Chapter :- 22.

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After a good night's rest, Zene woke up early in the morning like every day. Nowadays she had to wake up before anyone does, for picking up flowers to make her ornaments. She had to change them twice a day because those flowers get dried sooner than the one that remains attached to its branch. To make sure nobody sees her wound, she had to leave the palace even before the first sunray hits the surface. Getting tired from all this trouble, Zene couldn't wait for the day her wounds would completely heal, and she can wear her own handmade seashell jewelry which is much easier than doing this. She was done with her new daily chores and was returning to the palace when she heard a sudden scream. She froze in her place and terrifying thoughts filled her heart immediately as she recognized that voice way too well. She knew it was Erlik's voice who was calling for someone's help. She was imagining all the possibilities that could happen to him while running towards the place the scream came from. She ran with all her might when she felt a drop of tear pricking into the corner of her eyes. Only thinking about Erlik getting hurt was breaking her heart for some unknown reason. When she came out of the opening, she started searching for Erlik but couldn't find him anywhere. She was searching here and there when she noticed a figure drowning in the ocean. She immediately knew that it was none other than the devil who doesn't know how to swim. Without wasting any time, Zene quickly shifted in her Mermaid form as she dived into the ocean. She had to save him, no matter what. With this strong determination, she swam towards him. It was time for the high tide as the waves were higher and the pull underwater was stronger. Zene, who was a Mermaid queen and the best swimmer in this whole land, was having a hard time reaching Erlik. No matter how much she tries to grab him, the force of water pulled him further and deeper from her. Zene knew that she can use her ability to control the water and take Erlik out from there. But she also knew that doing that will make sure of revealing her truth to Erlik. He already knows way too much about her, and she can't risk for him to know a complete truth, so she chose to save him by her own self. After trying for a bit more, she finally managed to grab his arm and pulled him upwards with all her might. The water force was circular under the ocean, making it even harder for Zene to drag Erlik along with her. But finally, she managed to take him to the surface of the water somehow. The danger wasn't over yet, as the waves were hitting them harder and harder. So without wasting any time, Zene started dragging him towards the land. Erlik's body was still, and it weighed heavy as a rock. It was really hard for a slender girl like Zene, to drag him against the water force. Seeing him not doing anything or trying to save himself, Zene became angry. Getting irritated, she finally screamed out for him to try swimming. But unfortunately, when Erlik started throwing his arms and legs here and there, it made it even harder for Zene to help him, and they again started drowning. It made Zene angry to see Erlik struggling to swim worse than a kid and screamed out to stop him. After working out harder than expected, they finally came out on the land. By that time, Zene was exhausted, and she was huffing like she picked up the heaviest thing on earth. She was mad at Erlik for going into the water when he knows that he can't swim. She was mad because she thought that he was going to die for a moment. She was mad because she thought she might lose him forever. But no matter how much Erlik asked her, she didn't reveal the truth to him. She lied to Erlik when he asked why she went to save him when she knows her own life could be in danger? In reply, Zene told him that she would do it for anyone when the truth is way more complicated than that. “You seriously need to learn how to swim. This is the third time I'm saving you from drowning.” Zene said to Erlik. “And for that, I have to go inside the water again. No, thank you. I'm sure this time I will surely die. So it's better if I keep my distance from it now on.” Erlik said picking up his arms in surrender. “Don't worry. You are going to have the best teacher in this whole Mermaid kingdom. I'm going to teach you how to swim.” Zene said with a breathtaking smile. “Are you sure? This is not one of your plans to kill me? How can I be sure you don't want to get rid of the Devil from your land?” Erlik asked jokingly. “If I wanted to kill you, why would I save you in the first place? I just had to stand on the sore and see you drowning. Why would I shift into this open area and risk getting caught myself, if I want to kill you? This is the first time I shifted into my Mermaid form in broad daylight. I can't believe I had to do that for you… What if someone saw me like that?” Zene started panicking to realize the possibilities that could have happened this day. “Hey relax princess… I was just kidding. So, when are we starting our lesson?” Erlik asked to change the topic and getting blamed again for the possibility of getting caught. “I have to check my schedule to see when I can spare some time for your lesson. I'm way too busy for these silly things you know?” Zene said dramatically and they both started laughing like kids. “By