Chapter :- 26.

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After spending a long time together, Erlik and Zene came back to the palace. Zene's mood is now much better than before, because now she got someone else to share her feelings with. But this person is not just her friend like Micah, he is much more than him as she has some feelings for him too. Zene is now falling in love with Erlik, without knowing the truth he’s hiding from her. As they came to the palace, they separated each others’ path to not let anyone know that they've been together the whole day. But it didn't get away from the eyes of Sylvia. She perfectly noticed that they both are out at the same time and coming back to the palace together, not only once but twice in one day. She knew something was going on between them as she can feel the stare and the smile they were passing to each other. But for now she couldn't ask anything because her whole family is present in there, but she decided that she will approach Erlik once everyone falls asleep. “So… Micah left already. Did you say goodbye to him properly?” King Triton asked Zene, taking everyone's attention to her. She knew that someone will ask about him while the dinner, but she didn't know what to answer them. She started fidgeting and hesitating to give her father a reply. Erlik understood her uncomfortableness and replied in place of her. “Yeah. They patched every thing up before he leaves. I was there when Micah left. We both said our goodbyes to him.” Erlik lied to the king himself to save Zene. The royals were pretty convinced with his answer, except of Sylvia. She knew that Erlik doesn't like Micah and there's no way he would have gone to say goodbye to him. There's definitely something they were hiding and she needs to find it out. She did exactly as she thought. After the dinner was completed and everyone was fallen asleep, she tiptoed herself to Erlik's room. She knows that she can wait for the next morning instead of taking risk of getting caught, but she had some other plans in her mind too except of talking. Slowly approaching to Erlik's door, she knocked on it quietly. Erlik was still awake by then, drowning himself on the thoughts of Zene. Hearing the knock, he knew who is at the door, at this time of the night. Erlik stood up from his bed with a sigh and went to open the door, reveling Sylvia standing on the doorway. Her expression was the same like the previous night she was there. “Follow me. We need to talk.” Sylvia said and turned around, indicating Erlik to follow her. But this time, Erlik is not falling for it. He stopped her by holding her hand, before she can leave and dragged her inside his room. Getting her inside, he locked the door while Sylvia just kept watching her with shocked expression. “Now you can say what you want. We don't have to go to your room to talk.” His words took Sylvia out of her daze and she started inquiring him. “Where were you all day?” She asked. “Out.” “Out where?” “Out near the beach.” “What were you doing there?” “Having some alone time.” No matter how much Sylvia tried to make a proper conversation with Erlik, he kept giving her short answers, making her more and more angry. “Stop this nonsense and tell me the truth. Where were you till evening?” She whisper screamed to him. “I told you I was on the beach, having some alone time. What do you want to know more?” Erlik said it like he truly didn't do anything serious. “You were out with Zene, weren't you? And don't try to lie to me because I saw you two coming back together before breakfast and dinner.” she pointed her fingers to dare him to lie. “So you are doubting on me with your sister again? Even after everything we had planned together. After knowing that your sister is getting engaged to someone else soon. After I proved to you that I only love you. Just because our arrival time is same, that doesn't mean we spend our time together. I was passing by when Micah was leaving for his mission. To show my decency to him, I went to wish him a good luck. And that’s it. There's nothing more to it.” Erlik lied to Sylvia so perfectly that nobody can tell the truth out of it. “Is it true? That's all you did?” Sylvia said, getting embarrassed for her false doubts. “You know what? I don't think I can keep it like this anymore. We can't keep this relationship going on if you kept doubting me all the time. A relationship builds based on trust. If you don't trust me enough then let go of me.” Erlik did a little drama to make Sylvia regret her doubts. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn't have doubted on you again. You have already proven to me that you truly love me. But my insecurities are make my relationship worse. I promise that I will never doubt on you from now on. