Chapter :- 14.

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Six day already passed and none of his plans are succeeded yet. He didn't find the mysterious girl, neither the withe Mermaid and nor did he was able to kill Sylvia. Everything was becoming a chaos for Erlik as his days on this island was passing quickly. He needs to move quicker. As for the sixth night, he was determined to catch that mysterious girl, and he knows that she is the key to find the white Mermaid. So for tonight, he planned to catch her even before she reaches to the palace. He will wait for her outside the palace at the time of her arrival. Then out of a sudden a thought came to his mind. If that mysterious girl is one among the eight daughters of the rulers, then she must be getting out of the palace right after the dinner. And if she sneaks out at late night to meet that white Mermaid, then he might catch them both together if he follows her. Erlik cursed himself to not getting this idea sooner. If he did, then he might have found his savior a long time ago. So according to his plans, he went to wait for that girl to get out beside his window, right after their dinner. He also checked out that all of them are present in the dinner table so that he can be sure that the mysterious girl couldn't leave without his notice. Just as Erlik thought, right after an hour of dinner and everyone fell asleep, he saw that girl sneaking out of the palace. He smiled in himself to think that today he will catch her no matter what. Erlik hurried to follow that girl and quickly went behind her. Although he was way behind her, he kept following the silhouette of that girl through the dark forest. But unfortunately when they got in more depth of the forest, he lost the sight of the girl. He searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her anywhere. After searching for about an hour, he lost all hopes. Maybe he will never find this girl this way. She's just a distraction from his mission which he has to overcome somehow. Truly this girl was taking his concentration away from his target. Thinking this, he was returning to the palace when he heard the sweetest voice he ever heard. Someone was singing a song which can attract anyone near a mile of it. But who can sing so amazing and at this hour? He was really eager to find the person such sweet voice belongs to. So he kept following the sound and came out on the seaside from the dept of the forest. Coming out, he noticed that it was a part of the island where he never came. And it was after so dept of the forest, maybe nobody knows about its location yet. But this person found it somehow. As closer, he was getting to the source of the sound, the more amazing it was getting. Erlik felt like he would lose his heart to the person such sweet voice belongs to. Soon he came to the place where the sound was coming from, and he saw that it was a really rocky area of the island where it seems like not much people arrive there. While searching for the person who was humming a melody now, Erlik found his long awaited savior. He saw that the person who was singing is none other than the white Mermaid, of whom nobody knows about. She was sitting on a rock far away from the shore and her face was on the opposite direction of Erlik. He saw that, her face was upwards as she was watching the moon. Night's cold breeze was blowing through her white long wavy hair. From his place, he could see that her white layery tail was half dipped in the water and moving in an equal beat with her melody, which was making a slow splashing sound. It felt like she was playing music with the water, to go with her song. Erlik was desperate to see the face of his saviour, so he ran here and there to get a clear picture of her face. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't see her face. “Hey, you there! Can I please talk to you once?” After trying to look at her face once but failing, he decided to call for her. That white Mermaid was sitting on the rock, and she was drowned in her own world, so she didn't notice Erlik's arrival. But as soon as Erlik called out for her, she stopped her singing and became still. “Please look at me once. Please.” Erlik begged to her, but it didn't work because in the next moment, that white Mermaid jumped into the water and swam away. Erik couldn't even have another glance of her after the dive she took inside the water. He got disappointed to see that. Maybe she doesn't want to be found or seen. Maybe that's why she lives alone out in this place. Maybe it's best if she stops searching for her. Erlik became depressed and kept thinking that if she doesn't want to seen then why does she come to his dreams every day? Why she provokes him to search for her? Why her thoughts were distracting him all the time? But there is no way to find all of those answers anymore. Disappointed Erlik thought to go back to the palace because he made his mind, that he will not look for any of these girls anymore. He will only focus on his mission and get out of this place as soon as possible. With this decision, he went to the palace. When Erlik almost reached the palace grounds, he saw that mysterious girl's silhouette again. She was returning to her home just like him. She seemed in a hurry but didn't notice Erlik right behind her. Maybe this time Erlik can catch her. Thinking this he kept following her. Soon he saw that girl going toward the