Chapter Thirteen: Archer

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Archer “Should we tell him before tonight before we leave town again? We have to leave soon to get things settled before it's all finalized.” I heard mom whisper in the hallway. They were never good at whispering. It was more like talking normally, but they thought we couldn’t hear because of a door between us. They were so wrong about that. A few years back, mom and dad bought a house in California and spent some time there out by the ocean. They called it their new home, but they would be here during the summer to spend time with the grandkids before going back in the fall. They would come back to Crossdale during the winter for the holidays for a month and a half before going back, and then back here for the summer. I think this was their way of getting their space, but I know things have been rough with them. Mom used to call me all the time to get updates, saying she missed the kids, and she wanted to talk to dad about moving back. I think it’s about time for them to. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it soon. My door was cracked, so when I lifted my head up and opened one eye to look out the door, mom and dad were standing there. Mom was playing with her fingers. Nervous. Why is she nervous? “I think we should sit him down and talk to him about it before he’s blindsided.” “Let him be blindsided.” Dad grumbled, “He’s had plenty of time to talk to us about it. He’s had plenty of time to listen to what we have to say, so let him be blindsided by his stubborn choices for once. Why are we talking about this before I had my coffee? We have a lot to do before we make our announcement tonight.” “Are you sure about this?” she asked him, “I know how much you loved California.” “Of course I am, because everything has changed over the past few months.” He sighed. What the hell changed? “You’re right, but I think we should say something.” She mumbled before she paused. I watched her look into my room and let out a sigh, “I just…I want to protect him.” “He’s an adult, and he needs to learn to live with his consequences.” Dad sighed, “It’s time he grew up and tonight is the night. I think everyone is overreacting to it.” I swung my feet out of bed and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I felt gross, and I wanted a shower, but I needed to know what mom and dad were talking about. I think I know what it’s about, and they're right, especially if they found out Dylan's secret child like I did. It is time for him to grow up and live with the consequences of his actions. s**t, thinking about it is making me pissed the f**k off. How could he do that to Ray? I slowly got up, steadying myself before I took the few short steps in the hallway. As I opened the door, standing in the doorway in nothing but my boxers, mom and dad stopped talking and turned their heads to look at me. “Don’t stop on my account.” I yawned. “Put some damn clothes on.” Dad rolled his eyes, “Seeing you like this makes me want to go do some pushups. Fuckin’ muscles. Jeeze.” “You’re just jealous, old man.” I winked, “You used to have a body like this.” I patted my six-pack with a grin. “Ha. He wished.” Mom laughed, “Austin never had a six-pack all throughout college. Yeah, he was fit, but abs? Not really.” “Shut your mouth, woman.” Dad glared, “I’m going to go down and make breakfast.” Dad shook his head, muttering some crap under his breath about how he could still show me and my brother up if he absolutely needed to. Funny thing is, between me and Dylan, if that needed to happen, we would let him take us out, not for mom or anything, but for his damn ego. That's true love. “What are you doing up so early, anyway?” Mom asked as I walked back into the room. She followed me and started to make my bed as I went to my dresser and pulled out some clothes I usually leave there, for when I get those moments I wanted to go home. I slipped on my gray sweatpants and turned to lean on the dresser, crossing my arms over my chest, smiling at mom. “You don’t need to do that, ma.” I smiled, “I can do it.” “I know you can, but let me, okay?” she smiled when she tucked in the corner, “You’re my baby and sometimes, I want to take care of you.” “I appreciate that more than you know. It’s been…” I paused, not knowing exactly how to say the words, but she knew. Mom always knew. “It has, hasn’t it?” she smiled, as she sat on the edge of the bed. She patted the spot next to her, telling me to sit down with her, “We didn’t get much of a chance to talk last night. We didn’t get home till late from the hockey game, and you were already passed out, but something happened to make you come here, didn’t it?” “What makes you say that?” “Ever since you moved out on your own, the only time you have come home is when you needed some emotional support. More-so when you get in your feelings about Jo.” “I just…I don’t know how to feel right now. I know you and dad have been going to see her on the weekends with Tristian and Sarah. Why?” “I want to tell you.” She whispered, “But it’s not my story to tell. Your father did try, but you shut him out.” “Did I make a mistake?” “Yes.” And that one word just made me freeze, “You did, but it’s nothing you can’t fix with time. Now, I know we talked a bit when I woke you up, and you mumbled something about a child and Dylan. What was all that about?” I ran my fingers through my hair before I rubbed the top of my thighs. I was nervous talking