Chapter Sixteen: Archer

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Archer I don’t know how long we sat outside by the creek. It seemed like time just went too fast and stood still all at once. My shoulders tensed as I sat there, waiting for this conversation to happen and I have a feeling that I’m not going to like it. Originally, I wanted to come out here alone so I could wrap my head round everything that has happened on my own. To be honest, I wanted to just sit here and cry because of how hurt I was. My family has been putting up with my mood swings for years and have dealt with more than they signed up for, but something Dylan told me one day when I was at his place, feeling defeated because Tara wouldn’t stop with her crap, reminded me of how amazing they are. “You have been there for all of us in more ways than we could count. You have been our support, our strength, our courage, are brain and our heart for so long, it’s time for us to be that for you. We will support you no matter what. If you’re angry, we can understand. When you get hurt, we will be there to help put you back together, because lil bro, you mean more to me than you could imagine and the last thing I want is for you to be broken like we were once upon a time. If me, being here, can help you? Then I will walk with you the entire way no matter what obstacles we face.” Gage didn’t say anything for a while. He just sat on his phone, texting, probably Taylor, and probably to have her come out here to she can sit with us while we talk. He knows I need her. She’s one of my best friends and she has been my other biggest support with the whole Tara thing. She became like my mini body guard. Hell, there was one time we were coming back to my place after a family barbeque just so we could decompress from the bullshit that was happening and something was off. I always lock my windows and doors before leaving, but when we got inside, the window to the kitchen was propped open. She went ahead and checked the bedrooms while I checked the lower level and the next thing I knew, I heard a lot of slamming and screaming, making me rush up to my bedroom where I saw a half-naked Tara in a damn chock hold from Taylor. The crazy b***h broke into my townhouse! That’s when I started with the legal proceedings regarding her. I should have done that s**t a long time ago, but that was the last straw. I just didn’t know she would fight me tooth and fuckin’ nail. “When is she going to be here?” I asked him, making him snap his head up at me with a grin, “I know you too damn well. You’re texting Taylor to come here with me, aren’t you?” “Yeah. But I might be in the dog house after this conversation.” He scrunched his nose a bit as he ran his fingers through his hair, “There is something I need to tell you that I should have told you months ago, but I couldn’t. I mean, I could have, but then your dad would have beat my ass and even though he’s older, he still scares the crap out of me.” “Wonderful. Can’t wait to hear this one. After this, are there any other secrets you guys are keeping from me? Because I’m right there at my limit before I feel like this turns into betrayal.” “That’s ridiculous. They would never betray you in that sense. This is just…it’s a lot and if you would have known what I knew four months ago, you would have gone crazy and who knows what you would have done.” He leaned forward a bit, his knee was shaking and he looked nervous, “Taylor is almost here. I just…I need you to promise me what I tell you not to get mad at me. I wanted to tell you, but your father and Tristian thought it was best that you didn’t know because they were afraid you would go off the deep end with this information, and frankly, they were right.” He winced at the last part. Why the hell did he wince? What the f**k was he talking about. “If you think I’m going to go off the deep end, then you’re probably right but that doesn’t give you guys the right to not say s**t to me.” I snapped at him as I stood up and walked towards the creek. I bent over, grabbed a few stones and started to throw them into the water, watching them cause little ripples in the flowing water as they disappeared within a moment. This place was always peaceful to me and brought back way too many good memories. This was one of the first placed I took Jo so we could talk and get to know each other before we started dating. We played twenty questions that day, asking stupid s**t just to make conversation, but there was much I learned about her that day. She’s always wanted to be a vet when she grows up. Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite flower are white roses. She loves all music, but her favorite was early 2000’s, so that would make most of the family happy. She’s a good girl and doesn’t touch anything illegal. She’s never drank and doesn’t plan to. She’s terrified of her mom but won’t tell me why. And the more I got to know her, the more we talked, the more we hung out, I fell, and I fell hard. We started dating in secret because we didn’t want everyone to freak out because they look at her as vulnerable, but I don’t. She’s anything but. She’s strong, determined and the bravest person I know. Where they see what she went through as something that hurt her, I see if as something that helped her become stronger. She’s tough and it makes me need her in my life even more. I even started helping her with some self-defense, well, what I knew at the time, which wasn’t much being sixteen. I helped teach her how to punch and