Chapter :- 23.

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From the close time Zene and Erlik had, they forgot everything about the real world and enjoyed each other’s company. They were really happy until it was time for them to get back to the palace. Entering the palace with a smiling face and cheerful hearts, they came in front of all the royal family members as they were standing in a circle and talking about something important. Zene was amazed to see her whole family together in that position. And top of it, the leader of the group seemed like none other than Zene's best friend Micah. But what were they talking about? The wondering fact that caught Zene's attention was that, as soon as her family saw them coming, they stopped talking and looked at them with a shocking face. They were staring at them like, they weren't expecting their presence at that time. "What's going on here? Is everything alright?” Zene was a little worried by their facial expressions. That situation was giving her worries for some unknown reason. According to her imagination, they might have found out about her's or Erlik's secret and they are about to shout out at them any moment. But it made her more amazed when she noticed that, instead of getting angry at them, everyone's face shone up with a happy smile. Even her sisters, who hate her most, were smiling at her. "Sis... I'm so happy today. You missed the..” Kally came running to Zene and hugged her. She was about to tell her something but got stopped by Micah. "Kally.. no. Remember what I said." He gave Kally a pointed look and she immediately closed her mouth with her palm. "Sorry. I forgot.." She apologized to Micah before running back to her position. Zene couldn't understand anything that's going on in there. She just stood still in her place, looking at everyone's face to get a hint of the topic. Not only Zene, but Erlik was also in the same condition. He couldn't think of any Idea, about what the royal family was discussing. But whatever it is, he knows for sure that it includes something with Micah and Zene. What are they planning on? "Seriously... Micah..! What's going on? What were talking about?" Zene asked as she started getting irritated by the wondering questions in her head. "Nothing hun. We were just talking about my next mission." Micah's one reply took Zene's mind off the topic immediately. Her mouth dropped to hear the sad news. "What? You're leaving again? So soon? But you just came? No... You can't leave so soon. I won't agree." She told him with almost tear-filled eyes. "Hun.. don't do this. You know I can't stay here at this time. I have to keep my eyes out for any danger. It's for our island." Micah said getting close to Zene and taking her hand in his ones. "But you just came a day ago? Why do you have to go so soon?" Zene whined like a kid to hear Micah. "Remember I told the day I arrived that, I saw vampires roaming around the edge of their border. I have to keep an eye on them until I can be sure that they aren't planning anything against us." Micah told her the reason but Zene wasn't ready to accept the reality yet. "No. I don't want to hear any excuses. I'm not letting you go and that's final." Saying this Zene ran out of the palace. While running out, she bumped with Erlik once. But at that moment her mind was too wired up to think of anything else. So without looking back at anyone, she just kept running. But she didn't know that Zene's careless act hurt Erlik a little. Or maybe he was heart to see the bond she had with another man except for him. He was hurt to see that only Micah's leaving this island for a few days was affecting her so much. Erlik was only thinking, why does she have to do that for any other male than him? "I guess I have to follow her now. I can't leave like this. But don't worry, I know how to win her heart. Thank you for everything all of you. I really appreciate it. Take care of my hun and don't forget my only request to all of you. Especially you Kally. I will come back soon." Micah said to everyone and they said their goodbyes to them. But before leaving, Micah came near Erlik and said something in his ears. "Zene is mine. So it will be better if you keep your eyes off of her. And always remember that even though I'm leaving this island, I appointed some guests to keep eye on you. One mistake and I will rip your head from your body. Nice to meet you." After giving that speech, Micah walked out of the palace. Erlik's eyes followed Micah until he was out of his sight. Erlik was shocked when he told him to stay away from Zene. So does it mean that Micah knows that Erlik has some special feelings for Zene? But how can he know? And what was he talking about when he asked Zene's family to keep his request? What request did he make to them in the first place? "Erlik. Where were you? You missed everything." Sylvia's frisky voice took Erlik out of his wonders. Turning his head back, he saw everyone was sitting at the dining table. Erlik realized that none of them had their breakfast yet because they were busy discussing the secret matter. Erlik went to his place on the dining table and sat beside Sylvia. "I wanted to take a stroll outside. Is everything okay here?" He thought to ask Sylvia to know what's going on with these royals. "Everything's more than perfect. It's never been so perfect before. Finish your food fast, then I'll tell you everything." She replied to him. "I think we took the right decision, didn't we honey?" Erlik heard king Triton asked queen Angelia. "Micah's a very nice boy. We did the right thing." She replied to