Chapter :- 8.

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After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms. Erlik also went to sleep. But he didn't get the relaxing sleep he wanted because whenever he closed his eyes and fell asleep, he felt like drowning. And every time he sees the image of that White Mermaid that keeps savings him each time. But unfortunately whenever he tried to see her face, his sleep broke. It was past midnight and Erlik woke up again from the same dream. He cursed himself for having not being able to see the face of that Mermaid again. Finally, giving up on his sleep, he went near the window of his room to get some fresh air. But outside, he saw something that made him really interested. In the dark of the night, he saw a silhouette of a girl walking past that side of the palace to opposite side. That girl seemed like someone who he knows very well. Maybe she's one of the princesses of this palace. But the thing to wander is, what she's doing outside at this time of the night and who was she? Erlik got very disappointed because he couldn't see this girl's face too. What is happening to him that he is so eager to see girls faces now? He also scolded himself for getting distracted from his main target. Reminding himself about his mission one more time, he got back on his bed and tried to sleep. And after trying really hard, he finally managed to fell asleep. Next morning, he again woke up from the same dream. It was making him frustrated now. He sat up on his bed straight, pulling his hair slowly to clear his mind. Right at that moment, someone knocked on his door making him startled. Getting out of the bed he went to open the door. As he did that, he saw none other that Sylvia standing outside his room. “Did I wake you up?” She asked him with a smile. “No. Of course not. I was already up. Good morning my Queen.” Erlik said flirtatiously. “Good morning to you too. And not queen, just Sylvia remember?” She said while blushing. “Of course, my bad. So, what gave me the pleasure to see you such early in the morning?” He asked her while leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms in front his chest. “I just wanted to make sure that your ready in time for your tour. We will leave right after the breakfast.” Sylvia said to him. “Someone looks really excited to show me her kingdom. Don't worry Sylvia. I will be ready in time. I'm excited for it too and wouldn't want to miss this day for anything.” Erlik said with a wink and Sylvia became red due to blushing. “I'll see you at breakfast then.” Saying this she ran away from their. Erlik wiped the smile from his face and took a deep breath. Acting like a good guy and always keeping a smiling face was making him exhausted. He closed the door after Sylvia was gone and went to get freshen up. Right as he got out after freshening up, someone knocked on his door again. It made Erlik angry. “Why is this girl keeps bothering me all the time? Doesn't she have any other works." He said quietly to himself and went to open the door. This time when he opened the door, he was surprised to see the royal family's youngest daughter standing in his doorway instead of Sylvia. She was holding few clothes in her hand and was looking scared of Erlik for some reason. “Well, good morning. Nice to see you Kallianassa, right? Or can I call you Kally too like other's?” He asked her. “Uhh… I don't know. Maybe.” She replied in a soft and sweet voice. “Okay. So it's fixed. I'll call you Kally from now on. Can I know what you brought for me?” He asked pointing his finger to the clothes he was holding. “Oh, yes. Mother asked me to give you these. She gave you clothes to wear while you are here as our guest. And she also asked you to join the breakfast table at and hour.” Kally said as she handed all the clothes to Erlik. “Everyone's awake already?” He was amazed to see that everyone woke up so early in the morning. “Yes. Mother and father says that it's the proper time to wake up along with the sun and sleep before the moon reaches the high sky.” Kally told him the basic rules of sleep in their land. “Thank you for informing me that. And say thank you to your mother and tell her that I'll be at the dinner table right after an hour.” When he said that, Kally gave him a smile and hopped away. Although she's already 16 years old, she was still a child at heart. And most of all, the love she got from her sister and her parents made her happy to be a kid. Although she doesn't trust strangers, and she was way too scared to come to his at first, but today Erlik succeeded to gain her trust. His sweet sugary talks made her belief that he's a good guy. But none of them knew that he's a Devil in disguise. “So, it looks someone doesn't like to follow the rules of this palace. I wonder who is this rebel Mermaid.” Erlik said to himself after closing the door behind Kally. Dressing up with the clothes they gave him and turning himself into one of them, Erlik went to have breakfast with the royal family. As he went there, he saw almost everyone present in that table. Only one of them was missing. “Sorry for late. I got stuck on my way by a baby. She was crying too much.” Zene came at last, rushing towards the table. She was huffing when she finally sat down on her chair. “Where did you go so early?” Her mother asked. “To pick up flowers to make my ornaments. Yesterday's ones got dried.” She replied. “You know they