kick and where the vulnerable spots on a guys body were besides the d**k, and she brought me down to my knees a couple of times when we practiced. My amazing Jo. But the one memory here that would forever be stuck in my mind is when I told her I loved her for the first time. I’ve never felt like this before and I was terrified. I had no one to talk to about it. They would look at us like we were crazy, but there was something in me that knew Jo would be my forever. I knew it then, and I know it now. We were supposed to meet up for dinner and a movie at Dylan’s place, since I was staying in the basement at the time. I had things planned. I was going to order steaks from the bar downtown and get all the fixings she loved. I had sparkling cider and cherry pepsi, her two favorites. I had a cheesecake from the bakery in town that she’s been looking at. I even went as far as to hang those stupid fairy lights around the room and had a couple dozen of white roses for her with a ruby heart necklace I bought. But as I looked at everything when I set it up, I panicked. I freaked out and ran out of the room and grabbed the keys to my car and drove to mom and dad’s so I could come here. I didn’t say anything to anyone. I just left. I don’t know how long I was out here. I was pacing back and forth, my mind was going wild. “I’m so stupid.” I muttered to myself as I gripped my hair in my hands, “You’re only sixteen! How would you know what this feels like. Why does it feel like this? Why can’t I get her out of my head? Why does it hurt when she’s not with me and all I want is for her to be by my side? Why does the thought of us not being with each other when I think of the future gut me?” I mumbled, “Why? s**t. I know why. I know why I feel like this, but is it too soon? Am I too young? Is she at the same place as me?” “Tell me.” She whispered from behind me. I paused my step, turned to her and there she was, standing there in a gorgeous red skater dress with her hair flowing down her back in beautiful, blonde waves. I must be hallucinating, because she doesn’t know I’m here, “Tell me what you feel and I’ll tell you what I feel.” I shrugged and took a few steps towards her. If I’m imagining things, I might as well get it off my chest, but as soon as I placed my hand on her face, I realized she really is here, “How?” “Your dad called Dylan and told him you came out here rushing like a maniac.” She chuckled, “He was worried but figured Dylan would be better suited to talk to you, so he sent me since I was waiting for you in his living room.” She shrugged, “Now, what are you mumbling about crazy?” “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left.” I sighed as I trailed my hands down her arms and held them in mine, “I got scared to see you tonight.” “Oh.” She whispered, “I mean, I didn’t realize I was so scary. Were the self defense lessons you gave me giving you nightmares?” she laughed. I shook my head and grinned, “No, pretty girl. Watching you fight with me actually…nothing.” “No…tell me.” She looked up at me with so much emotion written on her face, I couldn’t comprehend it, “Tell me everything you’re feeling and I’ll tell you.” “I’m going to scare you away.” I whispered as I cupped her face, “What I’m feeling, it isn’t normal.” She moved just an inch closer, “Fine. Then I’ll tell you how I feel.” She whispered, just millimeters away from my lips, “I fell in love with you over these last few months and it scares me. I see a future with you, Archer, and I’m terrified you don’t feel the same. I look at you and my heart bursts through my chest. I can’t wait to see you and just hold your hand. You give me butterflies that I’ve never felt before. I am utterly and irrevocably in love with you and I think you feel the same, but you’re scared of letting those feelings show.” “I am.” “Why?” “Because, I’ve never been in love before, so I don’t know how it feels.” I sighed as I rubbed my nose against hers, “But when I’m with you, I feel complete. It’s crazy, though, right? We’re sixteen!” “When you know, you know.” She whispered, “I love you Archer, and nothing will ever change that. You have buried yourself so deep in my heart, you are forever there.” “You are my forever, Jo. Always, and forever.” And with that, we kissed for the first time after admitting we were in love, and everything since then has been perfect…until it wasn’t. I shook my head from the memory when I heard twigs snapping behind me, “Why must you two come out here to do this?” Taylor complained, “You know I hate the woods.” “Well, it was his idea.” Gage chuckled, “And besides, if this one needs to cool off after what I tell him, I can at least toss him in the water to help.” “Do it and I’ll f*****g murder you.” I glared. “What loving words. Do you kiss your mama with that mouth?” he laughed and turned to Taylor, pulling her in his arms and kissing her softly, “Thank you for coming out here.” “Yeah yeah, why am I here?” I looked at Gage and he just pursed his lips as he went to sit on the rock, “There is something I’ve been keeping from you both and you guys are going to murder me in my sleep, but to be fair, like I told Archie here, I promised the daddy duos, well, trios, that I wouldn’t say anything and keep this wrapped until there was something to tell you, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore.” Taylor looked up at me with furrowed brows and then back at him, “What do you know that has something to do with us?” “Well, not you both, exactly, more like someone you both are close with.” He sighed, “s**t, I don’t get nervous. I’m tough as balls but this is scaring the s**t out of me. I told them we should have told you both, but they argued.” “First off, balls are not tough so try that analogy again, babe.” Taylor grinned, “And whatever you have to say, just say it.” “Promise not to kill the messenger, first. Like I said, I was just doing what I was told because your daddies scare me and if you repeat that, I will forever deny it to my last breath.” “Gage! Spit it out!” “Frank.” He whispered, and it was like my entire body froze in place. My hands and arms went numb. