Chapter :- 20.

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After almost getting caught by Micah and again getting saved by Zene, Erlik went back towards the palace. He's mind was still revolving around the thought of Micah kissing Zene. If he wasn't there at that time, they might have sealed their relationship by now with that kiss. And if they accepted each other as mates, the chance to get Zene would be lost forever from Erlik's life. But on the other thought, did Erlik truly has a chance to get Zene? Why did he even want her in the first place? She's not the one Erlik came here for. His mission is completely different from what he is doing. Realization hit him and he got mad at himself. Why is he getting distracted from his mission? What is wrong with him? Why is he falling for a weak Mermaid, whom he can never have a future with? He thought to get himself in control and focus on his target this time for sure. He won't let his mind drift off no matter what he comes front. Deciding his target, he finally reached the palace. But when he didn't find Sylvia there, he remembered that he left her on the market last time. Maybe she's still there, waiting for him. So without wasting time, he ran towards the market before she gets mad at him. When he reached the market, he kept searching for Sylvia here and there but couldn't find her anywhere. He looked around all the places she might be in, but couldn't find her anywhere. Finally, giving up on his quest. He slumped down on the seaside and kept thinking about what to do further. He has to keep acting like a good guy for 10 more days and the day Sylvia gets coronated, he would complete his assignment and return to his own home. After that they could attack the gods and finally the all mighty one. All of it will be over after his father gets what he wants and Erlik would be free from this pressure. While thinking all of his future plans, he noticed that the sun started getting down from the sky, creating a beautiful yellowish-red color. It almost looks like the color of hell, the devil's home. He knew it's going to be dinner time soon as the royals in here like to sleep early and get up in the early morning. So he got up from his place and went to the palace. He knew whereever Sylvia was till now, she has been returned her home by now. Not only her, but Zene might have also returned to the palace with Micah along her. The scenario was same like he expected. Everyone was gathered around the dinner table to have their night meal. But the only thing different from his expectation was, Micah was not in there. He wondered if he was late or went somewhere else for the night. He couldn't keep his eager in control and asked Zene about him out loud. “Where's your friend? Couldn't see him around…” Erlik's sudden question shocked not only Zene, but the whole royal family. They never thought, Erlik would have a sudden interest in Micah just by one meeting. But Zene knows the incident that happened today, and she knows his reason to ask this question. So she gave him a quick reply. “He went to his home. Micah doesn't live with us. He comes to our house once a day when he's home.” Zene quickly went back to the task she was doing after giving him the answer. Now Erlik mentally slapped himself for his stupidity. Why didn't he think before that Micah has his own home too? He's not an orphan or a poor guy to not have a house. And his biggest mistake was asking this out loud when Sylvia was in the same room. He saw how Sylvia was giving him a death glare. Erlik knew he messed up big this time. The dinner went on silently and Erlik didn't get a chance to talk to Sylvia about today's mistake. So after the dinner was finished, he went to his room quietly by thinking to talk to her the next day. Laying down on the bed, Erlik kept thinking about the incident that happened today. No matter how much he tried to take his mind off of it, the same images kept repeating itself in his mind, making him more and angrier at himself. How can he do such silly mistakes by falling in love with a Mermaid? When did he start getting feelings for Zene? He couldn't understand how his thoughts changed about killing the Mermaids to loving them… When Erlik was thinking all this, he heard a slow knock on his door. At first, he couldn't believe his ears because who would come to him at this time of the night. But the second knock made him sure that someone is at the door, calling him to open it. Pushing himself from the bed, Erlik went to open the door. As soon as he opened it, he saw Sylvia standing on his doorway, which he never predicted before. “What are you doing here at this time?” He asked Sylvia in a whisper. “I want to talk to you. Come to my room right now.” Saying this, she turned around and went to her own room. Erlik didn't know what she wants from him at that time, but this is a good chance to clear everything with her about his today's disappearance. So he slowly closed his door and tiptoed himself into Sylvia's door, which she kept open for his arrival. Getting inside the future queen's room, he locked the door behind so that nobody could see them or hear what they were talking about. This was the first time Erlik was entering Sylvia's room, and he looked around her room which had red colored walls which was shining from the candles light, that was placed all around her room. Everything was nicely decorated in her room and in the center of that room was placed the