Chapter :- 13.

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“Aaaa..” A sudden scream made Erlik wake up from his deep slumber. He jumped up in scare to see he was surrounded by most of the royal family. At first, he couldn't understand what's going on and why they were looking at him while he was sleeping. Then he felt a tug on his hand and when he looked at it, he found out that he was holding someone's wrist. Looking up he saw that this hand belonged to none other than Zene. He looked at her face once to find a tear pricking eyes and a painful expression. Then he realized that he was holding her hand with all his might and if he puts a bit more pressure into it, her wrist will break like a twig. He immediately let's go of her hand as she hissed out in pain, pulling it into her chest. “I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I'm really, tea sorry.” He said and she instantly his hand behind and tried to look unaffected. “What happened big brother, why were you screaming like that? You made all of us scared.” Kally asked him, and he looked around to find Queen Angelia, Kally and Zene all three present in that place. “I… I screamed?” He asked in confusion. “Yes. We heard your screams and rushed here to see if everything's alright or not. Did you have a nightmare?” Queen Angelia asked Erlik. Then he remembered what happened to him a few minutes ago. It was all in his dreams like he usually had in this few days. But this time it was much more horrible than it ever was. And he also realised that the hand he caught by thinking it was of that burning Mermaid's, it was actually Zene's. He also realized how hard he was holding it because he put all his strength in it to keep it away. It might have made a bruise in there already. “Yes, Queen Angelia. I was having a bad dream. I'm sorry to bother all of you like this.” Erlik apologized to them, and they just nod at him before leaving his room. After all of them were gone, Erlik took a deep long breath. While thinking about three girls at one time, he forgot the one who saved him in the first place. That's why his savior came tonight at his dream to make him remember about her again. He has to find this white Mermaid soon before she takes all of his sleep away. He took another long breath and looked outside to find it was already morning. There's no time to take few more minutes rest anymore. So he tugged on his hair softly and got ready to wake up. After freshening up and having breakfast, he went out on his own. He needed some alone time to think everything through. In this short period of time, he needs to find out that mysterious girl, he needs to search for his saviour, and he needs to succeed in his mission. And to do all of this, he needs to focus and make clear plans. He was walking along the seaside and thinking about how to plan everything through, when he noticed Zene sitting on the sand of the beach. Seeing her, he remembered everything about the morning. He felt guilty for hurting Zene when she was only trying to help him. He needs to apologize to do that to her. On the other hand, Zene was sitting alone in the sea beach to control the pain she was having in her wrist. Unfortunately she got hurt in the same wrist she was burned in the first place. It had already started healing but today's incident made it even worse wound in the same place. She kept remembering what happened that morning. She was already awake by then, and she was helping her mother with their daily chores lie she usually does. But all of a sudden Kally came rushing down from upstairs. “Mother, something happened to big brother. He was screaming and making some weird noises. Come, hurry.” As soon as they heard it, they ran upstairs to his room. Entering in, they saw he was sweating profusely and groaning in his sleep. They couldn't understand what happened to him or what was causing his sudden action. Zene was getting really worried about him, so she went near him and was about to shake him awake, when out of a sudden he caught her wrist. He caught it so tightly that it felt like her hand would break any moment. She screamed out in pain, and it broke his sleep. Tears were already gathered in her eyes because of the pain, but she controlled herself because of her promise to not cry. But she hid her wrist immediately because if anyone saw it, they would notice the burned mark she still had. To keep her pain hidden, she left the palace grounds and went to the beach. She didn't even eat her breakfast to make sure nobody notices her all swollen up wrist. She was sitting in the seaside alone, enjoying the crazy waves and the soft breeze when Erlik went to her. “Hey can I sit here?” Erlik asked her but seeing him there, she got up from her place. “Uhh… I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. Kally must be searching for me.” Saying this, she started walking away. Zene was trying to avoid Erlik because she knows that he would notice her wound one way or another. And if he sees it, he would recognize her as her true self. Zene couldn't afford to let everyone know about her reality when they are so close to the day if Sylvia's coronation. So it is the best option to save her truth by avoiding Erlik. “Wait. I need to talk to you. Please stop.” Erlik tried to stop her, but she didn't listen to him and kept walking. But Erlik didn't quit and ran behind her. “Princess, are