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe, hell, I couldn’t even blink. “Excuse me? Did you just say…” Taylor started when Gage nodded his head. “Yeah.” “What the hell happened?” I snapped, grinding my teeth as I was clenching my fists. I was trying to remain calm. I was trying to maintain my composure. I was trying everything inside me to stop me from running out of here and finding the fucker myself. “Tony pulled us in a meeting and told us he has been watching Frank for years, making sure all is good and crap. But the facility was in was full and they needed more space. He was being transported to one in New York, since he was a low-risk guy and has been on good behavior for years.” “What the hell does that mean?” Taylor snapped, “He tried to r**e her and kidnap her! How is that turn into a guy with good behavior?” “I don’t know, okay? Jeeze. I haven’t got all that information.” He rolled his eyes, “I’ve been busy dealing with other s**t you know about.” He glared, “Anyways, when they were being transported, there was an accident and he got out somewhere in Pennsylvania. They couldn’t find him.” “What do you mean they can’t find him?” I asked. “He’s out. Living his best life, but we’re afraid he would make his way down here for some…unfinished business.” “So, you’re saying that the man who tried to hurt my girl is out and running around and no one knows where he is? And that he could possibly be coming here but no one knows for sure? And that she’s in town, the last place he saw her? Do you see where I’m going with this?” I asked, trying my hardest not to freak out, “If this was the last place he remembers her, then he’s going to come here looking for her in hopes that she’s still here!” “Do you think he will though?” Taylor asked as tears welled in her eyes, “I’m scared, of course I’m scared for her, but it’s been what, seven years since he was arrested? What do we know about him? How was he on good behavior?” “He went through detox of course, and he’s just been…good. No fights. No altercations. Nothing. It’s like…once he was sober, he was different. I just…I don’t know why he ran from the police when they were transporting him if he was so good.” “Because he isn’t!” I snapped, “He’s a piece of s**t and who knows what he is going to do when he finds her! And this is what brought all this on? You all find out about him getting loose, so dad, Tristian and Eli go to find her and what, force her home? They try to convince her this was the safest place for her because of everyone here and that’s when they found out about my son? Who else knew about this?” “Archer…I don’t think…” “No. No more lies.” I sighed out, “Who. Else. Knew.” “Your mom, Sarah, Bella, Aiden…” he sighed, “Drew knows.” He winced as he looked at Taylor who was glaring, “But when they found out I told him, they freaked out on me. I’m sorry!” “Sorry isn’t going to cut it, Gage.” Taylor said, “You promised no secrets, we have an amazing thing going, but this, I don’t…ugh!” she threw her hands up in the air and started to walk away. “Tay, baby, sweetheart, let’s talk this out, please?” he begged. He was begging and I have never seen him do that before. “We will. Oh, trust me Gage, we will, and Drew will be there two, because I have a bone to pick with the both of you and once I’m done, we’re moving on and talking about how this can help us be better with our relationship because I swear to god, if you keep on more thing from me like this, then we will have another issue…” and just then, her phone started to ring. She quickly picked it up “Hey Ava.” She said a bit too happily, “what? Oh my gosh! Is she okay?” She… ”Who is she talking about?” I asked Taylor. “Jo…” she whispered before going back to the phone, “Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I just need to run home and grab it and then…for sure…yeah…bye.” “What happened?” I asked as I marched over to her, “What happened with Jo?” “She’s at Art and Ava’s…I need to go home and grab some stuff for her. Crap. I need to go to the store and get things for…” “Come on, let’s go.” Gage grabbed her hand and pulled her away with me following. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” I asked, more desperate than ever before, “Please. I want to help. I need to help. What happened?” “Go to her.” She whispered, “Go to her and talk to her about it because I don’t know the details but Archer, I’m sorry. I never…I never should have kept it all a secret.” “What secret…” I whispered, “You knew, didn’t you?” I glared and she nodded, “You knew about my son and didn’t tell me? Who else knew about didn’t say anything to me? s**t, it feels like I can’t trust you all anymore!” I said before I stormed off, pissed off at the world. I needed to calm down before I get to Art’s, because tonight, tonight it’s time I face the beautiful temptress from my past, I just hope I can survive.
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