect us to fall for that cr.ap. The Alpha should have thought it through a bit better. The poor woman looks so relieved when she gets us back to the packhouse and can finally escape us and our questioning. We make our way into the dining hall, and the Alpha calls us over to eat at the high table with him. Unfortunately, that means Cleo is sitting there, too. As soon as she sees me, her eyes light up in excitement, I know she has been trying to find me since that Alpha dumped her, but she lost her chance ages ago. “Oh my goddess George, I can’t believe you are here. I am so excited to see you, did you come for me, here sit beside me baby” she says, in her irritating voice that goes right through you, what the hell was the goddess thinking when she made her my mate. “No Cleo, I am here for work, and I don’t think my love would be happy if I sat down beside you, so I am fine over here” I say to her coldly. “Your love, what the hell do you mean your love, you are my mate, mine” she shouts, drawing attention to us as I take a seat across from her next to Rayne. “Oh please, was he your mate when you were wh.oring yourself out to an Alpha, or when you rejected him for that Alpha. So now you have been dumped, and you expect him to come crawling back to you. Well, tough luck bi.tch he has moved on. The bond has broken, and he is no longer yours. He is mine. Isn’t that right babe” Rayne says, full of malice. “Thats right beautiful” I agree, kissing her her head. Cleo is seething with anger and jealousy. She is not used to people talking back to her or challenging her. Her dad and mum look pi.ssed off. “If he is yours, why hasn’t he marked you or you him yet, and what about your own mate” she sneers childishly. “Oh him he’s an i***t that I got rid of. The fool thought I was a wolf and didn’t want me when I didn’t turn at 18, so I was quite happy to reject his My George was happy to love me whether I had a wolf or not, so when I get my lycan, my big cuddly Alpha here will be getting an upgrade when we mark each other. Our other halves can’t wait to go at it as much as we already do” Rayne says, throwing me a wink. “You are a lycan, but you have not shifted yet. You know I can challenge you for him” Cleo says evilly as the team all laugh at her. “What the is so funny” she shouts angrily. “Looks like you might get to kick someone’s after all beautiful” I say to Rayne before turning back to Cleo. “Trust me Rayne does not need to shift to put you in your place, but I am more than happy to see you getting put in your place by my gorgeous girl, it just turns me on more when I see her in action” I say to her off more. “You just like to see me in a little workout outfit covered in sweat don’t you sexy” Rayne purrs at me. “I do, I like it even more when I am the one making you sweaty” Axel my wolf growls joining in on the fun making Cleo even more pi.ssed off and jealous as he snickers in my head. He has absolutely no feelings for his ex mate and is really enjoying getting under her skin. He doesn’t mind a bit of flirting with Rayne to do it as he adores her but not in a s****l way. He is happy to pretend, especially if it keeps perverts away from her. He is really protective of her. “I can’t believe even your wolf is wanting this. We are your mate. He should be wanting us. I will kick your midget ass for this, I challenge you for George” she says, fuming. “Bring it on bi.tch. How about at practice tomorrow morning? You will just have to try and not wear me out too much tonight babe” Rayne says, chuckling. “No promises” I reply cheekily as Cleo storms out of the room.
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