the way, what were you doing here so early?” Erlik asked her remembering the time they were here. “Except saving the devil's life, I was here to pick up flowers for myself... Which unfortunately got all ruined while fighting with the waves.” Zene said while checking all her ornaments that were smashed during saving Erlik. “Ugh… I have to do this all over again. I'm already so tired…” Zene said laying back on the sand of that beach. “Do you do this every day?” Erlik asked her softly. “Yes… Every day, twice a day… I have to wake up before the sunrise, walk all the way to the forest, jump and sometimes climb to gather flowers, struggle to make jewels out of them, get back home in time. And repeat all of it again in the afternoon to hide my wound. I'm exhausted of this routine.” Zene expressed her struggle in front of Erlik without thinking twice. Erlik started feeling guilty for making Zene go through so many troubles. If he hasn't burned her hand when she was only trying to save him, she might not have to do any of this. She probably lived her normal life and enjoy it as she did before, without struggling to hide not only hers but also his secret too. “This is all my fault,” Erlik murmured out loud, and it reached Zene's ears. “What? No… I didn't mean that. It wasn't your fault at all. It's not like you did it intentionally. Don't blame yourself when the person you hurt, is not blaming you at all.” Zene said sitting up from her laying position. “But no matter what you say, the truth won't be changed. You were hurt because of me. Your hand burned while saving me. You are struggling to hide my secrets from your close ones. Are you still going to say that none of it is my fault?” Erlik asked her with blurry eyes. “No. Not at all. I'm a big girl now. I can choose what to do and what not to do. This is all my choice. I chose to save you even if I get hurt in the process. I chose to keep your identity hidden. It's not like you forced me to do anything. I'm not guilty of anything, and you shouldn't be too.” Zene said strongly making Erlik more emotional. “Thank you so much for coming into my life. You're the best person I've ever seen in my life. You're the best my princess.” Saying this Erlik hugged Zene closely. She got startled for a bit, from the sudden action of Erlik. But in the next moment, she felt so comfortable in his arms that she also hugged him back. She felt like, her whole world got completed when she was in his arms, just like Erlik was feeling with her. They knew that they belong to each other but that wasn't possible at all. No matter how much they love each other, neither can they express it to each other nor can they admit it to themselves. This forbidden love was affecting both of them and breaking them from inside. It was making them full when they are close to each other and empty when they are separated. Zene was the one, who gained her senses first. She realized that they were showing affection out in the open where anyone can see them like that. She can't risk getting caught with Erlik like this, or it might create a huge fuss over it than the actual truth. So pushing Erlik's hot and hard chest from hers, she fixed herself in a proper manner. Erlik realized what he just did and felt a little embarrassed. But inside, he felt really happy from feeling his true love's heartbeat near his ones. “Will you help me pick up more flowers? I can't go home like this and doing this alone will take way too much time for me. It's already near breakfast time and I have to be present there to help mother. If I get someone's help, it would be much easier and faster.” Zene asked him without making eye contact. She was ashamed of showing her affection too. “Of course. It will be my pleasure. Let's go princess.” Erlik stood up in his place and forwarded his hand for Zene to hold. Slowly passing her hand into his huge ones, Zene pulled herself out of the sandy beach. Then they both went towards the place, where Zene picks flowers for herself. It took them an hour more to complete everything than Zene already did before now. In between this time, Erlik got few more chances to feel her body when he picked her up to choose flowers from a top branch of the trees. He was really enjoying the touch of Zene's warm and soft skin. Her slender body looked so small compared to Erlik's huge one, whenever they were really close to each other. Not only Erlik but Zene was also getting a new feeling from his touch. His hands were giving her shivers and goosebumps all over her body, just from one touch. Their sudden closeness was affecting both of them, and they started craving for more and more of each other's touch. With excitement in their hearts and unsatisfied desire in their body, Erlik and Zene finally returned to the palace. It was already past breakfast time, but none of them had any worry about it because they were in a different world than reality. In their world, they were waiting to get one more chance to get close to each other and feel each other's touch. Their already warm body was getting hotter and hotter from remembering the time they just spent together. But they didn't know that the harsh reality is going to hit them hard in just a few moments. The truth is waiting for them inside the palace to pull them back into reality. The world they are in, going to be crushed by the real one...
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