you angry at me? I told you, I'm really sorry for what I did. It wasn't my intention to heart you at all. Please forgive me.” Erlik apologized to her. “It's okay. I already forgave you a long time ago. I know it was not your fault. Sometimes we do this kind of stuff in our dream. Don't worry about it.” Zene said it with a smile. “Really? Thank you so much. But did I hurt you badly? Let me check it.” Erlik tried to hold her hand and see her wound, but she pulled it away from him. “You don't have to do that. It's completely fine. Nothing happened to me. Can you please let me go now? I have a really important work to do.” Zene lied to him and started walking away again. “Why are you doing this? Just let me check once to make sure I didn't cause you a bruise or anything.” Erlik again followed her. “Stop. I'm telling you, nothing happened. I'm fine.” She said hiding her hand behind. “Then what's wrong if I check it. Let me see it.” Erlik was trying to see her wrist forcefully and Zene was trying her best to keep it hidden. But she was having a hard time because after few minutes of arguments, he caught her hand and tried to drag it front. Finally, Erlik succeeded, and he was about to check it when somebody spoke up. “What's going on in here?” Their heads snapped towards the person to see an angry Sylvia standing there. She was crossing that place when she caught the view of Erlik and Zene fighting. Seeing her there, Erlik instantly let go of Zene's hand as she hided it again behind her. Erlik got scared to think that now Sylvia would create a fuss over the situation. “I asked what is going on in here?” She asked again and came near them. “Umm… Your sister's hurt. I was just checking her wound.” Erlik tried to convince her with the truth. “No need to do that. She can handle her own matter. Let's get out of here before she casts a spell on you too.” Saying this Sylvia started dragging Erlik from that place by holding his hand. Her actions hurt Zene real bad. No matter what condition their relation is in, they are still sisters. As a big sister it's Sylvia's responsibility to care for her younger ones. But in her case, an outsider is caring for her health when her own sister was neglecting her. Zene wonders when that day will come when her sisters will truly love her. She looks at her wound once again before sighing and walking out of that place. On the other hand, Erlik couldn't believe that Sylvia supported him instead of her sister. She had no kindness for Zene as her words only shows hate for her. He couldn't understand what is the reason behind her this rudeness. After they were out of that place, Erlik thought to ask her about his wonders. “Sylvia, why are you so rude to her? You always seem to Ike your other sisters but not only her.” He finally asked Sylvia. “That's because I hate her. I can't bare to see her face.” She replied with a disgusted tone. “But why?” He asked again. “She had done several mistakes. And the first one is by getting born in our family. Since she was a child mother and father loved her more than any of us. She's the most beautiful one among us or the whole island because only she got our mother, the angel queen's beauty. And she really has an arrogance for it. Not only our parents but the whole kingdom loves her and needs her all the time. She's more popular among all than I am. And I'm the one who's going to be the Queen. They should be calling me in emergencies not her. And lastly, her biggest mistake was, she was about to snatch my throne. Although I'm the firstborn daughter of King Triton and Queen Angelia, they wanted to give her the throne instead of me. They thought she was more wise and appropriate to be a queen than I am. I had to convince them so many times to finally agree with me. What ever they think of her, I know I'm more stronger than her. I know I have the power and confidence to be the Queen. And I will prove it to them.” Sylvia said everything to Erlik as her eyes grew red in anger. He kept wondering why she's saying such things when none of it was true. As much as Erlik knows Zene, she's not a bit arrogant like Sylvia's describing her and neither does she likes to show pride for her beauty. People love her more because she lives among them more and acts like one of them without thinking about her royal position. Maybe her parents love her more because all of her sisters hate her for being unique, and they just want to support her and give her a little love which she can't get from her sisters. Erlik had every explanation for Zene's difference from Sylvia, and he realized that Sylvia is the one with a cruel heart. He also realized that Sylvia's the one who manipulated rest of her sisters against her. But one thing he couldn't understand that why the King and Queen wanted to make Zene the future queen instead of Sylvia. She's the firstborn child of the royals, and she is the one who holds both kinds powers. Then why would they think about going against the rules and make Zene the Queen? This truly is the biggest reason for Sylvia's anger and hatred. Erlik thought that if he was in Sylvia's position and his father decides to give the throne to anyone else, although he was the one with the power and special abilities, he would be damn angry at his father and that person both. Sylvia has a true reason to be mad at Zene.
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