to mom about this because I couldn’t believe what I saw. I can’t, can I? I mean, the kid looked just like Dylan. Same dark hair, same features, everything. My chest still hurt thinking about the little one in the backseat of that car. I should have followed him and found out what the hell was going on. When I got to moms last night, and she wasn’t home, I decided to go shower and try to relax, so I could gather my thoughts before talking to her, but of course, I fell asleep. I briefly remember her waking me up, but I rolled over after she tucked me back in and went into a dream I didn’t want to wake up from. It’s haunting me. I remember pieces. I remember a house that looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I remember the sounds of a laughing child, running around in a blur. I couldn’t see this child, so I don’t know what he or she looked like, but my eyes never left the blur. I heard a voice that sounded oh so familiar but so different at the same time from behind me. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and hug me as her head laid in the middle of my back. I remember holding her arms to me and linking my fingers with hers, a beautiful ring, a familiar ring, that glistened in the sun. “I love you.” She whispered, “I never stopped and will never stop.” “You are my world.” I whispered to her before I heard the child yell, ‘daddy, come push me on the swing.’ And then I heard my parents, snapping me out of the dream before anything could come into focus. I wanted badly to go back into that moment and figure out who they were because, at that moment, I felt complete. I haven’t felt like that…since Jo. “Can I ask you a question and can I get a honest answer?” I asked mom, and she nodded, “Is Dylan cheating on Ray?” The look on her face was pure shock. Her eyes widened, and she went pale, “What? What did you just ask me?” “Is Dylan cheating on Ray?” I asked again, a bit softer, “I just…I saw something last night and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m kicking myself in the ass for not following my gut, but I swear mom, I swear, if he is, I’m going to fuckin’ kill him.” I stood up and started to pace, “Ray is the best thing that’s ever happened to him. She’s a fuckin queen and deserves to be treated as such and if Dylan throws all that away for some easy p***y outside of town when he travels with Ethan, I’ll skin him alive.” My body started to shake the more I thought about it. I was angry. I couldn’t believe it. That child had to be his. They look the fuckin’ same! “Archer, sweetheart, what brought this on because, I promise you, Dylan is not cheating on Raegan. He would never and if he did, he wouldn’t be worried about you. No, it would be Summer, because that woman would murder him ten times over.” “Mom…I think he is.” My hands went to my waist as I stopped pacing. My head tilted back to try to keep my emotions at bay. I squeeze my eyes shut, bringing everything back that happened last night, “Gage and I made a traffic stop last night. This car was going fifteen over. We walked over and there was a kid, sleeping in the back seat of the car. Mom, I froze.” I started to hyperventilate as I dropped to my knees, my hands flat on the floor. She came over to me and sat next to me, rubbing my back. “What did you see?” she asked softly. I looked up at her, and she had tears in her eyes. She looked hurt, and I knew this was going to suck the life out of her. Her son was a cheater and she had another grandson she didn't know about. “There was a little boy, ma. Maybe four or five years old. Mom, he looked just like Dylan. Dark hair, facial features, everything. I felt…I don’t know ma, I felt a connection to the kid and I just, I wanted to rip that fucker out of the car and demand answers as to why he had my nephew in the car.” “Arch…I promise you, Dylan isn’t cheating on Ray.” She cupped my face and forced me to look at her. Her thumb wiped away a tear, “Have you thought, maybe you were imagining things? Or maybe, just maybe, that child isn’t Dylan’s. The features in our family are very prominent. You and Dylan looked exactly the same growing up. I’m sure you were just imagining things. Do you think he would do that? Maybe the child is someone else's in the family. Maybe the child is yo-” and I cut her off. “No. That’s why I’m so confused.” “I’m sure you will get your answers soon, sweetheart.” She smiled at me, “Because things always have a way of working out in the most unexpected ways. I think there may be a reason why you feel a connection to that child and I have a feeling you’re about to get that answer and soon.” “Why are you speaking in riddles, ma?” I sighed, “Why not just tell me straight up what’s going on.” Mom gave me a sad smile and a slight nod of her head. She went to open her mouth, but then the door busted wide open and Bella was standing there, breathing hard and her eyes wide, “I need you. Now.” She panted. “What happened?” “I’ll explain, but let’s say, Eli is an i***t and I need your help.” Mom let out a sigh, shook her head and looked back at me with a smile. “We’ll talk tonight, and I’ll explain everything, okay? But you need to promise me you will sit there and listen to the entire explanation without freaking out.” “Is it that bad?” I whispered, but never promised. I couldn't promise that and I won't. “No, on the contrary, Archer, it’s that wonderful.” She kissed my cheek, “Now, go help your father with tonight’s dinner. I’m sure he has things for you