Queen sized bed for Sylvia. “Where were you today?” Sylvia started inquiring Erlik when he was still checking her room. “I'm sorry for today. I got distracted and went away without telling you.” He told her. “You were distracted by what?” She asked while crossing her arms in front of her chest. “It's nothing serious. Just something out of normal I saw today.” Erlik lied to her because he knew if he tells her the truth, she would be more mad than she already is. “Tell me the truth.” She said sternly and Erlik got worried to think that if she knew the truth or not. “I am telling the truth. Believe me…” he was stopped by Sylvia even before he can finish his lie. “You were following Zene and Micah, weren't you?” Erlik got startled by her sudden question. Now he was sure that Sylvia knows the truth. “I wasn't following…” he got stopped middle sentence again. “Stop lying. I saw you looking at them in the market today. You were with them, right?” Erlik sighed and nod his head in agreement. He knew there is no point in arguing when she already found out the truth. “Why were you following them?” Sylvia asked him again. “I wanted to see why they were going inside deep forest alone.” He finally gave up and thought to tell her the truth. “Do you like Zene?” Sylvia's sudden question froze him in his place. How come she found out his feelings for Zene, even before he realized it himself. “No. Of course not. I only love you. Nobody else can make their place in my heart which already belongs to you.” Erlik knows if doesn't lie to her this time, his mission would get failed. Sylvia would never allow him to come close if she finds out that he has feelings for Zene. “Liar. I know you are lying to me. You have fallen for my sister, and now you are trying to deceive me by telling this lies.” Sylvia said as a drop of tear came out of her eyes. “I promise you that I don't like any other girls except of you. You are my one and only. Please trust me..” Erlik tried to make her believe in his lies. “Fine. Give me a proof then. Kiss me.” Her sudden request startled Erlik as he asked to make it clear. “What?” He was way beyond shocked from her sudden behavior. “I asked you to kiss me.” Sylvia replied letting him an opportunity to prove his love for Sylvia. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Erlik asked her with a serious expression to know if she's testing him or not. But inside he's way too nervous. “Yes. I'm sure. If you truly love me then why holding back. Kiss me and prove that you truly love me.” Sylvia cleared to him that she truly wants it. Erlik took a deep breath and prepared himself to do as Sylvia told. If he wants to get success in his mission, then he needs to do everything Sylvia want's. He is determined to not back off when he is so close to the end. So without wasting any more time, he took Sylvia in a passionate kiss. He slowly slid his one arm behind her head and the other one in her waist to deepen the kiss. This is the first time he's touching a female body with a different kind of feelings and kissing her with passion. Her warm body and the instance kiss rose the desire in the Devil. He slowly tried to pull her more and more into his body. Not only Erlik, but Sylvia was also getting affected by the kiss. Erlik's huge arms on her waist was sending shivers down her spine and she hugged him more to close the gap that remained in between them. Soon things turned in the way Erlik ever expected. In one moment they were kissing each other standing on their feet, but in the next moment they were on Sylvia's bed having a really heated makeout. Erlik lost all his senses to judge the good or the bad and did everything his body was making him do. Sylvia was also enjoying it, so she let him devour her body openly. Although Erlik was eager to fulfill his desires, he stopped himself once, before going further and invading on Sylvia's lady part's. But Sylvia had no intention to stop and took the matter into her own hands. Pushing Erlik down on the bed, she climbed up on his body and entered Erlik's hard rod inside her. She kept playing in that position until Erlik completely lost his scenes and started pushing himself inside her without giving her chance to take a breath. It turned out, the firstborn daughter of King Triton and Queen Angelia wasn't a pure one before that night. She has quite a lot of experience when it comes to the point of mating. Sylvia used to do this with most of the single males of that island since she was 17. Although she made the decision to not get engaged to someone before she becomes the Queen, she tried to fulfill her desires with the young boys of her kingdom. Half of the island are familiar with her this side. That's why her popularity is less among the people of this land then Zene. They knew how she's using their sons and future partners to get pleasure without any bond. But the royal family was unknown of her truth and believed her wholeheartedly. That's why she got the chance to become the Queen. If her parents finds out her cruel acts and deeds, they would surely banish her from the title to be a queen or even to be called the royal family member. But Sylvia is a sly fox who knew how to hide her secrets. She's been hiding from them since past 4 years and everything she's doing with Erlik will be kept hidden like it too. None of that's happening inside those locked doors will get revealed to anyone, ever..
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