won't last longer. Why don't you use the ones you had before? And stop playing with kids. You're going to be an adult in few months.” Her mother said to her. “What can I do? They love me so much that I can't refuse their offer. And today it was a baby who was crying and bothering her mother to hear my song. And these flowers are looking really pretty on me. So I'm thinking to use them for few days and once I'm satisfied, I will go back to my old one's.” Zene said with a smile. It was true that all the kids and little babies of that Kingdom loves Zene and her songs. It makes them calm and feel happy. They are so used to it by now that whenever a baby cries, their mother brings them to Zene to make them quiet. It's not like Zene doesn't like that. She becomes happy whenever she feels love from these little ones. “Looks like someone's not satisfied with their looks anymore.” “Yeah. The pretty ones always try to make themselves prettier to make everyone seem ugly beside them.” “Girls. Behave.” King Triton scold his daughter Sequanna and Savacia for misbehaving with their sister. Everyone knew who they meant those words for. The smile Zene had on her lips vanished, turning it into a sad pout. Erlik noticed her, and he felt like her pout is the most cutest thing he has ever seen. Everyone finished their meals quietly after that. Once they were over, it was time for Erlik, Sylvia, Zene and Kally's little tour around the island. Everyone was excited for it, except of Zene. She didn't want to go with them anywhere. But it was king Triton's order, so she needs to follow it. And besides, she can't let her sisters roam around the island with a devil. Soon after breakfast, all four of them got out to show Erlik their island. Sylvia and Erlik was walking in front, while Zene and Kally was only following them. But just as they got out of the house, a woman came rushing to Sylvia. “Princess, I need some help from you. Can you please come to my house with me? It's right there.” She pointed her finger to a small house right behind her. “But right now...” she was about to protest, but she couldn't. “Please princess. You're our future Queen. Maybe my husband will listen to you. He wants to fly over the ocean to see if he can cross it without getting tired. I'm telling him that it's a stupid and really unsafe idea, but he's not listening to me. I know he won't disrespect your order. Please help me.” Sylvia saw that there's no way out of it. This is her kingdom and she needed to do everything for her people's safety. So without wasting any time, she went to that angel's house. Now they were only three of them left as they kept waiting for Sylvia's arrival. “Hello. We haven't introduced each other properly yet. My name's Erlik, and you're Zenevieva, right? I hope I can call you Zene too.” Erlik tried to make some conversation with Zene. “My name is not for your use. It's only for my family. And I don't think you are one of my family or one of our lands part. So don't.” Zene snapped at Erlik. She doesn't want to show him any kind of weakness so that he could use it against them. “Oh. Okay then. Princess it is. It's nice as a nickname too.” As Erlik said that Zene gave him a death glare. She wasn't liking the way he was trying to get close to everyone. Soon Sylvia returned and they started the tour. The walked from all around the island, the village, the market, the forest, the hills, everywhere. But the only problem was they had to stop several times to help one of the families living each corner of their island. But they weren't stopping Sylvia's help. They were stopping them for Zene's help. Everywhere she goes, all the kids and their parents greets them and asks for Zene's help with their child. Soon it was making Sylvia irritated while Erlik was amazed to see her fans more than their Queen. He also liked the way Zene helped each of them without getting bored or irritated. Finally, after walking for half of the day, they stopped in front of a lake deep inside the island forest. It was one of the magical places this Island holds. They were tied from all the walking and thought to take rest for few moments. Sylvia and Erlik was sitting while dipping half of their feet on the lake, while Zene and Kally was picking up some wild flowers right beside them. Looking back at Zene, Erlik saw her long waves of hair touching the dirt when she was picking up flowers from a nearby bush. Her long hair instently remained him of the white Mermaid who also had long and wavy hair like her. “Sylvia, can I ask you something?” Erlik asked her. “Of course. You can ask me anything you want to know. Feel free to ask.” She asked while blushing so much like he was about to ask her to marry. “Do you know the Mermaid girl who has a while tail and white hair? When Erlik asked that, Zene heard him clearly, and she froze on her place. She kept wondering if he knew that she was the girl who saved his live. If he does then he's going to tell about her secret to everyone, and she would get caught. Zene doesn't want to get caught now. She doesn't want to keep it hidden forever. But she definitely wants to keep it hidden until Sylvia becomes the Queen. If he tells everyone the truth now, Sylvia won't get the place she craves for. Neither will Zene ever get the love from her sisters like she expects. She kept praying to the almighty God to make Erlik forget about her truth.
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