her husband. Everyone's sudden change in their behavior was making Erlik more and more wonder about the matter. At one point, he got so angry that he couldn't wait anymore to know the truth. So without eating his whole food, he excused himself and took Sylvia out with him too. He didn't care anymore what king Triton and Queen Angelia would think about his sudden behavior, and hold Sylvia's hand in front of everyone to drag her outside. "Hey. What are you doing? It's not proper to show your affection in front of my parents." Sylvia said to Erlik, once they were out of the palace. "I don't care. Can you tell me now, what are you guys planning on?" Erlik asked Sylvia impatiently. "I will tell you everything. But first, give me a kiss." Sylvia said putting her arms around Erlik's shoulder. "Out here? Are you crazy? Someone might see us like that." Erlik said putting her arms down from his body. But Sylvia has no care about anything anymore. Especially not after the night they spend together. "Don't worry about it anymore. Our time to announce our relationship is coming real soon. First, give me a kiss to know the biggest good news for us all" Erlik knows that Sylvia is not the one to back off so easily. She won't let it go until he gives her what she wants. So looking around them and finding no one around, Erlik gave Sylvia a quick peak on her lips. "This is the best I can do at this moment. Now tell me what happened?" Sylvia sighed in defeat seeing that it's the best she's going to get for now. "Fine. The biggest news is that my little sister is getting married soon." She said with an evil smile. "Can you please tell me about it in detail? I can't understand what you are talking about." Erlik said getting irritated by her flirtings. "Okay. Fine. I’ll tell you everything.” Flashback:- In the morning when Zene and Erlik were out and Zene's family was about to sit for breakfast, Micah came to the palace to search for Zene. Whenever he comes to the island for few days, he tries to keep Zene with him all the time. Today was the same but unfortunately, the person he came to search for was not present. “Micah, why don’t you come and have breakfast with us. Zene's not around, that doesn't mean you can spend some time with us.” Queen Angelia told Micah teasingly. “It’s not like that my queen. I don't want to disturb you at your family time.” He replied politely. “You’re not disturbing anything, my son. Come and sit with us.” King Triton invite him too. “Thank you, sir. But before that, I have something I wanted to ask you for so long.” He said while hesitating to ask. “You can tell anything to us without any trouble. You’re just like our family members too.” Queen Angelia told him in reply. “Actually I want to ask for Zene's hand from you. I guess all of you already knew that I like Zene very much and now I was to marry her too. If you permit me to make your daughter my wife, I would be honored.” Micah said, shocking everyone as they stood up from their place and went to him. “That's very good news for us all. But did Zene agreed to it?” Queen Angelia asked in worry. “I haven’t asked her yet. Before I propose to her, I want to make sure my king and queen give me permission. You are her parents. Whatever you decide for your child, I know it will be only for her better.” As Micah said that, the king and queen looked at each other’s faces for once and nod before giving him a reply. “It would be our pleasure to welcome you into our family as a member. We know that you love our daughter very much and you will take care of her forever. So I don't think we will have any problems with giving you our daughter.” King Triton said, making everyone happy. Everyone had their own reasons to become happy with this news. The King and Queen became happy to think about their daughter's better future. Kelly became happy to think about the happiness her sister is going to get by marrying her best friend. The rest of her sisters were happy to think about getting rid of their most hated person of all. And the happiest of them all was Micah, who was finally getting the love of his life as his wife. Once she marries Micah, nobody can ever separate them again. The reason for Micah's sudden proposal is for this reason. He didn't want anyone to snatch Zene from him. From the day he came to this island, he was noticing that Erlik and Zene had an attraction for each other. He knows that if he doesn't move fast, Erlik might take her before Micah can. There’s no way he’s going to let that happen. “I can’t wait for her arrival when I’ll tell sis about this. She would become so happy.” Kally jumped up in excitement. “No, you are not telling her anything right now. It's my request to all of you. Please don't tell her anything right now. I want it to be a surprise. After I come from this mission, I will propose to her as a surprise.” Micah said with a smiley face and dreamed eyes. “I have a better idea. Why don't you propose to her at Sylvia's coronation? That way, the whole island would be present there to witness it.” Queen Angelia gave a better idea as Micah instantly accepted it. “It’s done then. After the coronation ceremony, I will propose to Zene. But till then, nobody will tell her anything. And on the day of her 18th birthday, we will place the wedding. It will be perfect.” Micah said as he imagined everything from before. Everyone agreed to that and congratulated Micah on the good news. Everyone was happy with that decision as they started planning everything on their own when Zene and Erlik entered the scene.
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