Chapter :- 10.

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When Kally invited Erlik to play blind man's buff with them, Erlik became really happy. He never played it before in his childhood, so he was excited by only thinking of playing it. “I would love to play with you. Thank you so much for inviting me.” Erlik said to her with a real smile and Kally dragged him in the place where they were playing before. Zene didn't want to play with him, so she thought to stay behind. But her plans failed because in the next moment, she was also dragged by two other girls of their team. At first few other girls had their turns as the blind man. Erlik really enjoyed playing with them and after a moment he was so caught in it that he forgot who he was and where he was at that moment. He was enjoying his time as his full. Not only Erlik, but Zene also forgot that Erlik, was there while playing with everyone. The last turn was Kally's, and she caught Erlik. So now it was Erlik turn to be the blind man. Kally opened the cloth from her eyes and looked at Erlik in excitement. “It's your turn now. You have to catch one of us to transfer your position. Come down and let me tie your eyes.” Kally tried to cover his eyes, but he was too long from her reach. She even jumped twice to reach to his height. “Okay, okay… No need to jump. Here you go.” Erlik said and bowed down to Kally's level so that she could tie his eyes. Seeing his soft side and playful mood, Zene felt something moving her heart. Her mind felt a little comfort seeing him like this. She thought that if a devil can play so nicely and behave so sweet with kids, how can he be harmful to others. There's definitely a soft side inside him that's making him do these things, or else he might never agree to be with little souls in the first place. A smile came on Zene's lips when she saw how he bowed down in front of Kally so that she could tie his eyes. It was an extremely nice act for a Devil. Maybe he is not like she was thinking. Maybe he is good at heart. She should try to know him more to get the truth of his identity. As Zene was thinking this, she didn't notice when they started playing among themselves. She was just standing in her place like a statue. But her statue like state broke when Erlik bumped with her and they both fell on the ground together. Zene was the one who hit the ground first and Erlik made it safe on top of Zene. But unfortunately she hit her head in this fall and shout out in pain. “Ouch… My head.” She holds the place she got hit and rubbed it to remove the pain. On the other hand, when Erlik started playing with them, he was so excited for it that he started playing roughly. Or maybe he didn't know how to play because it was his first time. He was moving fast here and there to catch anyone who comes front. And exactly at that time Zene was standing on his way. Erlik didn't know she was standing in front, so when he felt someone in front of him, he jumped to catch her. As he jumped on her, Zene lost her balance and fell on the ground. But before she could, Erlik felt her falling and caught her in middle. It was too late by then because she had already lost her balance in feet, so as he held her, they both fell because of the momentum. The sudden painful shout informed Erlik who was the person he was fallen with. So without wasting any time, he removed the cloth from his eyes and looked at Zene, who was rubbing her back of the head in pain. He whole body was embraced by Erlik. Only her head was the place that was loose, and she got hit right there. As they were fallen like this, something tingled Erlik's stomach by the closeness Zene, and he had. Zene's eyes were closed due to the impact, so it was hidden from Erlik. But her face and her lips were very close from his face. This closeness made his desire to taste her beautiful plumped lips rise. In the next moment, he couldn't control himself anymore and was about to kiss Zene when she opened her eyes. Opening her eyes, the first thing she noticed that Erlik is going to kiss him. So without waiting a second, she pushed him with her full strength and crawled back to get away from him. It made Erlik get back his conscious and realized what big mistake he was about to make. If she didn't push him in time, he might have kissed her by now and that will destroy his mission completely. “I… I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were standing there. I thought you were playing too. I'm sorry for making you fall.” Erlik said to Zene as he got up from his place. “It's… It's okay. I was the one who got distracted.” Zene said and rubbed the back of her head again. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt badly?” Erlik went near her and tried to touch the place she got hurt. But before he can do that, she pulled her head away. “It's okay. You don't have to worry about it. I'm fine. Nothing serious happened.” Saying this Zene got up from her place and walked out of that place. Erlik kept looking at her retrieving self. “I'm sorry big brother. I know my sister shouldn't have behaved like that with you. She's not understanding that you were only helping her yet. But believe me. She would realize it soon and come back to you to apologize. She's like that silly girl sometimes. But she's the nicest person in this whole island.” Kally said to Erlik, and he couldn't understand what this little girl wants to prove. Is she trying to say that she's sorry for me? Or is she just trying to support her sister? But right way, she's too cute to be so understanding. Erlik pinched Kally's cheeks and gave her a smile. She returned it with a same smile too. “I should leave now. You and your friends can continue your games. And thank you for letting me participate with you guys.” Erlik said goodbye to all the kids and went away from that place. When all of this was happening, the devil prince and the Mermaid princess was starting to feel some unknown emotion for each other. Someone else was also getting a new feeling from it too. This feeling was of hate and jealousy, despite being in love like them. And this person was none other that the firstborn daughter Sylviana, of the King Triton and Queen Angelia. Sylvia was out in the village for some important work till now. She came rushing back to spend a little time with Erlik. But when she reached the garden while searching for him, she found Erlik in the ground of the garden and Zene was inside his arms, as they were both hugging each other. Not only that, but she also noticed how Erlik was having attractions for Zene, and he was about to kiss her. It made her blood boil in anger by seeing that Zene is going to snatch Erlik from her. But she will never let her younger sister do that to herself. From that day forward, Zene became the biggest enemy of Sylvia. Her hate for her sister crossed the limits. She ran back in the palace and didn't say anything to anyone. Sylvia kept huffing in anger by herself. The whole day passed like that and at dinner they all gathered together to have their meals. Erlik sat beside Sylvia like usual, but this time she didn't give him the flirtatious smile she always does. It caught Erlik's attention as he remembered that she didn't bother him even once in that day. What was going on with her? “I haven't seen you the whole day. Had a busy day?” Erlik tried to make conversation with her. “What is it with you. It's not like you were searching for me or anything.” Sylvia gave him a stern reply and kept eating her food. “I actually did. I was wondering where you were.” Erlik lied to her to soften her mood. The truth is, he never searched for her because he was busy playing with Zene and Kally. “Yeah. I saw where you searched for me.” Sylvia answered without looking at him for once. Erlik understood that he made a huge mistake. He realized that Sylvia caught him playing with her sister's and that was the reason behind her anger. 'How can I be so stupid? How can I forgot the first reason I came here for and star playing some silly games with kids? I have to be careful from now on. And most of all, I have to fix the damage I have already made.' Erlik thought in his mind while eating his food. He decided that from the next day forward his only focus would be on Sylvia. He planned to approach her the next day and try to take the next step of his mission. He needs to be more focused on his mission because 3 day has already passed from the countdown. He was thinking this and eating his food when his eyes fell on Zene. And it was not because of any random looking around, it was because Erlik's eyes caught that Zene was looking at him several times. His mind instantly went to her because this is the first time since he came here, that Zene was looking at him not in anger but with some other emotions in her eyes. He couldn't point out which emotion it was, but it was making him excited. On the other side, after Zene left the garden because to the incident, she rushed inside her room. Sitting on her bed she kept thinking about all the moments that happened between Erlik and her. She could still feel his warm breath on her skin and his smokey scent in her nose. The thought of such closeness was making her inner peace hay wired. She doesn't even know what was happening to herself. After staying locked in her room for rest of the day, she finally managed to calm herself down. “What happened to me all of a sudden? Why am I even thinking these things? It's not like something happened between us. And there wasn't going to happen anything back there. It was only an accident. It's all in my mind. He was just trying to help me. And I started picking silly meanings of it. Wait, he was trying to help me. And what I did to him? I can't believe I behaved rudely with the person who was only trying to help me. Ugh… How can I be so childish.” Zene realized it after spending the whole day arguing with herself. And now she started feeling ashamed of her improper thoughts. She felt disappointed to act badly with their guest. So she made up her mind to apologize to Erlik on the next time she faces him. At dinner time, she saw Erlik, but she was too embarrassed to say anything to him in front of her whole family. Especially her big sister. Because she knows that if Sylvia finds out about their little time together, she would definitely get mad at them. And besides, she doesn't want to let anyone know what happened in between them in the garden. So she kept quiet during the dinner but somehow her eyes kept traveling back towards Erlik. She couldn't make herself calm until she apologizes to him, and he forgives her. She was feeling ashamed every time she was looking at his face.
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