Chapter :- 12.

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“Are you ready princess?” Erlik asked Zene, breaking the trance she was in. The proximity they were sharing, was giving her an unknown feeling. She didn't know how to reply to his question, so she just not to him. And in an instance Erlik picked her up by holding her hip. The branch she was trying to catch is now touching her head. But instead of doing what she was there for, she kept looking at him. It seemed like she couldn't take her eyes off of the handsome face and the glowing eyes of Erlik. He was making her forget everything. “Princess, focus… It's right there.” Erlik said making Zene shake out of it. Now she realized what she was doing. She blushed in embarrassment as she doesn't know herself why she was feeling like this all of a sudden. She took her eyes away from Erlik's one and started picking flowers to hide her embodiment. But her blushing red face wasn't unseen by him. He just smiled to see her sweet reactions. “I'm done. You can put me down now.” Few minutes later Zene announced as she was done with her work. Erlik loosen his grip on her hip and instantly she slid down from Erlik's body. She wasn't expecting this type of climbing down, so she couldn't balance herself on feet and fell on Erlik's chest. And in-between that their lips touched each other unintentionally, which seemed more like a quick kiss. They both were shocked from a sudden incident as they both stood there still with an open mouth. They looked at each other not believing what just happened. But it affected both of them equally because it was their first kiss ever. Erlik was the one who got affected more. Although he lived a Prince's life, he never got intimidated with any women. His father didn't allow him to have a relationship with any girls. Erlik only spend his life by training harder and harder each day. This is the first kiss he ever got, and it was also from the girl he truly likes. The accident which anyone can barely call a kiss, moved the Devil's, and he felt love growing inside his rock solid heart for this innocent Mermaid. He got emotional and was about to kiss her properly this time, when Zene talked out. “I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I lost my balance a little. I'm very very sorry.” Saying this Zene ran out of that place. The kiss moved Zene too. It was her first kiss, which she was supposed to be happy about. But she was not a bit happy, because this is not how she imagined her first kiss. And most of all she never imagined it will be with a Devil. She always thought that she would share her first kiss with the person she would choose to spend her life with. So this accident hurt her feelings a bit, and she ran out of that place for not able see Erlik's face again. Once Zene was out of Erlik's sight, he felt a tug on his heart. It hurt him too by seeing the reaction of the girl, he's starting to fall for. But in the next moment he let himself remember what was his true mission. And he can't let a girl make him distracted from it. Even if Zene gave him a chance, he couldn't express his feelings for her because he is forced to express those same feelings for her older sister. If he does this little mistake, then it will ruin Erlik's and his father's plans. After thinking this and clearing his mind, he made himself strong again. He gave his heart the confidence to gain back the strength he was starting to lose. Looking down, he saw all the flowers Zene picked, fallen on the ground like orphans. He sighed once and got down to pick them up. After getting a handful of them, he went back to Sylvia to complete his mission. When he got back to Sylvia, she was sitting on the sand of the beach, waiting for him. At first, he thought she would be mad because he's too late to arrive there. But instead, her reaction was different. She still had the same smile on her face like before. The happiness she got today overcame all his anger. “I'm so sorry for coming late. I couldn't find anything suitable for you. You're so beautiful that I can't manage to find anything equally beautiful as you.” Erlik said to her flirtatiously to make her forgive him for being late. “It's okay. I don't know how the time passed by as I was thinking about our future. So, what did you bring for me?” Sylvia asked and Erlik gave her the flowers he was holding in his hands. “I thought these flowers are the only one that could match up with your beauty. But now I'm seeing that I was wrong. You also made these flowers' beauty get dull.” Sylvia blushed hard hearing Erlik's lies. She was falling for his charms, giving him opportunity to forward his plans. After spending the whole day outside, Sylvia and Erlik went back to the palace in the evening. Sylvia wanted to announce their relationships as soon as possible, but Erlik convinced her to announce it on the day of her coronation as a surprise. She agreed to him thinking that it's a good idea to let the whole island know about their relation at once. By then she would be the Queen and her parents won't have the power to disapprove the Human and Mermaid relation. It's the best option for them. So according to their plan, although they spent the whole day together, they get back to the place separate. This way no one will doubt anything about them. Erlik was way too clever to let everyone know about his tricks so soon. He manipulated Sylvia to not let anyone know about them because he knew that if king Triton and Queen Angelia dosen't approve their relation, he