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me.” Sylvia truly felt guilty of her unrealistic imaginations. “Fine. Just because I love you so much, I’m letting it go this time. But if you do this again, I don't think I can keep this relationship going anymore. I would be forced to break what we have now.” Erlik's words broke Sylvia's heart a little. She never thought that her insecurities are going to ruin everything that she created herself. She waited for a guy like Erlik for so long, and now that she got a perfect man for her and succeeded to make him fall in love, she's ruining it herself. And all of this is because of Zene. If she didn't roam around her man all the time, she might have never doubted him in the first place. She is the reason behind all of it. Thinking this, Sylviana's hate for her sister grew more. Now she couldn't wait for the day, she will be out of her life. But for now, she needs to mend what she broke. “Thank you so much for forgiving me. I love you so much that I can't live without you. I promise that this will never happen again. I will trust you with my whole heart from now on.” Sylvia said and went near to kiss him. But Erlik stopped her before she can. “I think that’s enough for tonight. I’m already tired, and I guess you also had a long day. Go to your room now, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Erlik said pushing her away from him. “But I thought we could spend some time alone tonight. Don't you want it too?” Sylvia went near him again putting her palm on Erlik hard rock chest. But unfortunately he slowly pushed her back again. “I already told you. I’m tired. You can go to your room now. I’m going to sleep.” Erlik turned around and went to his bed without caring about Sylvia. She felt embarrassed to make a move but gotten rejected. She thought to have some fun tonight before approaching on Erlik's doorstep but didn't think Erlik would refuse her away like this. Nobody rejected her alluring offer before today. Zene is the reason she has gotten rejected today. With fuming anger in her heart, Sylvia got out of his room and went to her owns. She cursed the day Zenevieva was born in her family before going to sleep. On the other hand, Erlik peaked out from his bed to check if Sylvia was truly gone or not. Once he was sure that she's actually gone, he got up from his laying position and sighed. He knew that this drama will be created when he saw Sylvia on his doorstep. He also knew that she would try mate like the previous night. But now that Erlik is convinced that he only loves Zene, he couldn't agree with the thought of mating Sylvia anymore. According to him, he already made that mistake ones, but he can't cheat on her beloved Zene anymore. From now on, he would try his best to keep loyal to her, even though he’s already has an unwanted relationship with her elder sister. Erlik couldn't keep his mind calm the whole night. He thought that he is already in a deep mess, and he’s getting himself further into it. He can't imagine the day, everything will be revealed to Zene. He has no idea how she will react when she finds out everything that he already did and everything that he’s about to do. He asked himself that, is he ready to risk it all? One hand he has the devil king, who wants him to kill Sylvia, which Zene would never approve. On the other hand he has the Mermaid lover, with whom nobody will accept his relationship. If he chooses his mission, he would lose Zene. And if he chose Zene, he has to let go of the mission. Which way will he go? With these thoughts in mind, Erlik finally fell asleep for the night. But the next morning he woke up earlier than usual. With the new day and a new sunrise, Erlik forgot all his worries and couldn't keep himself calm to thin about spending his time with his princess. So without wasting any time, he freshened up quickly and went out of the palace. He went straight to the place Zene goes every morning to pick up flowers. Reaching there, he saw she was not there yet. So he kept waiting for her arrival. The sun hasn't gotten up in the sky yet and the sky was still shining with the bright yellowish-red color, indicating its arrival. New flowers have already bloomed, spreading its sweet scent all around that place. On top of that, the slow breeze was making few of those flowers fall from its branches, making the scenery more enjoyable and romantic. Erlik was enjoying the freshness of that special place, when he saw the most beautiful women entering the flowery forest. Zene stopped on her way to see Erlik already standing on that place, even earlier that her. At the right moment, a light wind passed by, making Zene's hair fly all over and flowers to shower on them at that exact time. Erlik's eyes sparkled up to see the most gorgeous site ever with his beloved girl standing in front. The light on the sky was making her look more beautiful than ever. Not only Erlik but Zene was also mesmerized to see the handsomest man on that island, standing in the most beautiful place in their land. His shoulder-length ruffled hair was drifting in that light wind with few strands falling on his face, making his eyes look more attractive. After few minutes standing in there and gawking at each other for a while, Zene blushed out. It also took Erlik out of his daze and realize that he was staring at her more than normal. “What are you doing here?” Zene slowly went near Erlik and asked him. “I wanted to help you with your morning routine. So I’m here to give you another pair of hand.” Erlik said getting embarrassed to get caught staring. “It came here so early for me? Why?” Zene asked, wondering why he wants to help her all of a sudden. “Now that I know you don't have anyone to accompany you, I want to be there for you in your need. I don't want you to be alone. I will try my best to help you like a friend should do.” Erlik gave her a modest reply. “Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.” Zene said politely. “It's my pleasure. I can do anything for you my princess.” Zene couldn't stop herself from blushing more, hearing Erlik. It really impressed her when she found out that he cares about her so much. Zene truly needed someone beside her at that moment because she doesn't like to stay alone. Now that Micah and Kally is away from her, she really felt solitary. Can Erlik be the one to give her company?
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