back of the palace where all the princesses rooms are, instead of going toward the front or back door. It made Erlik wonder what she was trying to do. Then Erlik noticed that she was climbing a huge vine, that grew almost all over the back of the palace. And it reaches at the end of a window which belongs to one of the princess's of this palace. Then everything became clear to him. So this is where she gets in and out of the palace without using any door or without letting anyone know about her night trips. Erlik noticed that the girl almost reached middle from the window, and he still doesn't know which princess she was. So he went right down the vines and shook it. It made the strides of those vines get loose from the wall, which she was holding onto. And in the next moment, she slipped from up there. She shrieked slowly as she fell down and right into the arms of Erlik. Seeing the girl inside his arms, Erlik became shocked. He never thought that this girl is the mysterious and rebel girl, he was so eager to see. “Princess?” Erlik called Zene as her eyes snapped open which was close till now in fear of falling. So it was confirmed that Zene was the one who was sneaking in and out of the palace every night. She was using those vines that grew below her window to get out of there without anyone noticing. Like she was doing for almost two years now. After she gained her abilities and special powers, she sneaked out of her house every night through her window. And then crossing the fence forest, she goes to her special and secret place. There she shifts into her forms and trains herself on how to use her powers. At midnight, she comes back home. This way she was keeping her secret for two years now. Tonight was one of those same night for her as she secretly got out of the palace. But unfortunately she didn't know that somebody else was following her tonight. She went to her place like every day. But today she was sad because of Sylvia's harsh words, so she decided not to train tonight. Changing into her Mermaid form she went to seat on her special rock. There she enjoyed the night breeze while watching the moon. Her heart was heavy, but she couldn't shred any tears because of her promise. So to calm her heart, she thought to sing tonight. Nowadays when ever she's sad, she sings her pain and sadness out. And once the night was over, she would gain her strength back to bare everything again. Just like other nights, she was also singing her song without knowing that someone was following her sound to reach to her. She was enjoying her alone time without worrying about anything when she heard someone call for her. She got still to hear someone calling her and fear consumed her heart. At first, she didn't know who it was, so she thought it might be someone she knows. Well, everyone who lives in this island knows her perfectly. She got scared to think that, maybe tonight she's getting caught in front of her family. Maybe tonight all her plans will come to an end. Maybe tonight everyone will start hating her for keeping this huge secret. As she was thinking this, that person called her again. This time she recognized who this voice belongs to. It was none other than Erlik. “What is he doing here?” Zene thought for a moment. Then she realized why he was there and why he was calling her. She realized that he was there to search for his savior. And he found her too. By Erlik's words, it seemed like he hasn't noticed who he was talking with. So Zene thought that it's better if she ran away before he can see her face. Thinking this, she dived into the ocean and went under the depth to make sure Erlik couldn't see her. Swimming under the water for few miles, she finally came to the surface. Zene knows that tonight, she was almost caught by Erlik and couldn't risk it anymore. If he found her there tonight, he would come back again and again to look for her there. It's not safe for her to go out these few days anymore. And besides its just fourteen more days. Once Sylvia is coronated as the queen, she can come out again. When Sylvia will become the Queen, nobody can take her down from her throne anymore. So even Zene gets caught after that, nobody will have the power to change her position then. Zene made the decision that from tonight she will stay home and hide her truth until Sylvia becomes queen. But for tonight, she needs to get back home before Erlik. If he reached before her and search for her, she might get caught. Even if he creates any fuss over it in her house before she gets in, her parents will find out her secret night out. Thinking this she got out of the water and rushed back home. Reaching near the palace, she grabbed the vines below her window and started climbing up. But in the midway the vines she was holding got loose for some reason, and she fell down. As she was falling down, she controlled herself from screaming because if she screams out, everyone will wake up due to the noise and find her outside her room. To control herself from screaming, she closed her eyes tight and made herself ready for the impact of her body with the ground. She was expecting a hard fall and unbearable pain once she hits the ground, but luckily that never came. Instead, she felt some soft but hard thing catching her before she touches the ground. “Princess?” But the voice that came with it, made her scared again.
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