might have problems to get close to her or succeed in his mission. Besides, he doesn't want to let Zene know about their fake relationship when the truth is, he likes Zene more that her older sister. Before dinner, when Erlik was getting out of his room to go to the dining table, he met Kally on the hallway. “Hey, little fireball.” Kally stopped hearing him and blushed hearing her new name. “Hey big brother.” She replied him shyly. “Where have you been all day? I haven't seen you around. I even saw your favorite sister wandering alone in all day.” Erlik asked her, while leaning against the wall. “Yeah. I had to attend one of my friends birthday today. But still I offered her to help with her daily chores, but she said she will manage. So I went to my friends house alone.” She told Erlik. “Oh! That's nice. You enjoyed your day?” As Erlik said that, she jumped in excitement. “Very. We played different kinds of games, ate a lot of sweets and sang a song together. It was a really fun day.” She replied with a huge smile on her face. “Umm… Fireball, I wanted to ask you something. Will you help me please?” Erlik said to her. “Of course. What can I do for you?” She offered her help to the devil, without thinking twice. This proved to Erlik that she's trusting him completely. “Can you please tell me, if there are any other exits of this palace rather than the main door? You know, just in case I need to escape from your crazy sisters.” Erlik asked her twisting the truth from her. It made Kally laugh out loud to hear his silly words. “Yes, there is one. We have a back door, out from the kitchen. You can use is in case of emergencies.” She said as she kept laughing her breath out. “Thank you for telling me. Now I can be sure that I'm safe from this crazy Mermaids.” It made Kally laugh out more, and she walked out of there like that. Erlik took a deep breath and fixed that information in his mind. Although a lot was going on with him, he didn't forget planning to catch the mysterious girl he saw every night. Now that he knows that there is another entry of this palace other than the front door, he planned to catch her tonight by waiting in the staircase. It was the only place he can catch her, even if she enters from any of those entrances. She has to climb up the stairs to go to her room and that time he will surely catch her. After that he went to have dinner with the royal family. There he saw Zene again after the incident that happened in between them. But this time she wasn't looking at him like yesterday. Even not a side glance. Erlik knows the reason behind her avoiding eye contact, and it made him a little sad. At night, Erlik went to stand beside his window at the time of that mysterious girl's arrival and kept himself aware. Like every night, he saw that girl coming towards the palace at the exact time. An evil smile came onto his lips thinking that he's going to finally catch her today and rushed downstairs and hid himself beside the staircase from where he can clearly see the person approaching. He waited in that place quietly for more than an hour, but unfortunately nobody came. Getting exhausted from waiting, he came out and checked both doors to find that both of them are locked from inside and there is no trace of anyone sneaking in. “Where did she go?” He told himself in defeat. Erlik couldn't understand how was that possible. He's sure that the girl he sees every night, comes inside the palace. Or else why would she come this way at that time anyway? But where does she disappears after coming her? It was making him more and more eager to find the truth. He knows something secret is going inside the palace grounds. He was sure that this girl is the answer of all his questions. Finally, getting defeated by that mysterious girl again, Erlik went back to his room. It was already too late, and he was exhausted by all the drama he is going through. He never thought things will be so complicated like this, before coming to the surface. While thinking this he finally fell asleep. Suddenly he felt like something was choking him in his sleep. As he opened his eyes, he found himself deep inside the ocean, and he was drowning again. He couldn't breathe properly and tried his best to get up, but failed miserably. He was drowning more and more deep inside the black ocean water. Just as he was about to lose hope, he saw a light coming towards him. And in the next moment he felt a soft cotton like touch on his hand. Looking in front he saw the same white haired Mermaid with the same white tail, dragging him out of the depth. He tried to hold her but instantly a flame came out of his hands making her surroundings red and her body to catch on fire. It was burning her whole body as she tried to stop the fire. Erlik tried to get her out of it, but it created more fire on her. He felt helpless as he really wanted to save her. But no matter how much he tries, it caused her burn more in the fire he created. After a while like that, he saw that the wiggle of the Mermaid stopped as she became still. Although her whole body was in fire, it seemed like it wasn't affecting him anymore. Out of a sudden a clear hand came out of that fire which was trying to touch Erlik again. It scared him more as he started to scream and get away from it. But even after putting all his strength, he couldn't get away from it. That hand was about to touch him when he stopped it by holding it and kept it away, with rest of his strength left.
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