to do.” Over the next few hours, I got ready for the day and then headed down to the kitchen to help dad prepare for tonight’s dinner. Dad didn’t say much about what the dinner was about. All he would say was that it was an important night for the family, and he wanted everyone there to hear the news that him and mom had. As I helped dad get the house clean and start dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about that little boy in the car. I knew for sure I wasn’t going crazy. There was no way. No absolute way my mind was playing those tricks on me. That child had to be Dylan’s. There was no other explanation. There was a reason I felt this strong connection to him and wanted to go after him. I sense him as my family, my nephew. I was obsessing over this. I needed Dylan to admit that he messed up and take responsibility, because if it were me and that kid was mine, I would want that child in my life in every way fuckin' possible. The thoughts kept running through my mind and wouldn’t stop. How could he do that? Why was mom so adamant that Dylan wasn’t cheating? What was the announcement mom and dad wanted to make tonight? Why is everyone keeping secrets from me? “Because whenever we try to tell you what’s going on, you snap at us until we stop. So, we stopped talking to you about things.” I heard behind me and froze, “Yeah, you totally said that out loud.” Ava chuckled. “What are you doing here?” I smiled at her as I turned around, “Mom said…” “Immediate family, I know, but I technically kind of am? I think? I mean, my mom is married to Tristian, who is basically like an uncle to you, and he’s going to be here soon with mom, so why not have me be here? Besides, Austin’s cooking ribs and I want some.” She grinned, “It’s not every day we get to eat them, not since the jerkface moved.” “They have an announcement to make tonight. Do you have any idea what it could be?” I asked her, and she shook her head, no. But I can tell, “You’re lying to me right now.” I glared. “Me? Lie? No!” she laughed, “I’m going to, um…see Sawyer…yeah.” And she turned around and headed to the other room where they all started to gather. With a little chuckle, I shook my head and finished setting the table before dad called for everyone to come to the dining room and take a seat. Most of the family was there. Mom and dad were sitting kitty-corner and holding hands. Tristian and Sarah were on the other side of the table, doing the same. Ava and Art, Dylan and Ray, Taylor, Drew, Gage, they were all there. I went over to the table and sat down in my spot and noticed I had set one too many places. I stood up and started to grab the plate, “What are you doing? I told you twelve places.” Mom smiled. “There’s only eleven people here though.” I furrowed my brow. “Our guest will be here soon. They’re running late.” She smiled before she stood up, “I want to thank you all for coming tonight. Tonight is special for a couple of reasons. I know not the whole family is here, but we decided to do this in a couple of different parts. The others are watching all the grandbabies so we could do this.” She chuckled a bit before looking down at dad, “As you know, a couple of years ago, we bought a house in California and split our time between the two states. But after…some recent circumstances, we have made a huge decision.” Dad stood up and pulled mom to his chest, hugging her. I looked at them and saw the love radiating from their eyes. I want that. So bad. Maybe, maybe it is time for me to move on. I turned to Ava who was sitting next to me and whispered, “I think it’s time.” I sighed. “Time for what?” “Date.” I shrugged, and her eyes went huge, surprised, “I’ve been single for five years, Av, and I’m tired of being lonely. I just…I want to love and be loved.” “Archer, I don’t know.” “I do.” I sighed, “I think I might give your one friend, your co-worker, Emily, a shot again. We had a good time last year and I just, I don’t know.” “Is that what you really want?” “Yeah.” No. But it’s time. She looked at me and gave a small nod and smile, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. I shrugged it off and looked back at mom who was staring at me, “You done talking to Ava, so I can make this announcement?” she laughed. “Sorry, ma.” I blushed. “Anyway, Austin and I have decided to go back to California and sell the house.” She smiled up at him, “it’s time we come home to be with our grandbabies and kids.” “And while we do that, the girls are planning our vow renewals, right here in our own backyard by the pond at the edge of the woods.” We all smiled and cheered. “That’s wonderful.” I stood up and walked over to mom and pulled her in a hug, “I am so happy you’re going to be here for good. Did you guys need help? “Woah.” Dylan said with a smirk, “Who are you and what happened to my pissy brother?” “Watch it.” I glared, “If you want pissy, I’ll be pissy. At least I’m not the one hiding secrets from people in this family.” “Secrets? What the hell are you talking about.” He stood up with his hands flat on the table, glaring, “I have no secrets. I’m an open fuckin’ book, so how about you stop pussyfooting around what you want to say and say it.” “Fine. You want to be like that? You want me to spill your dirty secrets?” “Oh yeah, little brother, spill them all.” He glared. I turned right to Ray who was looking at us, not sure what to do, “I’m sorry Ray, but my brother is a piece of s**t asshole who’s cheating on you.” “Archer!” Gage stood up, trying to stop me, but I held my hand up. “I know what I saw,” I snapped as I glared at him. He was shaking his head, no, with wide eyes. “No, you don’t. Don’t you dare start accusing people of things you don’t know anything about.” “Oh, so you know too, huh? You know about his secrets and his secret girlfriend who he got pregnant with years ago and had a baby boy who looks just like him!” I snapped and Ray’s eyes went wide with tears as she looked at Dylan, who was shaking his head, “I saw him myself. He was in the backseat of some assholes car, and he looked just like him. Nick Frankson was the fuckers name! Look the fucker up and you can find him. Hell, he’s working with Finn, so it won’t be that hard!” “Archer, stop this.” Ray stood up with tears streaming down her face, “Dylan did no so such thing, I promise. You need to think before you speak, before you put your own foot in your mouth.” “Why are you sticking up for him?” I snapped, “I can’t believe this.” “You’re out of line.” Tristian stood up, “I know your brother and that isn’t him. Stop this, Archer. Please, before it gets worse.” “No.” I shook my head, “If you want to believe it, fine, but I know what I saw. I saw a little boy that looked like Dylan!” “He’s not Dylan’s!” Gage snapped as Taylor reached his hand and shook her head, but it was Dylan who spoke. “No. Let him spew the bullshit he thinks he knows. Let him put his foot in his mouth and kick himself in the ass, but when the truth comes out, he will be eating his words, and I'll be here to accept him with open arms because I'm the bigger fuckin' person. But at the end of the day, he needs to find out himself.” I glared at Dylan before turning to Taylor. She looked surprised by his words and I knew she knew too, they all knew and did nothing about it, “You as well, huh?” I glared at Taylor, “You all know what the hell is going on, don’t you. Some family this is. I’m out. I don't need this crap. If this is the meaning of family, then I don't want it.” I kicked back the chair and stormed to the front door. Mom came rushing after me with Sarah, Ava, Taylor and Ray. Dad was trying to calm Dylan down because we knew how his temper was going to be. “Archer!” Tristian yelled, making me freeze as my hand was on the door handle, “Don’t leave and let us explain. Please. There’s a reason…” “No!” I snapped, “I’m going home. This is bullshit. If you want to believe this crap then fine, but I know what I saw.” And with those being my final words, I swung open the door, only to have the air sucked out of me like someone punched me in the gut. My face paled like I had seen a ghost. My heart stopped like I was having a heart attack. Because it was all true. I felt like someone had punched me in the gut and I did see a ghost. A ghost that has haunted me almost every day for the last five years was right before me. “Jo…” I whispered, my eyes wide as I looked at her. “Hi, Archer.” She whispered. I turned around and looked at my family, who were looking at her like they were expecting her. I furrowed my brow and looked from them and then back to her and my eyes widened. “f**k this.” I stormed past her and ran to my car, not knowing what I was going to do. All I needed to know was I needed to get my thoughts together because now, I have another storm to face, and I’m not fuckin’ ready to face hurricane Jo. But are we ever? No. “Archer.” Jo yelled as she turned and rushed towards my jeep. I paused and turned to look at her. Fuck. She’s even more beautiful than I remembered. Her golden hair was long and flowed down her back in soft, beachy waves. Her eyes are blue as ever. Her pale skin was perfect, and her plump lips were calling my name. She had more curves than before, beautiful, delectable, delicious, and not mine. “Please, can we talk?” “We have nothing to talk about.” I snapped at her, “You had five years to come back to me after all the bullshit happened and instead of growing the f**k up and coming to talk to me, you blocked the s**t out of me and left.” “No. I didn’t block you!” she raised her voice, “You blocked me, but I think I can explain what happened and...” “I didn’t do s**t!” I yelled, “You left me and never looked back. You abandoned me when I needed you the most. You ghosted me in every possible way for fuckin’ years and now you show up? Why? Because you crave the family you left? Well, congrats, you got them, but I’m not part of it. You broke me.” “Please, listen to me.” She begged, but I couldn’t, not right now. “You fuckin destroyed me. You destroyed every single part of me. You destroyed my mind, my heart, my body and my goddamn soul, and you ripped me to fuckin shreds when you never came back home.” I shook my head and looked at everyone, “And you all knew, didn’t you?” I asked, but I didn’t need an answer, I could see the looks on their faces, “You all knew she was back and no one told me? f**k you all.” “ARCHER!” I heard them call my name, but I ignored them, turning on my jeep and speeding out of the driveway. f**k, I needed space. Because now there’s no avoiding it. She’s back, and my heart hurts even more than it did before because no one said s**t to me. But it’s my fault and I know it. I just…need time to wrap my head around it. There is this feeling I have that there’s more to the story they are not telling me. I just didn’t know how right and wrong I was at the same time, about everything and I never hated myself more than I do now.
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